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Trees That Tell Time and Predict the Weather

1. Watching leaves of a tree maybe is not a modern method of predicting the weather, but every American farmer knows that it is going to rain when maple leaves curl and turn bottom up in a cold wind. A woodman says he can tell by the thick­ness of lichens on the pine trees just how cold the winter is going to be. The maple sugar farmer can tell what month of a year it is just by looking at the trees; the tur­pentine gatherer tells time by the pines.

2. People who live with trees learn really to know their habits. Cowan, a botanist, observed in India that the leaves of the rain-tree have the wonderful power of changing their position in accordance with atmospheric conditions. In full sunshine they are horizontally spread, allowing no single beam of light to go through the dense crown; at night, in cold weather or during rain the pairs of leaves fold together. The tamarind folds its leaves at night and in rainy weather with the result that in Burma the people of a village think that the tamarind is the home of rain.

3. In west tropical Africa trees prove to be unusual time-keepers, and they are known as dependable alarm-clocks. For example, the groffonia has 2-inch pods which open with a loud noise. This noise is the signal to the farm­ers that the time has come to plant their crops. Another tropical tree flowers in February and again in Au­gust. The flowering of these trees indicates that the time of the second planting of corn, just before the second rains, has come. The native pear tree in the eastern part of Nigeria is a clock, for the planting of field crops begins when the tree shows buds. The fruit of one more tropical tree in Sierra Leone ripens by the time when the raining season is over.

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Who tells time by the pines?

Контрольная работа № 5

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Вариант 3

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Forests Are Helped by Animals

1. Animals depend on the forest but sometimes the forests are helped by animals. Once beavers caused trouble to Arizona fruit growers. The beavers made dams on the irrigation ditches. This kept water from flowing to the fruit trees where it was needed. But worst of all was that the beavers were building their dams out of fruit trees logs. The farmers trapped some five hundred beavers and let them free near mountain streams far up in the forest. There the beavers went to work building dams again. But this time the dams slowed up fast moving mountain streams, held the water for for­ests and cut down erosion. Beavers have been parachuted down into wild country where they have helped control streams which men visited only from the air. .

2. Beavers are intelligent animals. Their dams are fine examples of engineering. A pair of beavers constructs a dam across a river. The water held back by the dam-overflows the bank on either side of the river, forming a pond. In this pond the beavers build home. It is built of branches and sticks held together with mud and stone.

3. From the point of view of engineering their small house can hardly be improved.

4. It contains a central room Just above the water level, it has one or more entrances under the water, strong walls and even a vertical chimney, which regulates the temper­ature inside and provides air-conditioning. A beaver fam­ily—father, mother and several young ones—live to­gether in their house.

5. The engineering skill of beavers is to a large extent a result of their ability to use their front paws as hands.

6 . Trees are essential to beavers. They eat the bark on the upper branches and in order to reach these they must fell the trees. Tree-felling is a skilled job but a pair of beavers can fell a tree four inches in diameter in 15 minutes.

7. It is easy, therefore, to see why people talk about the beaver's skill and intelligence. However, the structure of beaver's brain gives no indication that the animal is more intelligent than some others. Many of his actions which seem to be the result of thinking are due to instinct.