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advanced (adj) -

сучасний, досконалий - latest, more complex, improved in rank


and value,





e.g. Much training is needed in order to possess advanced technical skills.



anticipate (v) -

а) передбачати, передчувати - to have

the previous view



impression of, to foresee smth.,




e.g. Pythagoras anticipated modem discoveries of mathematical relashionships


within all things.




b) - очікувати - to look forward to smth/doing smth.,




e.g. I anticipate the oncoming conference.




anticipation (n) - передбачення, сподівання - previous

view or impression



what is to happen, instinctive prevision, looking forward to smth.,


e.g. We await the edition of the next volume of this encyclopaedia with keen anticipation.

5. approach (n )- підхід- a special way of dealing with or thinking about task, problem or situation,

e.g. There were several possible approaches to solution of this problem.

6. arrange (v) - а) домовлятись, узгоджувати - to fix or make practical plans for smth to happen or to be done,

e.g. We’ve arranged to meet near the department ofphysics.

b)приводити до ладу, впорядковувати) to put in proper order, e.g. He started to arrange the book infiles.

arrangement (n) - впорядкування, приготування - act of putting in an orderly condition, the state of being put in order,

e.g. The staff is working frantically onfinal arrangementsfor the summit.

1.assume (v) - а) припускати - to take as a fact; syn. to suppose, to presume e.g. It is a misconception to assume that two continents are similar.

b)брати на себе - to undertake; take to or upon oneself,


e.g. He assumed all the responsibilityfor the incident.


assumption (n) - припущення

the thing supposed, a postulate; syn. supposition


e.g. Professor questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming


theory is based.



circumscribe (v) - обводити, оточувати - to enclose within a certain limit syn. to


limit, restrict; to surround,



e.g. He draw a triangle and then circumscribed it with a bold line.


compile (v) - укладати - to put together in a new form out of materials already





e.g. It took him 8 years to compile the book.


compilation (n) -укладання -

act or process of compiling or gathering together

from various sources,

e.g. There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data.

10.consider (v) —вважати, розглядати. - to think, have the opinion of smb, smth., e.g. Mathematics is considered to be both the queen of sciences and the handyman

workingfor them.



considerable (adj]_- вагомий, значнийgreat in amount or degree; syn substantial,

e.g. A considerable progress is known to have been made in this field of science during the twentieth century. « v.

11. curriculum (n) (pi curricula)-навчальна програма - all the different courses of study that are taught at the university,

e.g. All subjects offered by the university's curricula are obligatory.

12. declination (n )- а) магнітне схилення - the angular distance of any object from the celestial equator, either northward or southward.

e.g. Astrolabe was the device that measured the declination of heavenly bodies above the horizon.

b)- відхилення - act of deviating or turning aside, oblique motion; syn. deviation, obliquity, withdrawal,

e.g. He noticed the declination of the needle of the compass.

13.determine (v) - визначити - decide, settle, discover as a result of investigation, e.g. My aim wasfirst of all to determine what I should do next.

determination (n) - визначення, встановлення - firm or resolute conduct or purpose,

e.g. We must take in to our own hands the determination of ourfuture.

14.direction (n) - напрям - the general way in which smth. develops or progresses, e.g. He’s never done any sustained writing and that might be one of his next


15.discover (v) - відкривати, віднаходити - to show or make known smth. that has been secret, unseen or unknown,

e.g. They discovered how toform the image in a thin layer on the surface. discovery (n) - відкриття - a thing found out or for the first time ascertained or


e.g. Cloning is one of the most curious modem discoveries.

16. distinction (n )- розрізнення - act of distinguishing or denoting the differences between objects or qualities,

e.g. There are obvious distinctions between different branches of mathematics. distinct (adj) - різний, інший -syn different, individual, distinctive,

e.g. Engineering 'and technology are the disciplines distinct from one another and from science.

17.enterprise (n) - підприємство - a company or business, often a small one,

e.g. Students take their practical training at planning departments of industrial enterprises.

18.essential (adj)- суттєвий, головнийimportant in the highest degree; syn. indispensable, necessary,

e.g. You must be able tofind the most essential information in technical texts.

19. forecast (v) - передбачати, прогнозувати - to say what is going to happen in the future, synforesee,

e.g. The students should master forecasting of events in the field of international relations.



20. fundamentals(n)- основиbasics, the simplest and most important ideas and principles of science in contrast to more complicated or detailed ones,

e.g. Besides many technical subjects the students should masterfundamentals of the humanities.

21. introduce (v)- впроваджувати - to cause smth. to enter a place or exist in a system for the first time,

e.g. At our institute the three-level training of specialists has been introduced. introduction (й) - впровадження - act of introducing, bringing to notion,

e.g. New technologies should be tested before their introduction into the production process.

introductory (adj) - вступний, ввідний - giving general information about smth often before a more detailed information,

e.g. The students are expected to master an introductory course of religion and theology.

22. irrevocable (adj) - безповоротний, остаточний - incapable of being recalled or revoked.; syn unchangeable, unalterable, irreversible,

e.g. He made an irrevocable decision and there was no use arguing any more.

23.master (v) - опановувати - to succeed in understanding smth. completely, e.g. He soon mastered the skills of radio production.

24.obligatory(adj) - обов’язковий - required, binding syn. Compulsory,

e.g. Almost all the subjects offered by the university’s curricula are obligatory.

25.obtain (v) - отримати - to get, syn.: receive, gain,

e.g. Having obtained profound knowledge in his major, he was able to find a very goodjob after graduationfrom the university.

26.obvious (adj) - очевидний - easily discovered, seen or understood syn evident,

apparent, conspicuous,

e.g. It may be stating the obvious but most of teleworking at present is connected with computers.

27. perceive (v) - збагнути, помітити, усвідомити - to identify and obtain knowledge by means of the senses; syn to apprehend,

e.g. Every student should perceive for himself the direct relationship between success and effort

28.profound (adj) - глибокий - having or showing great knowledge in subject, e.g. They have acquired profound knowledge in all the branches of mathematics.

29.record (v) - записувати - to write down an information or put it into computer so

that in the future people can refer to it,

e.g. The results of the carried out experiments were recorded into the students' notes.

record (n) - запис - written account of smth.,

e.g. Those who gain the additional speciality of a teacher have a proper record in their diplomas.

30.revolve (v) —обертатись - to move in a curved path around a center syn to rotate, e.g. The planets revolve around the Sun. (lit).

e.g. The conversation revolved around the recent conference.(fig)



31.solve (v) - вирішити - to find an answer to a problem or question, syn. to resolve, e.g. The students are taught to solve various mathematical problems.

solution (n)- рішенняdealing with a problem or situation in such way that difficulty is removed,

e.g. No matter how hard he tried he failed to find the solution to the problem under consideration.

32.up-to-date (adj) - сучасний - syn modem, contemporary,

e.g. Training at the university is conducted on the basis of the most up-to-date computerfacilities and information technologies.

33.undermine (v) - підривати, похитнути - to ruin, remove the foundation or support


e.g. Descartes irrevocably undermined many traditional assumptions,


Task 1.З5. Arrange the following words in groups of two or more synonyms:

a) adjectives and nouns:

deviation, apparent, indispensable, additional, assumption, necessary, up-to-date, dis­ tinct, fundamentals, conspicuous, supposition, declination, unchangeable, obvious, obligatory, irrevocable, modem, supplementary, unalterable, substantial, compulsory, irreversible, contemporary, considerable, extra, different, basics, obliquity, essential, evident, required.

b) verbs:

assume, ruin, apprehend, surround, suppose, anticipate, accomplish, foresee, revolve, achieve, undermine, resolve, perceive, limit, rotate, presume, forecast.

Task 1.З6. Translate the following expressions into Ukrainian and use them in sentences of your own.

1. to assume responsibility/control; 2. to undermine someone’s reputation; 3. outstanding /remarkable achievement; 4. the most advanced scientific methods; 5. to a considerable extent; 6. a considerable amount of time; 7. to follow directions; 9. to give/issue directions; 10. essential difference; 11. irrevocable mistake; 13. irrevocable decision; 14. irrevocable past; 15. obvious reason; 16. profound changes; 17. profound effect;

Task 1.37. Read the text and present its contents in the form of an interview:



Paying more attention to the subjects determining the main directions of progress of mankind - mathematics, physics, chemistry, informatics and others - is considered a priority in the development of Ukrainian education in the 21st century. Modem applied

34 UN I T I

tasks arising in different branches of science and engineering mostly have a non-linear character. It’s not always possible to solve them using traditional approaches, that’s why new methods and modem information technologies are required. A considerable part in this activity belongs to the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences, an educational and scientific unit of Lviv Polytechnic National University.

The former Faculty of Applied Mathematics is known to have been separated from the Faculty of Electro-Physics in 199З. And in 2001 it was designated as the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences. Those applicants who entered the Institute get an opportunity to major in almost all branches of mathematics as they are obligatory subjects in this specialization. The director’s office and specialized departments are housed in academic building № 4. The Institute comprises three specialized departments. These are: the Department of Applied Mathematics, the Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming, the Department of Higher Mathematics. Three-level training of specialists corresponding to educationalqualifying degrees of Bachelor, Specialist and Master has been introduced at the institute. Students gain a Bachelor’s degree after four years of study. It enables them to continue their studies (for a year and a half) and gain a Specialist’s degree. The students studying for a Master’s degree obtain profound knowledge in special subjects during two years. Training is conducted on the basis of the most up-to-date computer facilities and information technologies. The Institute has at its disposal 6 computer study-rooms, i.e. local area networks. Being connected to the Internet they provide students with the latest information about the achievements in their field of science. They take their practical training at research institutes, at planning departments of industrial enterprises, in banks and other financial institutions. The ablest undergraduates are actively involved into research work. Graduates of the Institute can get qualification in such subject areas as applied mathematics, social informatics, international information, applied physics.

Applied mathematics. All subjects are grouped into 3 academic blocks comprising humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines: the Ukrainian language, foreign language, Ukrainian and foreign culture, history of Ukraine, fundamentals of Constitutional law of Ukraine, religion studies, philosophy, fundamentals of ecology, sociology, political science and others; fundamental disciplines: algebra and geometry, mathematical analysis, programming, physics, theory of complex variable function, functional analysis, discrete mathematics, differential equations, equations of mathematical physics, theoretical mechanics; specialist-oriented disciplines: computer software, metrology, standardization, certification and accreditation, methods of optimization, system programming, databases and information systems, computer networks, visual programming, data analysis, computer graphics, methods of information security etc. Having advanced knowledge in their special fields, future graduates may work for research institutes, design bureaus, industrial enterprises of different forms of ownership, planning departments, administrative and educational establishments. Having the desire, you can get an additional specialty - a teacher of physics and informatics with a proper record in the diploma.

Social informatics. Qualification in social informatics requires additional training including the study of the following subjects: design of social processes, actuarial



mathematics, mathematical design and research of risk in banking and insurance business, choice and decision-making theory, forecasting of social processes and game theory. Possible places of work are research and educational establishments, carrying out academic and research activity in the branch of social informatics, informative and bank subdivision, insurance companies, industrial and trade enterprises of different forms of ownership.

International information. The training of future specialists in this field foresees preparation in the field of international relations, informationaland analytical sphere, linguistic competence and competence in the branch of computer technologies. A student should master abilities and skills of the use of modem methods of analysis and forecasting of events in the field of international relations, optimum decision-making, development of recommendations as to further policy of the state, region etc. Experts in this field may be employed by ministries, news agencies, broadcasting companies, representative offices of the President, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, scientific and educational establishments carrying out experimental work in the field of modem information systems and computer technologies, political science, sociology, economy, history and law. Entrance exams are to be taken in mathematics, foreign (English, German or French) and the Ukrainian languages.

Applied physics. The modern applied physics is the foundation of new tech­ nologies. Nanophysics, one of the most prospective branches, is being actively developed nowadays, paving the way for new scientific inventions and developments of nanotechnologies, the nearest future for all branches of electronics, material studies, medicine, communication means. The content of curricula foresees not only humani­ tarian, social and economic training, but also profound competence in fundamental and specialist-oriented disciplines. Having gained the Bachelor’s degree, students have to choose one of the specializations: computer physics or physical problems of energy saving. Computer physics has arisen as a combination of three disciplines: physics, ma­ thematics and computer science. It has already firmly established itself as an important and independent branch of physics. Its tasks are development of algorithms and soft­ ware, computer design of physical processes and phenomena, computational solving of non-linear tasks of physics.

Being a graduate of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences, you won't have problems with future employment as all the curricula meet world requirements. The diploma awarded to you will greatly improve your professional status on the labour market.

Task 1.38. Find the Subjective Infinitive Complex (Complex Subject) and translate the sentences.

1. The experiment was considered to be reasonable. 2. This algebraic equation is supposed to have two roots. 3. The function is expected to be calculated by means of the number series. 4. The obtained results have proved to confirm this hypothesis. 5. This condition is assumed to be necessary and sufficient for the existence of non-linear



integral equation solution. 6. The new method is regarded to be applicable to this type of mathematical analysis problems. 7. The assumption turned out to be true. 8. Euler’s method is recommended to be used for solution of homogeneous linear equations of the first order. 9. They are reported to suggest quite a new approach to the solution of this problem. 10. Newton is known to have been the founder of classical mechanics. 11. This mathematician’s work is expected to have both theoretical and practical value.

Task 1.39. Fill in the blanks in the Complex Subject constructions with proper verbal forms:

1.Our institute is said___in the year 2001.

a)to rename; b) to be renaming; c) to have been renamed.

2.I am sure___both in applied mathematics and physics while I am studying for the Master’s degree.

a)to major; b) to have majored; c) to have been majoring.

3.They are expected___more attention to the study of computer graphics next year.

a)to be paid; b) to pay; c) to have paid.

4.This professor is known__ at the Department of Applied Mathematics for 30 years before he retired, a) to have been working; b) to work; c) to be working.

5.The institute is reported___some new technologies in the field of nanophysics at present.

a)to be developed; b) to have been developed; c) to be developing.

6.This scientist was supposedthis problem, using some non-traditional approach.

a)to be solved; b) to have been solved; c) to have solved.

1.She seems___by an insurance company.

a)to employ; b) to have been employed; c) to be employing.

8.They happened___this phenomenon at the same time.

a)to be investigating; b) to be investigated; c) to have been investigated.

9.These computers are likely_with new ones in the nearest future.

a)to replace; b) to have replaced; c) to be replaced.

Task 1.40. Fill in the blanks in the Complex Object constructions with proper verbal forms:

1.I know her___the entrance exam in English last year.

a)fail; b) to have failed; c) to fail.

2.The teacher expected us___calculations as soon as possible.

a)to do; b) to be done; c) to have been done.

3.We think them ___recommendations concerning the further policy of the state at present.

a)to be developed; b) to have developed; c) to be developing.



4.She supposed the decision___yesterday.

a)to make; b) to have been made; c) to be making.

5.He wants his computer___next week.

a)to repair; b) to be repaired; c) to have repaired.

6.They consider him___the most outstanding mathematician of Ancient Greece.

a)is; b) was; c) to have been.

7.Students watched the lab assistant___their calculations.

a)check; b) to check; c) to have checked.

8.We heard the professor___a lecture on fundamentals of metrology.

a)to deliver; b) deliver; c) to be delivered.

9.The head of our Department let me___the subject of my course project by myself.

a)to choose; b) to be chosen; c) choose.

Task 1.41. Match the definitions with the words given:


geometry; 2. algebra; 3. coordinate system; 4. circle; 5. center; 6. axiom; 7. angle;


proper fraction; 9. improper fraction; 10. addition.

a)system of locating points in space by using reference lines or points;

b)a statement used in the premises of arguments and assumed to be true without proof;

c)a fraction in whicjh the numerator is less than the denominator;

d)a mathematical operation performed on two numbers (addends) to give a third (the sum);

e)the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties of space and figures in space;

f)a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator;

g)a point about which a geometric configuration is symmetrical;

h)a configuration of two lines (the sides or arms) meeting at a point (the vertex);

i)the branch of mathematics that deals with the general properties of numbers;

j)a plane curve that is the locus of a point which moves at a fixed distance (the radius from a fixed point (the center).

Task 1.42. Read the statements and indicate whether they are true or false (if necessary use additional vocabulary).

1.Every quadrilateral is a rectangle.

2.A rhombus is a parallelogram with two adjacent sides equal.

3.The opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel.

4.Not every rhombus is a square.

5.A right-angled triangle has several right angles.

6.The intersection pf a plane and a straight line is a point.

7.Two parallel lines lying in the same plane cross.


. U N I T I

8.In non-Euclidean geometry two parallel lines lying in the same plane may intersect.

9.In non-Euclidean geometry the sum of the angles in a triangle may be more or less than 180 degrees.

Task 1.4З. Read the following sentences and write down mathematical problems:

1.z raised to the power 6 plus 4a divided by 5 is less than 9.

2.The ninth root out of 109 minus 4 cubed is b squared.

3.a divided by b raised to the power 7 is greater than z squared.

4.x raised to the power 6 plus 4 multiplied by b raised to the power 12 minus square root of m is 2n.

5.b raised to the 4th minus 5th root out of у divided by a cubed minus b squared.

6.The third root out of z plus x plus 5 squared is greater than 4.

7.x raised to the power n minus 5 cubed is less than a raised to the power 5 plus 4b.

8.The fifth root out of 88 plus 4a divided by (a plus b) cubed is x raised to the power n.

9.a divided by 8 is (b cubed minus ab) raised to the power 5.

10.a minus c divided by x squared plus b raised to the 7th is greater than the forth root out of b squared.








Arbitrary constant


довільна стала






Equation of the first order


рівняння першого порядку


Euler’s method


метод Ейлера


Influence function


функція впливу
























(не) евклідова




(не) однорідний




(не) лінійний


















Right (acute, obtuse) angle


прямий (гострий, тупий) кут















Straight line


пряма лінія








Variable distribution


змінний розподіл



Vibration problems


задачі коливань





вершина (кута)


Task 1.44. Read the text and present its content in the form of an interview:

The precursor of the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metro­ logy - the Faculty of Automation - was separated from the Radio Engineering Faculty in 1962, and in autumn 2001 it was transformed into an institute. Nowadays the Institute comprises five departments, namely: the Information-Measuring Technologies Depart­ ment (founded in 1920), the Department of Automation and Telemechanics (1945), the Department of Precision Mechanics (Mechatronics) Devices (founded in 1962), the Computer Engineering Department (founded in 1963), and the Department of Metro­ logy, Standardization and Certification (founded in 1995). The Faculty of Automation was renamed the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology in autumn 2001. It trains experts in computerized systems, metrology and measurement, computer engineering, information security, and precision mechanics (mechatro­ nics) devices.

The general direction of the Institute is automation, metrology and information support of production processes, i.e. application of technical means and introduction of control systems that can partly or completely work without any assistance from human workers. The main purpose of automation is to increase labour productivity, to improve the quality of manufactured goods or to relieve people of performing monotonous or dangerous work. Modem plants and factories are equipped with computer-controlled machine-tools, computerized systems inspecting the quality of manufactured goods, data-communication systems, and precision mechanics (mechatronics) devices.

Automation has penetrated into all spheres of human activity, that is why graduates of the Institute are able to find jobs at any manufacturing enterprise. To cope with the tasks facing future specialists in automation, the students should acquire pro­ found knowledge in both general and special subjects. Junior students are instructed in physics, mathematics, descriptive geometry, foreign language and some other subjects. Senior students master special subjects according to the speciality chosen: measurement

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