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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

built in the Joyful science on the basis of negative constructions (Cf: philosophers are not frogs…; — not apparatuses…, — not the people who…; — not those, who… and the like). The similar constructions are completed with an obligatory conceptual-and-axiological assertion (Cf: a philosopher is mother giving birth to thought) and so on.

Nietzsche’s metaphors mainly perform the epistemological function in the Joyful Science consisting in discerning similarities and in creative building-up of the new world image.”

The category “Joyful” is one of the main determinants in correlation with such cognitive- and-gnoseological essences as: philosopher, philosophy, cognition, intellect, thought, life, the notion Joyful science itself. Revolutionary (innovative) Nietzsche’s view on the existing state of things, their reevaluating and recomprehensing are explicated in the metaphorical reflexes of Nietzsche, the leitmotiv of which is the thought of the German thinker on the peculiar significance of the emotional component in all the apostasies of human existence. The peak of this constituent is, in Nietzsche’s opinion, saturnalia of free man’s spirit. Joyful science of Nietzsche got a wide resonance in the cultural world society. The German thinker’s ideas were and are differently perceived by various social-and-cultural society circles. At the same time we may suppose that in this case many people acquainted with Nietzsche’s works may agree with the following I.T. Turgenev’s statement: “Nietzsche is a man who “made” me go and live dancing… dancing all these day, grandiose, strong, cruel (bitter) and beautiful (wonderful) dances of life.”

Bibliographic list

1.Nicshe - Iskusstvo metafory. URL: http://www.metaphor.narod.ru/revew/nietzsche.htm (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

2.ArutjunovaMetafora i diskurs. URL: http://www.philology.ru/linguistics1/arutyunova90.htm (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

3.Poljakova E. A. Jestetika slova F. Nicshe. URL: kogni.narod.ru/nietz.htm (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

4.Jetika Nicshe. URL: http://entelehia.ru/Ethics/Etika_Nitsshe.html (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

5.Iricjan G.Je. Filosofija kul'tury i kul'turologicheskie idei Fridriha Nicshe, KD (na soisk. stepeni kand. filol. nauk), Rostov-na-Donu, 2002. -136 s. // URL: http: //www .dissercat .com/ content /filosofiya-kultury-i-kulturologicheskie-idei-fridrikha-nitsshe (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

6.Nicshe i sovremennaja psihologija. URL: https://www.b1 7.ru/article/coac h_i_nitsche/(vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

7.Makarova O.S. Metafora v konceptologii F. Nicshe URL: http://www.gram ota.net/materials/2/2014/12-3/32.html (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

8.Lavrova A.A. Filosofija jazyka F.Nicshe: vyzov tradicii? URL: http://nietzsche.r u/look/xxc/estetika/lavrova/(vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

9.Vesjolaja nauka — Vikipedija URL: https:/ /ru.wikipedia .org/wiki/ %D0%92% D0%B 5% D1%8 1 %D1% 9 1%D0% BB %D0 %B0% D 1%8F _%D 0%B D%D 0%B0% D1 % 83% D0%BA%D0%B0 / (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

10.Vesjolaja nauka - Literaturnyj slovar'/ URL: http://www.litdic.ru/vesyolayanauka/(vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

11.Konsistorija / URL: http:// eslovar. com.ua/ katolicheskaya_ entsiklopediya/ page/ konsistoriya. 698/)./(vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

12.«Veselaja nauka». URL: http://unienc.ru/248/4218-veselaya-nauka.html (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

13.Istorija Filosofii: Jenciklopedija VESELAJa NAUKA. URL:

http: //dic. academic.ru /dic. nsf/ history_of _philosophy /86/%D0 %92%D0% 95%D0%A1 %D0%95%D0%9B%D0%90%D0%AF(vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

14.Post-modernizm jenciklopedija (sost. Gricanov A.A., Mozhejko M.A.) URL: http://yanko.lib.ru/books/encycl/post_mod_encyclop_all.html Nicshe, Fridrih — Vikipedija (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

15.Nicshe,_Fridrih/ URL: https://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/% D0%9D%D0 % B8%D1%86 %D1%88% D 0%B5,_%D0%A4 %D1%8 0%D0% B8%D0%B 4%D1% 80%D0%B 8%D1%85 (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

16.Stilisticheskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' russkogo jazyka Konstruktivnyj priem). URL: http://slovarrus.ru/sesrya/konstruktivny-priyem (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

17.Snitko T.N. Zapad-Vostok: predel'nye ponjatija lingovkul'tur. –M.: Izdatel'-skij centr

«Azbukovnik», 2014. -270 s.

18.Saturnalii/ URL: https: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/% D0%A1%D 0%B0%D1% 82%D1%83% D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B8 (vremja obrashhenija


19.Chislitel'nye | Latinskij jazyk (Latyn')/ URL: http://www.lingualatina.ru/chislitelnye) (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

20.Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart Ruhebett, das. URL: http://de.academic.ru/dic.nsf/grammatisch/39292/Ruhebett) (vremja obra-shhenija - 2.09.2015).

21.Jentimema. URL: https://ru.wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0% AD%D0%BD%D 1%8 2%D0 %B8% D 0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B0 (vremja obrashhenija - 2.09.2015).

Analyzed sources

1*. Friedrich Nietzsche. Die fröhliche Wissenschaft. ("la gaya scienza").

URL:http://www.magister.msk.ru/library/babilon/deutsche/nietz/nietz11g.htm (vremja obrashhenija – 1.07.2015).

2 *. Fridrih Vil'gel'm Nicshe. Veselaja nauka («La Gaya Scienza») » Pjataja kniga. My, besstrashnye » §369 - §371 URL: http://nicshe.velchel.ru/index.php?cnt=19&sub=6&part=8

(vremja obrashhenija- 1.07.2015).


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

UDK 802:130.2

Voronezh State University of Architecture

and Civil Engineering

PhD of Philology, Senior Lecturer

of the Foreign Languages Department

Irina Yuryevna Lavrinenko

e-mail: Lavrinirina1@yandex.ru

I.Yu. Lavrinenko





The article considers the examination of the cognitive structure of the intellectual concept «mind» in the philosophical picture of the world of F. Bacon. Semantic-and- cognitive analysis of the lexemes, objectifying the concept is carried out. The dominant components of the verbalized construct «mind» are revealed on the basis of the analysis of the syntagmatic relations of the lexeme mind. Classification of linguistic representatives and the semantic-and-cognitive features of the phenomenon «mind» actuated in the representatives` meanings is developed. Quantitative analysis of the revealed syntagmatic groups participating in the formation of the analyzed concept is implemented. It is proved that the lexeme mind is the dominant means of the verbal explication of the intellectual concept «mind» in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon. It establishes syntagmatic relations mainly with verbs and nouns. It was found out that concept «mind» has complex multicomponent structure. Mind in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon is the phenomenon of applied nature involved in the process of activity. The applied character of mind determined by the physical-and-geometric parameters (strength, depth) is revealed. One of the most frequent features of concept «mind» are dualistic characteristics on the «effectiveness-ineffectiveness», «strength-weakness» vector.

Key words: intellectual concept, mind, thinking, cognitive features, lexeme, verbalization, syntagmatic relations, philosophical discourse, F. Bacon.

In spite of many-year experience of mankind, connected with the desire to realize yourself as a part of Micro cosmos, with every passing century there are still more and more questions, unsolved enigmas and secretes. One of the central questions, being the center of speculation in many philosophical doctrines was and still remains to be man himself. Language is the basic and constitutional element of man`s nature. It is language that is one of the paramount primes of man. Man`s cognition of the world, of the Universe, his artistic fundamental principles and basic abilities are focused in the language [1, с. 6-7]. Language reflects deep processes, occurring in men`s mind and thinking, it comprises spiritual energy and mind of man, the powers of his intellect and soul [1, с. 10]. Apart from other life forms man`s nature is characterized by the abilities to create implements, to have articulate speech, ethic qualities as well as thinking and mind. In many philosophers` opinion, mind is unique peculiarity that differs man from many other living beings [1**, p. 651].

In opinion of the representatives of German classical schools, in particular, I. Kant, mind is a certain ultimate point of intellectual activity, while intellect performs systematic function in respect to the material, specified by sensitivity [1**, p. 484]. “Any knowledge begins with senses (feelings), then passing to the intellect and finishes in mind (I. Kant) [ibid.].


© Lavrinenko I.Yu., 2015


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

As the philosopher assumes, mind is nothing but thinking, aiming to go out the limits of experience. To find the infinite and the unconditional and to reach the absolute.

The research concerns the reflection of cognitive images in the language. In this article the features of the intellectual concept «mind» which is in turn, being connected with the process of thinking, is abstract and intangible, are analyzed. The specific features of the concept under consideration affords ground for referring it to the certain category of mental phenomena – the intellectual concepts.

The aim of the article is to analyze the means of objectification of the concept «mind» in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon, to define, describe and classify syntagmatic relations of the lexemes, verbalizing the concept under consideration, identification of the cognitive features, belonging to the inner structuring of the given concept.

To achieve this aim the analysis of the means of verbal explication of the concept «mind» in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon, particularly, the lexeme mind and its syntagmatic relations, was implemented. The classification of the groups of lexemes, combining with the lexeme mind, was carried out, the features objectified by every group were determined.

The research is of a cognitive analysis of the concept «mind». In the scope of modern cognitive researches the concept is determined as “discrete mental formation … , the result of cognitive activity … containing the complex information about the reflected object or phenomenon”

[2, p. 34]. Within the limits of this research, though, the analysis of the intellectual concept, which occupies a special place among other mental formations, is represented.

Addressing to encyclopaedic data, intellect characterizes as an ability of an individual to cognitive and intellectual activity, notably his ability to have certain feelings, perceptions, memory, ideas, intellect, imagination [3]. Considering the above mentioned intellectual concepts, in contrast to the concepts proper, are ideas about cognitive processes: perceptions, thinking, imagination, memory, etc. Intellectual concepts are quantum of structured knowledge about cognitive abilities of man, reflected in numerous forms of their demonstration on perception of notions of surrounding reality and the world of man [4, p. 24-25].

The research of intellectual concepts, particularly, the intellectual concept «mind» was conducted in the context of a complex investigation of the philosophical concepts in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon. It is interesting to note that philosophical discourse is a consistent structure, objectified by philosophical text, in the signs of which there are speculations about different philosophical problems (“man”, “spirit”, “truth”, “freedom”, “mind” and others)

[5, p. 24].

The results of the philosophical discourser research are represented in the thesis, supervised by Professor, Doctor of Philological Science, Zinaida Yevgenyevna Fomina [4]. It is interesting to note that in her numerous scientific works Professor Z.Ye. Fomina pays special attention to the description of the concepts of different nature, among which anthropological concepts

[“Soul” (2003, 2008), “Family” (2004), “Life” (2011)]; phytonymic concepts [“Phlora” (2004),

“Flowers” (Blumenwelt) (2004), “Tree” (2014)]; the concepts of emotions (2006); urbanistic

(2007); gastronomic (2008), gender [“Man”, “Woman”] (2009); gydromorphic [“Water”,

«Wasser» (2010)]; ecological (2012); gnoseologycal [“Number” (2013), “Mind” (2014)] gerontological [“Youth”, “Old Age” (2015)] and many others are attributed great importance. This fact determines a great importance of these investigations in the modern linguistics.

Large-scale research of conceptosphere, being the focus of investigation of Prof. Z.Ye. Fomina is conducted on the material of different languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Korean, Japan and many others [5;6;7;8;9;10;11, etc.]. The research covers large number of discourses: artistic, journalistic, mythopoetic, scientific, poetic, philosophical, etc. It also includes large number of phraseological and paremic units of different languages of the world (see: http: //edu. vgasu. vrn.ru/s ub-faculties /iya/Doc Lib8 /%D0% A4%D0 %BE%D0 %BC%D0%B8 %D0 %BD %D0 %B0% 20%D0%97. %D0%95.a spx).


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

One of the most famous works of F. Bacon – scientific treatises «The Great Instauration» and «The New Organon», published in 1620 served the material for research. The treatise «The Great Instauration» in which the author formulated the idea of the universal reform of the man`s knowledge was named by F. Bacon “the greatest product of the time”.

The given research is semantic-and-cognitive analysis, including the interpretation of the meanings of constructions representing this or that concept in the language, revealing the concept`s structure and the features, belonging to the areas of its near and far periphery [12, p. 20, цит. 2, p.159]. The conduction of semantic analysis of the lexeme, verbalizing the concept, is one of the steps of semantic-and-cognitive research.

It is of interest to note that intellectual concepts take an important place in the conceptosphere of F. Bacon, that is indicated by the number of their verbal explicators. From the whole number of the analyzed lexemes (1030 items), 430 lexemes (that makes 42%) represent phenomena, containing the features of mental activity of man (compare: 25% are taken by the temporal concepts, 17,5% - by the sensual ones, 6% - by the moral-and-ethic ones). The range of the intellectual concept include the following ones: «mind», «understanding»), «intellect»,


The object of the research represented in the article is intellectual concept «mind», which is represented by the most number of the verbal explicators in comparison to the number of lexemes, nominating the other intellectual concepts. The given concept is verbalized by the lexemes mind, wit, reason, sense, taking 62% from the number of all the lexemes, objectifying intellectual concepts in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon.

Of all number of lexemes, representing the concept «mind», in the most cases the concept «mind» is nominated by the lexeme mind, that explains the fact of its separate consideration.

Verbal means of explication of concept allow to revel the information about its inner content. The research of the lexical meaning of lexemes, representing concepts in the language, discover the features, typical for the concept`s inner and peripheral areas. To reveal the features of nuclear areas of the concept «mind» we consider semantic features of the lexeme mind, given in bibliographic sources.

According to the dictionary definitions, lexeme mind has the following meanings:

1)recollection, memory;

2)a: the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons [2**];

b: the conscious mental events and capabilities in an organism [2**];

c: the organized conscious and unconscious adaptive mental activity of an organism [2**]. The analysis of the above mentioned definitions of the lexeme mind the following semantic features, transmitting by this lexeme have been revealed: the ability to keep and hold information, perceptiveness, the ability to the evaluation of outer phenomena, motivation, argumentation, consciousness, organization, mental activity. The given features structure nuclear areas of

the intellectual concept «mind», verbalized by the concept mind.

Since the lexeme mind, nomination the concept «mind» is used in the context under investigation in the word combinations, which are also the means of verbal representation of the concept, their semantic meaning also contains the certain features of the concept.

It is worth mentioning that syntagmatic analysis presupposes the investigation of wordssyntagmas within one sentence, particularly, the consideration of their semantic, rather than grammatical functions, by means of which these words realize their lexical meaning [13].

To reveal the features of the near and far periphery of the concept «mind» we turn to consideration of syntagmatic relations of the lexeme mind.

In the process of analysis of the lexemes, representing syntagmatic relations with the lexeme mind, 6 groups, demonstrating the syntagmatic relations of the lexeme mind with different parts of speech ware revealed: 1) the combinations with Nouns/Nouns with Prepositions; 2) the


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

combinations with Pronouns; 3) the combinations with Prepositions; 4) the combinations with Verbs (Modal Verbs); 5) the combinations with Participles; 6) the combinations with Adjectives.

Below quantitative relation of the lexemes, contained in every group, and, respectively, establishing syntagmatic relations with the lexeme mind, is represented in the form of the diagram:

Diagram: Quantitative Relation of the Lexemes, Combining with the Lexeme mind, in the Philosophical Discourse of F. Bacon.









Combinations of the






lexeme mind with Verbs













Combinations of the














lexeme mind with Nouns
















Combinations of the

















lexeme mind with


















Combinations of the

























lexeme mind with

























Combinations of the

























lexeme mind with






























Combinations of the

























lexeme mind with










As the diagram shows, in most cases the combinations of the lexeme mind with the verbs (46%) were revealed. This hypothetically demonstrates the following features of the concept «mind»: mind is shown as an operating, dynamic, active phenomenon, that acts either by itself, or performs as an object of activity.

Let`s consider the specific features of the combination of the lexeme mind with different parts of speech in details by representing the composition of the groups of combinations, as well as the sets of revealed features by means of tables.

Table 1 demonstrates the specific features of the cognitive structure of the concept «mind» revealed in the analysis of the combination of the lexeme mind with the verbs:


Table 1.


Combination of the Lexeme Mind with the verbs:





Mind – the subject of activity

a) mind – the media for origination (ex-

arise in our minds [1*];

isting) of mental images

come into the mind [1*];



b) mind – the object of manipulation

do serious injury to their minds [1*];


prepare [mind] [1*];

c) mind – the perceptive instrument

the mind … receives (impressions of objects





Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


through the sense) [1*];


the mind … imbibes [1*];

d) mind – the applied instrument

has applied [his mind] [1*];

e) mind – phenomenon, that is in an

[mind] mixes up (its own nature with the nature of

immediate interaction with other phe-

things) [1*];


supply the mind [2*];

f) mind – phenomenon, that is able to

makes the mind of man to swell [1*];

grow in size




g) mind – phenomenon that has a poten-

mind may be steadfast [1*];

tial (ability to intensify the effectiveness


of its work)


h) mind – phenomena able to move in

place the mind in a good position [2*];


to lay [mind] [2*];


diverte the minds [2*];


drags down the mind to earth [2*];


to refrain the mind [2*];


the mind shall arrive [1*];

i) mind – phenomenon capable of self-

mind may rest and refresh itself [1*];


[the mind] can rest [1*];

Mind – the object of activity

a) mind – the reservoir for information

the mind is occupied [The Essays];

b) mind – inexplicable, mysterious phe-

men's minds cannot easily be conceived or


imagined [1*];

c) mind – the phenomenon of question-

[mind] cannot be trusted (to report them truly)

able, subjective nature



not believe [the mind] [1*];


minds … are strangely possessed and beset [1*];


mind is distracted … [1];


distrust [the mind] [1*];


despise [the mind] [1*];

d) mind – phenomenon capable of inde-

the mind be left (to go its own way) [1*];

pendent development


e) mind – phenomenon, acting as an

the mind be set to work [2*].

instrument for work


As the table shows, mind in the philosophical picture of the world of F. Bacon possesses the features of both the object and the subject of action. Being the subject of activity mind can act as:

a)the media for origination (existing) of mental images (arise in our minds; come into

the mind);the object of physical influence (do serious injury to their minds);

b)the perceptive instrument(the mind … receives, the mind … imbibes);

c)the applied instrument (has applied [his mind]);

d)phenomenon, that is in an immediate interaction with other phenomena ([mind] mixes up (its own nature with the nature of things), supply the mind);

e)the object of different kinds of manipulations (prepare [mind]);

f)phenomenon, that is able to grow in size (makes the mind of man to swell);

g)phenomenon, that has a potential (ability to intensify the effectiveness of its work);

(mind may be steadfast);

h)phenomena able to move in space (place the mind in a good position, to lay [mind], diverte the minds, drags down the mind to earth, to refrain the mind, the mind shall arrive);


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

i) phenomenon capable of self-regulation (mind may rest and refresh itself; [the mind] can rest).

As an object of activity mind is described as:

a)the reservoir for information (the mind is occupied);

b)the inexplicable, mysterious phenomenon (men's minds cannot easily be conceived or imagined);

c)the phenomenon of questionable, subjective nature ([mind] cannot be trusted, not believe [the mind], minds … are strangely possessed and beset, mind is distracted … , etc.);

d)phenomenon capable of independent development (the mind be left (to go its own


e)phenomenon, acting as an instrument for work (the mind be set to work).

It is notable that besides conventional features of mind, as “mental reservoir” for mental activity, “the instrument” for sensual perception of reality there are specific features of mind in the cognitive structure of the concept «mind», representing it as a phenomenon of “applied” character, an object, included in empirical process. Thus, mind in the philosophical picture of the world of F. Bacon is regarded as physically tangible phenomenon able to move. It is phenomenon endowed with the features of a living being, that is characterized by physical sensations: mind is able to feel (painful) influence, capable of self-recovering, to change physical characteristics (can enlarge in size), the degree of effectiveness (can intensify the effectiveness). It is interesting to note that on the one hand as mind in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon is represented as a highly organized phenomenon, that is able to perform definite functions (has functionality), as well as meet certain criterion (prepare [mind]). On the other hand, mind is a phenomena of latent and poorly explained nature. Moreover mind is subjected to critical evaluation and is represented as phenomena of subjective nature, perceptive abilities of which are to be verified (from the Latin verus – true and facio - do).

Mind in the philosophical picture of the world of F. Bacon is not so much ephemeral phenomenon, as physically tangible object, autonomous (can move, can be regenerated). It can also obtain sensor abilities (feel pain, interact with other phenomena). Mind, though, is a phenomenon, needed to be perfected due to some imperfections in its functioning (subjectivity).

Apart from combinations with verbal constructions in the process of analysis of the empirical material the combination of the lexeme mind with the nouns were revealed (36%). Subgroups were also determined depending on the semantic meaning of the nouns in each group, that are demonstrated in the Table 2:



Table 2


Combinations of the lexeme mind with the nouns







Conventional Features

a) mind – category, belonging to per-


human mind; men's minds [1*];



the minds of men [2*];

b) mind – reservoir for mental images


notions [of mind] [2*];




c) mind – essential phenomenon (phenom-


the nature of the mind [1*];

enon, that is characterized by a certain



specific features)



Specific Features






Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

d) mind – phenomenon of a discrete struc-

these regions in my mind [1*];


little cells of human mind [1*];



e) mind – phenomena of subjunctive nature

vague notion has crossed my mind [1*];


the weakness of the human mind [1*];


the ill complexion of the mind [1*];

f) mind - phenomena having geometric pa-

the depths of the mind [2*];

rameters and constructional peculiarities

the bridal chamber of the mind [1*];

g) mind – phenomena having negative im-

the infelicity and unhappy disposition [of mind]




insidious action of the mind [1*];

h) mind – phenomenon of hedonistic nature

pleasure of the mind [1*];

i) mindpowerful phenomenon

powers of the mind [1*]; force of the mind [2*];

j) mind – perfect (clear, virgin) phenome-

nakedness of the mind [1*];





k) mind – phenomenon, capable to regen-

expiations and purgings of the mind [2*];

eration, self-renewal




l) mind – phenomenon of creative nature.

his ambition mind [1*].

As the above table shows, the features, revealed on analysis of combination of the lexeme mind with the nouns, represent both conventional, generally accepted features of the mind and the specific ones, typical for the philosophical picture of the world of F. Bacon.

Conventional features can be represented in the following groups: a) mind – category, belonging to person/people, b) mind – reservoir for mental images and c) mind – essential phenomenon (phenomenon, that is characterized by a certain specific features). The features, represented by these groups characterize mind as an indispensible part (characteristics) of man, locus of mental activity, that is characterized by special nature.

To the specific features, constituting cognitive structure of the concept «mind» refer the complexity of the inner structure, multi-multicomponent nature of the mind. Mind is also described as an imperfect phenomenon, liable to making mistakes, function with the low degree of intensity and functionality, lead to the negative results (deception, unhappiness of a person) (insidious action of the mind, the infelicity and unhappy disposition [of mind]).

It is interesting to note that when describing mind the philosopher resort to physical-and geometrical instrumentary: not only depth of mind is described that gives the idea of its voluminousness, but also associative parallel of mind and building construction - the bridal chamber is given. The power of mind is regarded that reveals the degree of its intensity, the extend of its inner potential and is a physical characteristics of mind. It is of special attention that the cognitive structure of the concept «mind» includes the feature of pleasure, that indicates the consideration of mind from the position of its sensitive, sensor abilities. In the discourse of F. Bacon mind is a phenomenon of sensual, hedonistic nature, able to feel pleasure, enjoyment. This ability personifies, “breathes life” to the mind in the picture of the world of F. Bacon.

One of the revealed features of the concept «mind» is its creative ability. Mind in the philosophical discourse of F. Bacon not only regenerates its own power, but also reveals creative functions to the world: industrious, active, regenerating mind is represented.

It is also necessary to note the representation of mind as a pure, primeval phenomenon of a perfect nature.

As the analysis of the above mentioned categories shows, representing the features of the cognitive structure of the concept «mind», mind in the philosophical picture of the world of F. Bacon is a phenomenon, characterized by both conventional and specific features.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

The interesting peculiarity of the cognitive structure of the concept mind is its possession of the features of materialized phenomenon, such as complex inner structure, voluminousness, as well as some physical properties: strength, simplicity, pureness, self-regeneration. The mind of F. Bacon`s discourse is metaphysic. (It is of interest to note that, in contrast to physics, metaphysics reveals in the nature of things more general and unchangeable patterns: form and finite reason (goal), the aim of metaphysics is to investigate the forms, “enveloping the unity of nature in dissimilar matters” [15, с. 41]). More than that, mind is characterized as phenomenon of a special nature that reveals its own imperfectness.

Less representative groups in the quantitative aspect are the groups of the combinations of the lexeme mind with Pronouns and Participles (6%), as well as combinative relations of the lexeme mind with Prepositions and Adjectives (3%). The revealed groups of combinations and the features of the cognitive structure of the concept «mind», determined on the analysis of the groups are represented in the Table 3.

Table 3 Combination of the lexeme mind with Pronouns, Participles and Adjectives

The combination of the lexeme mind with Pronouns








mind – phenomenon belonging

our minds [1*];

to a person

my mind [1*];



b) mind – the definite phenomenon

this mind [1*];





The combination of the lexeme mind with Participles



Mind – the subject of action




a) mind – imperfect phenomenon

[mind] going astray [1*];



stumbling [mind];



b) mind – reservoir for information

preoccupied [minds] [1*];




Mind – the object of action

a) mind – the object of manipulation submitting my mind to Things [2*]; removing and withdrawing it [mind] [2*];

The combination of the lexeme mind with Prepositions


mind – reservoir for information

in my mind;





mind – phenomenon, subjected

purgings of the mind [2*];

to certain processes




The combination of the lexeme mind with Adjectives

a) mind – a weak phenomenon

tender [minds] [1*];



b) mind – an ally of the truth and ra-

sober-minded [2*];



c) mind – the property of man.

my own mind [1*].




Combination of the lexeme mind with Participles are represented by relatively small number of examples (6%) (see Table 3). The analysis of combinations of the lexeme mind with Pro-