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7. Стандартное окончание письма.

I look forward for hearing from you,

Надеюсь на Ваш скорый ответ.

8. Подпись, имя, должность.

Пример 1. Жалоба по поводу задержки с доставкой ящиков с компакт-дисками.

Dear Mr. Steinbock,

Our order No 123-ZX

We notified you a week ago that two boxes with 400 units of CD’s were missing. We still have not heard from you or received the missing boxes.

This delay is extremely annoying, particularly in view of the fact that audio CD’s have a short life time.

We must insist on receiving the CD’s within the next seven days. Otherwise we will be forced to cancel the order No 123-ZX.

Sincerely yours,


Arina Rodionova

Managing Director

Пример 2. Жалоба на некомплектную поставку.

Our purchase order Nr. 123/ 1912IEP

Dear Mr. Bethoven

We have received the consignment of Iamaxa electronic pianos as per our order Nr. 123/1919IEP from 19.12.04, and very regret having to following complaint.

We checked the consignment immediately after arrival and found that all of them are black! We were very surprised, because we ordered 7 black pianos and 3 Ferrari– red. It is very essential both for us and for our customers to have 2 different piano colours.

We can suppose that the forwarding agent made a mistake, and 3 additional black pianos were intended to other customers.

We would like to stress, that we urgently need this 3 Ferrari-red pianos!

We must ask you to arrange for the dispatch of replacements for the missing 3 Ferreri-red pianos, because we must meet a delivery date to our long time customers.

Sincerely yours,

M. Skripka

Purchase manager

Пример 3. Жалоба на заказ, полученный с повреждениями.

Dear Ms Sound

Our purchase order Nr. 123/456 from 11.10.2004

We regret having to make the following complaint concerning our purchase order 123/456 from 11.10.2004 for 50 boxes with Ceylon Tea.

On checking the consignment immediately after arrival, our agent found that 5 boxes arrived badly damaged and tea is certainly unsaleable.

We consider that this can only be due to rough handling in transport.

Please send us a replacement consignment for the damaged 5 boxes, which are being held for you in our warehouse.

Please inform us whether the boxes have been despatched and when we can expect delivery.

Sincerely yours,

M. Markov

Purchase Manager

Пример 4. Жалоба в транспортную компанию по поводу пропажи груза.

Notice of Loss

Dear Mr. Lorry

I am writing to you to complain about the service offered by your company.

On December 1 we sent 7 packages to our branch in Lesoto through the trade intermediary of your company.

Today our representative informed us that only 5 of 7 packages had arrived in good order and condition, wheares 2 packages are still loss.

Our branch in Lesoto needs the complete consignment urgently, as they have a substantial order. Delayed delivery will cause us serious problem with our customers.

Therefore we ask you to give your immediate attention to the matter.

Please let us know the result of your investigation as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

M. Petrov

Managing Director

Пример 5. Жалоба в туристическое агентство, не выполнившее своих договорных обязательств.

Dear Mr. Dean,

I am writing regarding the walking expedition and conference organized by your company on 1-21 August 2004/

We were very attracted by the idea of combining work with pleasure. However the reality was very disappointing.

You promise that a representative would meet us at the Heathrow was not kept. Waiting for him caused a lot of confusion, and the stress became even worse because of the extremely short time (55 minutes) we had between flights.

The hotel «Hanging Gardens» in Katmandu should have been «lovely» (according to your leaflets). However to our great surprise, 7 members of our group could not enjoy its charm because it was overbooked. Finally alternative accommodation took hours and in the end there was no other solution than to take 3 different hotels, where the level of service was inferior.

As far as the Himalayan expedition was concerned, we did not have enough tents, and the equipment did not correspond to the number of participants.

Finally, the side trip to Sri Lanka became extremely complicated, because it was badly organized. The one-day delay on returning to Katmandu and the missing of good connections to Sri Lanka meant that our stay in Sri Lanka was reduced to only two days.

I feel we deserve some sort of explanation and compensation for this. Unless we receive a satisfactory answer, we will be forced to put the matter into the hands of our solicitor.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Arina Rodionova

Member of Organizing Committee

Пример 6. Жалоба в туристическое агентство, не выполнившее своих договорных обязательств.

Dear Mr. Dean

I am writing to you about the trip to Himalayas and Sri Lanka you organized for a group of businessmen.

In accordance with your plan, one of your representatives should have met us in transit at Heathrow and escorted us to the departure terminal of our flight to Katmandu.

To our surprise, nobody at all showed up and, as we had only 55 minutes for the transfer, this caused us a lot of stress and trouble.

Furthermore, the Hanging Garden hotel in Katmandu was overbooked! Having paid an advanced for a 5– stars hotel, we had to look for alternative accommodation for 7 members of the group. It took us several hours, and we only found very inferior hotels, and the group ended up being spread between four hotels. This inconvenience upset the organization of the conference, as you can imagine.

Moreover, your duties included providing us with all equipment for the expeditions in the Himalayas. Again, I have to complain about a mistake you made: the number of tents was not sufficient and this caused a one-day delay to the entire expedition.

For this reason, when we arrived back in Katmandu, there was no flight to Sri Lanka till next day. As a result we ended up staying only two days in Sri Lanka instead of the four days we agreed with you.

We feel we deserve some sort of compensation for the stress we suffered and all expenses.

We suggest for all the money we paid you and the expenses incurred during the travel to be returned to us.

I enclose a copy of travel plan you prepared for us and receipts for all expenses we incurred.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Arina Rodionova

Member of Organizing Committee

Напоминание об оплате счета

К разделу жалоба можно также отнести письма– напоминания об оплате счетов. Ниже приведены примеры таких писем.

Пример 7. Настойчивое напоминание об оплате счета.

Dear Mrs. Armstrong

We have not yet received payment from you for our invoice number XXXX 12345 dated DD.MM.YY. Please refer to your purchase order number YYYY54321.

This invoice is now 14 days past due. Will you, please, take the time today to send us a check?

Thank you very much for cooperation.



A. Fedin

Account Manager,

AOLP Company

Пример 8. Вежливое напоминание об оплате счета.

Dear Mr. Bill

This is to inform you that we have not received the payment of $2’500 that appeared on our billing statement of 23.04.2004. If you have already made the payment, please disregard this notice.

If there is any question about your bill, please call my office immediately.

Thank you for giving your prompt attention to this matter.



M. Stupina

Account Manager

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