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Brief outline

New words and word-combinations to be remembered:

to live side by side існувати поруч

Francophone франкомовний

Anglophone англомовний

bilingual двомовний

tie зв'язок

maple leaf кленовий лист

Canada is a good example of the way people of different ways of life and different languages can live side by side under one government. The population of Canada has risen from 11.5 million in 1941 to 25 million in 1980. Most of the newcomers are from Europe, Asia and the USA Today less than 44 percent of Canada's population is of British origin. Quebec Province is still 90 percent French. There are some groups of French Canadians in Ontario and Manitoba, but the numbers are. quite small.

All Canadian children have to learn both French and English at school, but Francophones and Anglophones do not enjoy learning each other's language. Still, most Quebecois middle class families living in Montreal are bilingual — they speak English and French equally well.

The Canadian government is more British in style than American, except that it is a federal government. The head of government is the Prime Minister, often Tjarlea the "PM" as in Britain.

The federal government has the Senate and the House of Com­mons, and each prurience also has the House of Commons.

Canada's ties with the mother country are not as strong as they were. She has a new flag which has two red bands at either end with a red maple leaf in the middle. The maple tree is the national tree of Canada. In the fall maple leaves turn brilliant red and orange.

Queen Elizabeth II is still Queen of Canada. She is the head of the government, as in Britain, but has a Governor-General to represent her. She is still quite popular among Anglophone Canadians, but she is more popular still in the USA.

Canada buys most of what she needs from the USA and the USA buys most of what Canada sells. Canada's prairie provinces grow vast crops of grain, but the great forests which stretch from the Pacific to the St. Lawrence, and far up into the North-West Territories, are much more valuable. Canada is one of the world's greatest timber producers.

Canada also has many different minerals. In the North-West Territories and the Yukon, prospectors found that many of these minerals lay in the Arctic: lead, zinc, copper, gold, silver, coal, uranium, asbestos, above all oil and natural gas.

Few places are more wind-swept than the Canadian Arctic, icy land stretching all the way from Alaska to Greenland.

This Arctic land is called the tundra. It is the land of Eskimo or Inuit, as they prefer to be called. In their own language "Inuit" means the person where as "Eskimo" is an Indian word meaning "eaters of raw flesh".

The arrival of the white men with their guns and machinery changed the lives of the Inuits. They gradually gave up living as nomads and moved into settlements.

You can only get there by plane, and that can be frightening because it is right near the magnetic pole, which means you can't use a compass.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the population of Canada?

  2. What languages do Canadians speak?

Speak on:

  1. The Canadian government.

  2. The Canadian economy.



New words and word-combinations to be remembered:

explorer дослідник