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The British Museum

New words and word-combinations to be remembered:

unusual незвичайний

circle коло

ticket квиток

to be engaged in research займатись науковою діяльністю

The British Museum is known all over the world. It was opened on January 15, 1759. The Museum consists of the National Museum of Archeology and Ethnography and the National Library. It is one of the largest and richest museums in the world. The first thing that strikes a visitor of the Reading Room of the British Museum is its unusual shape. It is in the form of a circle. It was designed by Anthony Panizzi. To enter the Reading Room one must have a ticket of admission. You may get it if you are more than 21, and engaged in serious research. If you want to see all the exhibits or even all the rooms in the Museum, it will take you many visits.

Westminster Abbey

New words and word-combinations to be remembered:

to crown коронувати

statesman державний діяч

world famed всесвітньо відомий

Near the Houses of Parliament you see Westminster Abbey, a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. It is the place where British kings and queens are crowned and buried. In the Abbey there are tombs of many great statesmen, scientists, writers and also the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a memorial to the British Soldiers who died in the 1st World War.

It has its world-famed Poet's Corner with memorials to Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, the Brome sisters, Tennyson, Longfellow, Burns, Dickens, Hardy and others. Only a few, however, are actually buried there.

Downing Street, No 10

New words and word-combinations to be remembered:

changing of the guards зміна варти

In front of попереду

Not far from the Westminster Palace, where the British Parliament sits, is a small Downing street, No 10. This is the official residence of the British Prime Minister since 1735. Buckingham Palace is the residence of English kings and queens. You can see the changing of the guards in front of the Palace.

The Tower of London

New words to be remembered:

castle замок

fortress вежа

prison в'язниця

treasure скарб

It is an old castle on the bank of the Thames, formerly a fortress, a palace, a prison. Now it is one of the interesting museums, which houses the Crown jewels and other treasures. You may see some ravens in the Tower. There is a legend that the Tower will fall if it looses its ravens. The Tower was built by William the Conqueror, the first Norman King in the eleventh century.

Piccadilly Circus

New words to be remembered:

fashionable розкішний

shopping торги

direction напрямок

The Circus is not very large, but it is dynamic and colourful. The famous Eros Statue on the top of the fountain in the centre of the Circus is really beautiful. Six streets lead into Circus. Regent Street is one of London's most fashionable shopping streets. Another street leading off Piccadilly Circus in the direction of Shoo is Shaftesbury Avenue. Shoo is the entertainment centre of London. You will find there music-halls, night-clubs, restaurants.

Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum

New words to be remembered:

display виставка

horror жах

In 1802 Madame Tussaud established her still famous Wax Museum which contains models of famous people from pop stars to Prime Ministers. It has displays of battles and Chamber of Horrors.