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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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  • G

    In this unit we make review of Gerund/Infinitive, for more information see Appendix 12


Task 13. Fill in each gap with a suitable verb from the box, using Gerund/ Infinitive form.

abuse convince commit persuade perform

1. Не gave up trying __________ the audience to trust him.

2. He was accused of ___________ a serious crime.

3. In spite of a number of difficulties we kept on _________ our investigation.

4. They succeeded in _____________him that there was no danger to his life.

5 Those poor women complained about ______ regularly ______ by their husbands.

Task 14. Replace each word/phrase in bold with a suitable expression from the box.

forward were prevented succeeded

danger investigation objected to

1. He was opposed to being treated like a lay person (not an expert).


2. They did well in persuading the partners to come to a consensus.


3. I finished the letter with the words "I am looking ahead to seeing you soon."


4. They were restrained from advertising their new product.


5. In spite of a number of difficulties we kept on performing our search.


6. They succeeded in convincing him that there was no hazard to his life. ______________________________________________________________

Task 15. Study the table, translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. to be sure of

бути впевненим (у);

  1. to be proud of

пишатися чим-небудь / ким-небудь;

  1. to be fond of

цікавитися чим-небудь;

  1. to be guilty of

бути винним (у);

  1. to be interested in

цікавитися чим-небудь;

  1. to be surprised at

бути враженим;

7. to be good at

добре справлятися (з).

1. We are interested in finding out the truth.

2. He is guilty of deceiving his friends.

3. They were sure of winning the debate.

4. She was good at solving complex mathematical problems swiftly.

5. They are proud of having completed the job.

Task 16. There is an extra word in each of the sentences below. Check your knowledge of Gerund/Infinitive.

  1. Sociology is thought to be a specific way of looking at the social world in which we are live.

  2. One of the first scientific studies of social behaviour is known to have done been conducted by E. Durkheim.

  3. These ideas are seem to be gaining popularity.

  4. Applied science is appears to have led to a vast increase in the well being of society.

  5. Would you mind about asking a few questions?

  6. She will denied knowing anything about his intentions.

  7. He has avoids making public statements.

  8. Do you mind being the first to be speak ?

Task 17 Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the text. Then fill in the other gaps.


















Task 18. Write down a suitable question for the following answers. Pay attention to the correct forms of Gerund/Infinitive.

A What _______________________________________________________?

Being interrupted may be upsetting for me.

B Why _______________________________________________________?

She postponed sending her answer back for some vague reasons.

C Who_____________________________________________________with?

She mentioned having shared her ideas with the other scientists.

D What_______________________________________________________?

Lots of people prefer recording their thoughts to writing them down.

Task 19. Rearrange these words to form sentences, and translate them into Ukrainian.

1. the / being / about / remembered / warned / He / danger /

2. people / of / to / be / The / encourage / individuals / purpose / education / is / to/

3. The / systematically / record / skilled / were / faithfully / enough / to / their observations / observers / and /

4. politics / career / make / desire / to / was / His / a / in /

5. study / To / relationships / conduct / sociologists / cause-and-effect / experiments /

Task 20. Find at least four examples of Gerund/Infinitive in the text you have read.


TЗагнутый угол 6ask 21.Translate the following paragraph into Ukrainian, pay attention to Gerund/Infinitive.

Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.