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The proceeds of computer fraud in the USA are estimated at $3 billion per year.

The FBI estimates that only 1 in 10,000 apprehended computer criminals are currently sent to prison (the figure was 1 in 22 in 1984). US computer crime has been growing at 500 per cent each year and continues to do so. The London Business School estimates British losses from computer crime to be £407 million per year; some consultants think they may be as high as £2,000 million.

Most computer crime is done by dishonest employees who can defraud their institutions of huge sums of money at what they perceive to be little risk.

As well as for fraud, computers can be used to obtain unauthorized information, for commercial espionage or breaching national security. It is remarkably easy to hack into a computer system by remote control without access to the building housing the main computer if the hacker has managed to discover one or more codewords. With more personal computers per head than any other European country, Britain is particularly vulnerable. As well as its uses for criminal gain, the potential of hacking for reconnaissance and planning of terrorist operations is obvious. Government networks (especially in police, intelligence and defence departments) are as vulnerable as banks and other commercial systems.

Computer manufacturers, competing with each other over price, speed and user-friendliness, have been astonishingly slow in devising and building in safeguards to prevent or detect such abuses.


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