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3. Affixation. Prefixation

Affixation (аффиксация) is the formation of words by adding affixes to the root (stem). It is a basic means of forming words in English. Affixation has been one of the most productive ways of word-building in all periods of the history of English. It consists in adding an affix to the root of a definite part of speech. Affixation is divided into suffixation and prefixation. In Modern English, suffixation is characteristic of noun and adjective formation, while prefixation is typical of verb formation. As a rule, prefixes change the meaning of roots to which they are added, while the part of speech of a new word remains the same, e.g. lucky / un-lucky (both words are adjectives). Suffixes not only modify the lexical meaning of the root it is added to, but form one part of speech from another, e.g. educate is a verb – education is a noun; care (n) / careless (adj); luck (n) / lucky (adj).

Affixes are divided according to the following principle: a) etymological: native and borrowed (e.g. beautiful – root “beauty” is native suffix “ful” is borrowed); b) lexical-grammatical (e.g. noun-forming, verb-forming, etc. sun, n – sunny, adj.) c) semantical.

Prefixation is the formation of words with the help of prefixes, e.g. coexist, impossible, asleep, rewrite.

Prefixes are divided according to:

a) their origin (Native, e.g. un- / unhappy; Romanic, e.g. in- / inactive; Greek, e.g. poly- / polyglot), etc.;

b) meaning (e.g. negative prefixes: in- / incapable, un- / unable, non- / nonsense, a- / atheism, dis- / dislike; prefixes of time and order: ex- / ex-minister, neo- / neo-classical, after- / afternoon, fore- / forecast, post- / postwar, proto- / protobiology; prefix of repetition: re- / redo; reversal prefixes: de- / demerit, un- / untie, dis- / disagree; locative prefixes: extra- /extraordinary, pan- / panopticon , sub- / submarine, trans- / transcontinental; size and degree: hyper- / hypercritical, mega- / megastar, mini- / miniskirt, super- / supernatural, sur- / surtax, ultra- / ultramodern, vice- / vice-president), etc,;

c) productivity, i.e. the ability to make new words, e.g. un- / unwilling, undo is highly productive.

4. Suffixation. Classifications of suffixes

Suffixation is the formation of words with the help of suffixes, e.g. employer, employee, childish, northwards.

Suffixes are classified according to:

a) their origin (Romanic, e.g. - age / marriage, - ment / government, - tion / organization; Native, e.g. - er / writer, - dom / freedom, - ship / friendship; Greek, e.g. - ism / socialism, - ize / nationalize), etc.;

b) meaning (e.g. - er / worker denotes the agent of the action; - ess / poetess denotes feminine gender; - ence/ance / existence, guidance has abstract meaning; -ie / birdie and - let / booklet express diminutiveness; - age / average, - dom / kingdom – collectivity; - an / republican, - ese / Japanese, -ian / librarian – appurtenance), etc.;

c) part of speech they form (e.g. noun suffixes - er / cutter, - ness / darkness, -ment / payment; adjective suffixes - ish / foolish, - ful / hopeful, - less / hopeless, - y / angry; verb suffixes - en / brighten, - fy / intensify), etc.;

d) productivity, i.e. the relative freedom with which they can combine with bases of the appropriate category (e.g. productive suffixes - er / manager, - ly / badly, - ness / witness, - ie / laddie, - let / cloudlet; non-productive – dom / computerdom, - th / strength; semi-productive - eer / engineer, - ward / downward).

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