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2. Прилагательные

2.1. Заполните таблицу выбранными из предложений прилагательными и переведите их:

Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

  1. One of the earliest swimming competitions in Europe was held in 1515 in Venice.

  2. In Russia sledging was always popular.

  3. Among foreign swimmers the most famous was Mark Spitz of the USA.

  4. The tracks are usually prepared in advance for better skiing.

2.2. Подчеркните строчку, в которой даны прилагательные только в положительной степени:

a) interesting, very nice, less beautiful, more wonderful;

b) interesting, nicer, little, bad;

c) interesting, very nice, little, bad.

2.3. Исправьте ошибки там, где они есть:

The sofa is heavier than the chair._____________________________________

This is the most shortest way to the stadium.____________________________

2.4. Прочтите информацию, напишите предложения, употребляя сравнительную форму прилагательных:

The price of gold is about $ 8,000 per kilo. The price of silver is about $ 150 per kilo (expensive).


English has more than a hundred irregular verbs! Esperanto has no irregular verbs! (easy).


2.5. Напишите превосходную степень сравнения прилагательного, подчеркните правильный ответ:

What is …………. (common) word in the English language?

a) to; b) a; c) the.

3. Существительные

3.1. Зачеркните лишнее слово там, где оно есть:

  1. She has enough an experience for this job.

  1. I must brush a hair.

  1. This pianist had an interesting life.

  2. I like a classical music very much.

3.2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях:

  1. The news were wonderful.

  1. Let’s go into this books shop.

3.3. Подчеркните правильный вариант:

    1. Is there a sport club/ sports club near here?

    2. SMS is a convenient mean/ means of communication.

    3. Furniture is made of many different wood/woods.

    4. Have you got the telephones book / telephone book.

3.4. Поставьте существительные во множественном числе:

city_________________ money __________________

tomato _________________ guy______________________

toy _________________ boss______________________

person_______________________ church____________________

monkey______________________ leaf_______________________

4. Предлоги

4.1. Вставьте in, at, on, to или оставьте пропуск:

  1. I'll meet you … the station.

  1. The final examinations begin … June 1st.

  1. She is having a party … next Sunday.

  2. What’s the black spot … the wall?

  3. I was born … January.

  4. I can't work … night.

4.2. Исправьте предложения:

  1. The was born at June 6, 2006. _____________________________________

  1. We played football in 2 hours._____________________________________

  1. A ball was thrown in my window.__________________________________

  2. Will you come on Mark's party?___________________________________

4.3. Измените предлоги там, где нужно, или уберите лишние слова:

  1. We usually meet on the stadium.

  1. I prefer books on the history.

  1. What’s the easiest way to get in Moscow?

  2. C comes to A and B in the alphabet.

4.4. Выберите правильный предлог:

1. We took a train … Moscow (for, to, till, on).

2. Most people like to have their holidays … summer (at, on, in, while).

3. Joe came to London two years … (before, since, till, ago).

4. My parents have been living here … 1999. (for, before, since, after).