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Unit 2

Method: Put the lightly crushed biscuits into four glasses. Sprinkle with liqueur and coffee. Mix the custard and mascarpone together well and spoon over the biscuits. Top with the cream, then cover with clingfilm and chill in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

To decorate: When ready to serve, remove the clingfilm and sift a layer of cocoa powder over the top.

Exercise 11,

Read the text “Untitled” above, look through the selection of possible titles given below and choose the most appropriate one for the text:

a)Something to chew on

b)Keep Sundays special

c)A brighter future for young people

d)The family’s Sunday recipe

e)Big savings

Exercise 12,

Decide what problem the author of the article set out to solve.

Exercise 13.

Find out:

a)which ingredient can be found in both recipes;

b)how long it will take to cook the dishes;

c)how much money you will have to spend to buy ingredients for cooking the dishes described.

Exercise 14,

You are one of the participants of the TV programme “Ready, steady, cook”. You have decided to show how to cook “Chicken with herb sauceand “Tiramisu des­ sert". Describe the methods.


Unit 2

I expect high standards and I think that’s reasonable. They’re not going to have much of a career if they don’t develop good habits of work. That sounds a bit puritanical, perhaps. I’ve been accused of being a perfectionist and sometimes I have to make an effort to take things a bit less seriously.

By lunch time the print-out of the previous day’s sales is available and checked to see if any new stock is needed. To help with this process we have a normal stock con­ trol machine for the automatic transmission of fresh orders to the shop. All this equipment, of course, has to be checked throughout the day to make sure it’s all in working order.

I usually have lunch in one of the many cafes on the campus. I know so many peo­ ple here now that someone nearly always joins me and we spend our time, inevitably, gossiping about university politics. If I’m lucky I meet up with a great friend of mine who lectures in economics, and then we talk about jazz or the latest films showing at the university film theatre - much healthier subjects!

Back at work in the afternoon I try to find some quiet time to look through lectur­ ers’ reading lists and also take a walk around the shop to check displays, flowers, the tidiness of the shelves, the general appearance of things. Too often, of course, there are minor crises - a head of department phones to complain that we’ve under-ordered on textbooks for his course, a member of staff is taken ill, the computer breaks down - or some other interruption may occur, such as the arrival of a delegation of school stu­ dents coming to look round the university.

I do try not to let my work responsibilities interfere with family life. There are times where I leave early so that I can be sure to be ready for a parents’ evening or a play at the children’s school. When I was younger I thought I could do everything. Now I know that I need to empty my head of work at the end of the day and not rush from work to the cinema, for example, without some quiet time at home to put aside my own concerns and find out what my family have been experiencing during their day. I enjoy cooking in the evening sometimes, too, particularly Thai food, and on summer evenings I like to walk in the country lanes and fields around the village where we live, the perfect end to a working day.


Unit 2

Section I. Exercise 7

Aural Comprehension Text 2:


Nestor is a hardworking and ambitious businessman, thirty years old and already head of a joint venture. He is married to Oksana, a former colleague, but she is not working at the moment as they have a little girl who is only a year old. Nestor has a very full working day. He gets up at six o’clock and spends an hour in the gym as it is very important to him to keep in good shape. He is training to run a marathon at the moment. Afterwards he has a shower, shaves and dresses for work. He has breakfast at eight o’clock and then begins the fifteen minute drive to work. He spends a lot of time in his office, supervising the work of his staff and asking them if they have any problems. The rest of his day consists of appointments, meetings, telephone calls, difficult negotiations and sometimes a working lunch. He is trying to sign a deal at the moment with an American company. This is taking up a lot of his time as there are quite a lot of problems to solve, but he is hoping to bring it to a successful conclu­ sion soon. At midday his secretary usually brings him a cup of coffee and at two o’clock he has lunch in a nearby restaurant.

At about seven o’clock he arrives home for dinner, prepared by Oksana who is an excellent cook. During dinner she tries to talk to him about some of the events of her day, but he finds it difficult to listen as he cannot think about anything but his work. After dinner he reads the newspapers or watches some sports programmes on televi­ sion to help him relax. Usually he does not bring any work home but sometimes he has to. Oksana is not happy about this and complains that he has no time for his fam­ ily. He also has to travel a lot. Sometimes he is away for three or four days at a time, but he always tries to buy some presents for his wife and daughter. One day, he tells Oksana, they will have lots of time and money and will be able to do anything they want, but she is not so sure!

Section I. Exercise 8

Aural Comprehension Text 3:


Anna is nearly 35. She is married with two children and works part-time, so she is always busy. Every morning she wakes up early and gets up straight away. She makes breakfast, then wakes her children up. They never want to get up, so she has to tell them to hurry up. While they are having their breakfast they talk about their day ahead. Her husband usually leaves the house first to get to work on time. When she is walking to school with her children, she often meets friends who are taking their


Everyday Life

children to school too. They don’t have much time to chat, however, and just ex­ change a few words. Then she catches a tram to the library where she works all day. On her way home she buys some bread and meat and a few vegetables. This evening her parents are having dinner with them as they usually do once or twice a week. They like spending a lot of time with their grandchildren and always bring them some sweets or chocolates.

Section I. Exercises 10-13

Aural Comprehension Text 4:


You’re listening to Weather Action’s seven day forecast. Though there were some fine sunny days last week in many places there was also frost overnight with sleet and snow in parts of northern Britain. Our long-range forecast for this month is that it will be very windy and quite cold at times and it will include wintry spells with more sleet and snow.

As far as next week’s outlook is concerned, southern parts of England and Wales will be cloudy with drizzle in places while the north should be dry, bright and sunny. Temperatures will be above average but light east to north-easterly winds could make North Sea coasts feel rather chilly. Scotland and Northern Ireland will have dry condi­ tions and some sunny spells after early fog clears. Winds will be generally light. How­ ever, fresh southerly winds will bring more cloud into the west later.

Exercise 11.

1.Last week there were some fine sunny days.

2.In the past few days you may have noticed overnight frost with sleet and snow in many places.

3.Our long-range forecast shows that the weather will be very windy and quite cold at times.

4.Next week’s outlook is that southern parts of England will be cloudy with driz­ zle in places.

5.Temperatures are going to be above average.

6.Light east winds could make North Sea coasts feel rather chilly.

7.The weather in Scotland is going to be dry with sunny spells after early fog clears.

8.Winds will be generally light but they’ll bring more cloud into the west.




Unit З


to the Topic Student Life Today

This Unit is based on the topic of student life in Ukraine and in Britain. A number of Lviv students have attended Coventry University in England with the assistance of European Union funding, and the texts deal with aspects of university life in both Lviv and in Coventry. It is intended that this Unit will help Ukrainian students to improve their ability to discuss in English certain important features of student life in their own university and to communicate their views on differences and similarities experienced by them or by their fel­ low students at a British university, thus enhancing a wide range of communi­ cative skills while dealing with topics of direct relevance to their own lives and careers.

Discuss the following aspects of the topic in groups:

a)How do you like being a student?

b)Is university life very different from school?

c)Tell a foreigner about your university.


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