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Student Life Today

Exercise 7. Multiple Choice Comprehension Test

Listen again to the recording of the text Studying in Coventry and then select the statement which is the most accurate in each case:

1)a. Coventry is the largest industrial centre in Britain.

b.Coventry is the only British centre of engineering excellence.

c.Coventry is one of the major centres for automotive design and manufacture in Britain.

2)a. Coventry University’s academic buildings are situated in different parts of the city.

b.Coventry University has a wide range of facilities for study, leisure and recreation, mainly concentrated on a single-city centre campus.

c, Coventry University campus is on the outskirts of Coventry.

3)a. Coventry University is the newest British institution of higher education.

b.Coventry University is known to have a long education tradition.

c.Coventry University traces its roots back as far as 1992.

Exercise 8. Written Summary

Listen to the recording Studying in Coventry and write a summary of the text in approximately 40 words.


Student Life Today

enter a uni­

to become a student at a



entrance ex­

exams which have to be


passed to gain entry


tools, machinery etc.


needed for a particular




the equipment and condi­

(pi. facilities)

tions needed to do some­




to establish an organisa­


tion, institution etc.

someone who has success­


fully completed a univer­


sity (less commonly, a


school) course


understanding, competence

hall of resi­

a hostel provided by the



highly rated

having a good reputation


an establishment where


coin-operated washing ma­


chines are provided for


washing and drying laundry

lecture thea­

a lecture room with seats in


rows rising one behind an­



On entering Lviv Polytechnic University, students follow a four year course lead­ ing to the award of a bachelor’s degree. Ukrainian students need to p6ssess a certificate of secondary education and they have to sit an entrance examination and achieve high marks in order to be admitted.

There are numerous spacious lecture theatres, laboratories, study rooms with Up to date equipment, a computer centre, de­ sign studios etc.

All the Schools are well served with teaching rooms, computing facilities and laboratories.

The Ivan Franko State University was founded in 1661.

Careers Guidance provides educational and careers information for students and helps graduates to find suitable career opportunities after they leave the Univer­ sity.

Sufficient grasp of the language is needed to cope with the academic de­ mands of the course.

Many students live in a students’ village consisting of 15 halls of residence, within walking distance of the University campus.

The University has a proud record of achievement in teaching and research and in cultural, artistic and sporting ac­ tivities and it is highly rated by our young people.

Priory Hall is the main hall of residence on campus, containing 547 single bed­ rooms in three blocks with a refectory, TV lounges and its own launderette.

There are numerous spacious lecture theatres, laboratories study rooms with up to date equipment, a computer centre, de­ sign studios etc.


Unit З


a room for waiting or re­


laxing in


very many


to present or provide with

on hand

provided for people to use


studies continued beyond


first degree level


to supply, make available


spare-time, leisure activity


a dining room, often in an


educational institution


a systematic investigation


in a field of knowledge

sit an exam

to take an exam


to concentrate on a par­

(in some­

ticular subject, field etc.


employees (in a university,



teaching, administrative


and other personnel)

subject area

field of study


a detailed description of


the content of a course of



Priory Hall is the main hall of residence on campus, containing 547 single bed­ rooms in three blocks with a refectory, TV lounges and its own launderette. There are numerous spacious lecture theatres, laboratories and study rooms. The University and the city have much to offer students from across the world. There are plenty of eating places on hand.

The tuition fees for non EU-students at Coventry University are £6,900 per an­ num for postgraduate courses.

Physical education is provided for stu­ dents of all years.

There are also University sports and rec­ reation centres on the Black Sea coast, where students can spend their summer vacations.

Priory Hall is the main hall of residence on campus, containing 547 single study rooms, a refectory etc.

Coventry University aims to provide educational opportunities through high quality teaching and research. Ukrainian students need to possess a certificate of secondary education and they have to sit an entrance examination and achieve high marks in order to be admitted.

It is a university which specialises in the major branches of technology, including electrical power engineering

The University’s Computing Services are there to assist all students and staff in the pursuit of learning and research.

The University Library offers a modem service to users from all subject areas. The curricula and syllabuses have been thoroughly revised and modernised, fol­ lowing the example of the world’s lead­ ing technological universities.



Student Life Today


involving the application

In Lviv students can gain qualifications


of technology

in almost any field of human activity,



including technical subjects, medicine,


the scientific study and use

humanities, economics, art etc.


It is a university which specialisms' in the


of applied sciences, e.g.

major branches of technology, including



electrical power engineering.


to teach a skill

The purpose of the Department for Army



Officer Training is to train career officers



and reservists in 27 military subjects.


teaching, instruction

It is important to bear in mind that all



tuition and examinations are carried out



in English.

Exercise 1.

Identify the following words by writing the relevant numbers against the respective definitions:









9.subject area



A.a particular sphere of studies

B.any form of play, amusement etc. for the refreshment of body or mind

C.the means to do something

D, the grounds and buildings of a university, college or school

E.lodging or living space, e.g. in a hotel

F.teaching, instruction

G.systematic investigation in a field of knowledge

H.a person who has completed a course of study at a university or college and has received a degree or diploma

I.recognition of academic achievement

J.to be present

K. provide or supply food

Exercise 2.

Complete the words to match the definitions given:



a summary or outline of a course of study

s _ I ___


a dining hall, especially in a college or university

r___ t


a commercial establishment in which automatic washing



machines are installed for the use of individual customers

1____d _



Unit 3



join a course/register a student for a course

n r___


estimate the value/importance of

s _ _ s


support or justify by argument/point of view

d _f


a series of classes on a subject

c __ r



g __ s_


present for consideration

_ f __ r


supply, make available


Exercise З. Vocabulary development

a)Form nouns naming the subjects studied by the following experts: biologist, scientist, mathematician, physicist, philosopher, linguist

b)Form adjectives related to thefollowing nouns:

illiteracy, science, education, qualification, experience, progress, ignorance, diligence, ability, competition, industry

c) Form nouns derivedfrom the stem of the following verbs + the suffix -tion or -sion:

e.g. to include - inclusion

to produce, to consider, to determine, to apply, to satisfy, to continue

d) Form nouns derivedfrom the stem of the following verbs + the suffix -er or -or:

e.g. to teach - teacher

to lead, to rule, to operate, to clean, to generate, to mix, to time, to freeze

Exercise 4.

Write original sentences to illustrate the use o f the following key vocabulary»:

lecture theatre

cater for


found (v.)


gain a degree


entrance exams


demand (n.)


Student Life Today

Exercise 5.

Complete thefollowing sentences, selecting words from the list given below:

1.The University occupies a large ....

2.On entering Lviv Polytechnic University, students follow a four year ... leading to the award of a bachelor’s ....

3.During a semester students ... lectures.

4.At the end of the semester they ... examinations.

5.A modular system provides greater variety in the ... .

6.The University and the city have much to ... students from across the world.

7.There are excellent... here.

8.The University offers ... in many different... in its various Schools.

9.Students don’t have to ... time travelling between lectures.

10.The University buildings are concentrated on a single campus, and everything is

... there.
























on hand

Exercise 6.

Complete the following sentences:

1. ... to Lviv Polytechnic University is highly competitive.

2. A cultural festival called the “Polytechnic Spring” is held ....

3. ... is chaired by the Rector of the University.

4.First degree ... normally last three or four years.

5.The students all live in ....

6.There are ... University sports societies which are open to all students.

7.A lot of students ... in the amateur dramatics and music societies.

8.The Lanchester Library has an excellent... to assist students in their work.

9.It is important to ... that all tuition and examinations at Coventry University are carried out in English.

10.In Lviv, “multi-level” academic programmes have been introduced on the model of the world’s leading ... universities.


Unit З

Exercise 7.

Insert appropriate prepositions in the following text:

University degree courses generally last three or four years, though ... medicine, dentistry and veterinary science five ... six years are required. The degree ... Bachelor is awarded ... completion ... such a course, depending ... satisfactory examination re­ sults. Further study and research is required ... the modern Universities ... the degree ...

Master and Doctor of Philosophy. Actual degree titles vary according ... the practice of each university.

Admission ... the universities is ... examination and selection. Women are admitted

... equal terms ... men. Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest University cities ... Eng­ land. Oxford is the city ... which Margaret Thatcher was an undergraduate (one ... 22 “Oxford” Prime Ministers), ... which President Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and ...

which W.H.Auden left... a third class degree ... English, later returning ... Professor...



Student Life Today


Perfect Tenses

Consider the following statements:

1.Previously, Maria’s English wasn’t very good, but now it’s much better. She has improved her English.

have/has improved is in the present perfect tense

2.When Peter arrived at the railway station, Sophie wasn’t there. She had left for London.

had left is in the past perfect tense

3.Chris always leaves for the University at 8 a.m., so he won’t be at home at 9 o’clock. He will have gone by that time.

will have gone is in the future perfect tense

Exercise 8.

Identify which tenses are used in thefollowing sentences:

1.I have been away for two months.

2.We have heard that there are many institutions of higher education in Lviv.

3.Coventry University has been a major centre for international education for many years.

4.By 1918, Lviv Polytechnic College had conferred 64 doctorates.

5.Radical reforms have taken place at Lviv State Polytechnic University in recent years.

6.Some higher education institutions have introduced a modular system.

7.By 1944, dozens of professors had perished and others had emigrated to Poland.

8.John will have left by the time his friends get there.

Exercise 9.

Use the following verb forms in sentences of your own:

has attended, have defended, have entered, have offered will have done, will have provided

had assessed, had graduated, had come


Unit 3

Exercise 10.

Enter the correctform o f the verb given in brackets:

1.The University ... a wide range of courses (to offer).

2.Students need a comfortable environment in which they can ... the company of their friends (to enjoy).

3.Since 1996 the Students’ Union ... two prime sites in the City (to occupy).

4.In 1996 there ... nearly 15,000 students at Coventry University (to be).

5.Ivan Franko ... and later ... lectures at the Ivan Franko University (to study, to deliver).

6.Chris... a science course now (to do).

7.Things ... since I was at university (to change).

8.I hope next year I ... Lviv Polytechnic University (to go to).

9.Before going to the University I ... a lot about it from my friends (to hear).

Modal Verbs

can/could ijbe able to)

can/could+infinitive is used either to denote ability to do something,


He can speak French.


My grandfather could not come to the party.


Steve was not able to lift the heavy box on his own.

or to request permission to do something or to request something


Can we use these books?


Can you make me a cup of tea, please?


Can I see you on Friday?




may is used to ask permission to do something


May I borrow books from the University library?


May we come in?


may/might is used to denote possibility


It mav/might rain tomorrow.


They might have got wet yesterday, if it had rained heavily.


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