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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

also some other aspects of culture. On the one hand, such an extension of the concept of "lacuna" based on actual existing close relationship of language and culture; on the other, - identify, along with the language and cultural lacunas lingvocultural may, according to these authors, contribute to the establishment of some specific forms of the correlation of language and culture [1].

This vision seems to lacunas in our view, relevant in view of the fact that in real life is also evident affinity between language and culture. National-cultural code of a particular people, registered in the realities will inevitably create a "white spots on the semantic map '[6, p. 120] a different language with a different set of realities created by different national and cultural code.

According to I. Neronova literary text creates explicit, implicit structure and zero values, asking, so "in the artistic world hypotheses and lacunas". [7] At discrepancy "semantic tricks" the author and the reader there is a "semantic scissors effect" [8]. T.M. Dridze describes this effect as the emergence of "semiotic vacuum", which is caused by a mismatch, "meaning" trick "in the process of speech communication" [9].

The effect of meaning scissors may arise if

-The text used language resources that are not available in the arsenal of the reader (unknown proper names, beyond the comprehension of speech and expression, speech and expression, characterized by the stylistic coloring of the habitual reader; uninformative headlines; stereotyped speech formulas, which are not informative for the recipient and the perceived as "failures in the informative field");

-Conceptual-semantic structure of the text does not correspond to its embodiment in the speech, that is, for the recipient is unexpected, unusual or obscure order of appearance of new semantic units in the text;

-Semiotic organization of the individual consciousness of the recipient does not meet the semiotic text organization [9, p. 181].

Obviously, this effect is not valid in the translation of a literary text as an impressive impact TT loses not only the semantic component, but also a shaped component that is deprived of its inalienable aspects.

Y.A. Sorokin argues that literature can be viewed as a set of coincidences and differences (lacunas) that require interpretation and are the mode of existence of meanings (implemented through the presentation), traditionally operating in some of the local culture [1].

Thus, with regard to the translation of a literary text elimination of lacunas is a prerequisite to achieve functional equivalence and impressive.

The analysis of our material we rely on the concept of elimination of lacunas in intercultural interaction, which is represented in the works of Y.A. Sorokin and I.Y. Markovina. According to this concept, the elimination of lacunas can occur in the TT by:

a) filling the lacunas, that is the meaning of disclosure of certain concepts or words belonging to a foreign culture;

b) compensation lacunas, that is, removal of national-specific barrier, which is entered in the TT specific element of the host culture and the identity or pseudoidentity of the original culture;

c) the creation of the metatext, the task of which is to indicate the intended purpose, to help the interpreter properly understand, perceive an object (the literary text) [1].

The degree of elimination of the gap depends on the translator's cognitive baggage and understanding their cognitive context, the nature of the gap, the type of text in which a gap is generated, and there, on the characteristics of the recipient, etc.

Thus, the text gap caused not so much by what the realities peculiar to one culture have no counterparts in another culture as the fact that the reality of this particular product, individual components of the author realia-content perform specific aesthetic problems. They are the quintessential literary intentions and carry an impressive layer of implicit information, which becomes the source of a significant amount of education lacunas.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

Our research is carried out on the material comments to the case of translations of works of M.A. Bulgakov in French, where we identify five types of lacunas, depending on what region they represent linguocultural space: ethnographic, associative, socio-cultural, stylistic and deviant.

Let us consider each of these types and analyze the ways of their elimination.

1. Ethnographic lacunas. Ethnographic lacunas are once-gaps-sighted cultural space. They occur in the presence of Russian OT R- realities that call ethnographic objects that exist in the objective reality of the communicants, belonging to the original lingvokulturnoj community, in this case Russian. When the transfer of such realities translators used pre and property ‘alien’ L-reality that provokes the appearance of this type of gaps. Cf.:

: Balychok imeju osobennyj …

: J’ai un balyk tout à fait exceptionnel… * Le dos d’esturgeon salé et séché

Ethnographic lacunas are associated with the reflection in the lexicon of social life in all its aspects. This type of gaps phenomenon of Russian culture are not specific to the French linguistic culture. Cf.:

OТ: Ja svoimi glazami videl, kak kakaja-to neoprjatnaja devushka podlivala iz vedra v vash gromadnyj samovar syruju vodu …

: J’ai vu, de mes yeux vu, une fille d’une propreté douteuse ajouter à l’aide d’un seau de l’eau non bouillie dans votre samovar géant…

* Le samovar - bouilloire munie d’un robinet et fixée à demeure sur une source de chaleur.

So L-realia samovar in the TT is the ethnographic lacuna in the French language, and requires the use of C-realities - explication, which uses a translator in the metatext.

The occurrence of such gaps is due to the existence of differing extralinguistic reality. Saving the lacuna in the text of the cultural space is, on the one hand, the means of transmission of the original national identity, and on the other hand, a source of misunderstanding or inadequate understanding of the text [10, p. 31]. Hence, their elimination - important task of the translator.

2. Associative lacunas. Variety lacunacultural space provokes presence in OT of Russian C-realia- precedent phenomena, namely allusions, sayings, quotations, and other intertextual inclusions.

This type of lacunas in the TT eliminated by the "French" C - realias presented in the form of expanded explanatory metatext. The depth of filling the lacunas depends on the type of C- realias and context. For example, proverbs and set phrases are often clear and without comment, because they have functional equivalents in another language. Translators are relevant functional equivalents in the TT. Cf.:

OТ: […] soglasna idti k chertu na kulichki.

TТ: […] d’accord pour aller au diable vauvert!

There translator uses a French equivalent of a Russian idiomatic expression (French C- realia) without decoding it in the metatext as such need doesn’t arise.

Culturally specific action, on the contrary, leads to the formation of lacunas. Cf.:

OТ : … ob odnom anglichanine, propavshem na neobitaemom ostrove.

TТ: …l'histoire d'un Anglais naufragé sur une île déserte *


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

*Il pourrait s'agir d'une reminiscence d'une nouvelle d’Alexandre Grine (1880-1932) intitulée La Vie de Gnor—Zizn ' Gnora — publiée en 1912, dont un episode coincide exactement avec l'histoire que résume Boulgakov dans les lignes qui suivent, à l'exception prèsqu'il n’est nulle part précisé chez Grine que son héros fût anglais. On sait, par ailleurs, qu’un autre récit de Grine — Fandango — a pu servir à Boulgakov de point de depart dans la conception de son roman Le Maître et Marguerite.

This explanatory metatext fills an associative lacuna provoked by the use of OT in the case of the phenomenon, which invariably leads to the appearance of "white spots" on the "semantic language field" of TT.

Associative lacuna is one of the most common types of lacunas in the French translated works of M.A. Bulgakov. This is due to a large number of C-realias-precedent phenomena in the texts of the author. Interpreters do not always possess sufficient cognitive baggage to eliminate this kind of lacunas, and often do not want to use the metatext to eliminate them, since C – realiasexplication of associative lacunas is a comprehensive text which leads to extensive mul- ti-page comments.

3. Social and cultural lacunas. This type of lacunas is the result of a writer’s use of C- realias denoting cultural-specific actions, the historical facts, names of the different sociopolitical and cultural organizations, personal names with rich socio-cultural connotations [11]. Social and cultural lacunas are created as individual author’s realias-neologisms. Cf:

OТ: U nas v Rossii, v strane, nesomnenno, naibolee otstaloj, revoljucija uzhe vyrodi-las' v pugachevshhinu...

TТ: Chez nous, en Russie, dans ce pays qui est incontestablement des plus arriérés, la révolution a déjà dégénéré en pougatchovisme*.

* Du nom d’Emelian Pougatchov, chef de la sanglante révolte populaire (1773-1774) décrite par Pouchkine dans La Fille du capitaine.

The elimination of social and cultural lacunas by using complementary metatext. Cf:

OТ: V smertjah on pochemu-to obvinil togdashnego narkoma prosveshhenija.

TТ: Il les imputa entièrement au commissaire du peuple à l’Éducation* de l’époque. *Après la révolution, le terme de «ministre» fut remplacé de « commissaire du peuple ». Anatoli Lounatcharski fut le premier commissaire du peuple à l’Education, il le resta jusqu’en 1929.

In the translations of M.A. Bulgakov, we observed a large number of socio-cultural type of lacunas, due to the use of OT in the realias of life transmission characteristics of the Soviet era. Cf:

: I tut gost' vynul iz vnutrennego karmana pidzhaka belosnezhnuju pachku buma-zhekTТ: Et là, le visiteur tira de la poche intrieure de son veston une liasse de billets blancs comme neige*

*Les billets blancs étaient alors les billets de 25 roubles.

Cf. also lacunas created by personal names and their derivatives:

: pilatchina

: pilaterie*


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

*Ce mot est calqué sur ‘boulgakoverie’, traduction d’un néologisme injurieux forgé par Ossaf Litovski […]. Le même suffixe à connotation pejorative (en russe -chtchina) avait été accolé au nom de Dostoïevski dans les années 1920.

Works of M.A. Bulgakov is a text with a high concentration of social and cultural realities. A large amount of C-realia always implies the emergence of a large number of lacunas in the TT. The elimination of this type of lacunas is partial, as it implies the use of large print space which is not always available.

4. The stylistic lacunas. Due to divergence of the realias on the linguistic level, due to the asymmetry of cross-language features, and the transition from one language sign language system to another. This occurs if the word has a stylistic label in the dictionary, or the use of the author realias in the text. Cf.:

OT: […] belletrist Petrakov-Suhovej

: Le romancier Petrakov-Soukhveï*

* Nom pittoresque forgé par Boulgakov. Le premier élément du nom évoque plus ou moins le nom Pétrarque; le second est le nom d’une sorte de sirocco (‘qui soufflе le sec’)

The elimination of lacunas of this type is implemented exclusively by means of a comparative metatext, as a form of comments aimed at the explication of the process of translation and specificity associated with it, namely the search for translation solutions in choosing the method of translation, the justification of their choice, a brief digression into the reasons causing variability in the search solutions, etc. Cf.:

OТ: - Nam nuzhen blestjashhij repertuar, - skazal emu Mol'er.

Defonten objavil, chto on ponjal Mol'era, i s zavidnoj bystrotoj predstavil teatru svoi p'esy. Odna iz nih nazyvalas' "Persida, ili Svita blestjashhego Bassy", drugaja -"Svjatoj Aleksej, ili Blestjashhaja Olimpija", tret'ja-"Blestjashhij komediant".

TТ: — Il nous faut un brillant répertoire, lui déclara Molière, un répertoire illustre*. Desfontaines assura qu’il l’avait compris et, avec une enviable célérité, fournit ses productions au théâtre. L’une s’appelait ‘la suite de l'illustre Bassa’, l’autre ‘L'Illustre Olympie’, la troisième ‘L'Illustre Comédien’

* Contrairement à l’usage russe, Boulgakov traduit l’adjectif français « illustre » non par

Blistatelny, mais par Blestiachtchy (brillant), ce qui lui permet des jeux de mots sur les titres des pièces du répertoire. Cet adjectif semble en outre avoir eu pour lui une connotation particulière. Ainsi il confia à Pavel Popov qu’il avait d’abord choisi la médecine parce que c’était à ses yeux une profession « brillante » et il écrivait à son frère Nicolas le 7 août 1930: « Sois brillant dans tes recherches.»

This explanatory note reveals the peculiarities of OT use in word games, thus eliminates the stylistic lacunas in the TT.

Stylistic lacunas can be caused by a variety of types of realias. In particular, speaking of personal names are an integral part of the individual author realias-content of M.A. Bulgakov, creating a reservoir of stylistic lacunas. Their elimination in the TT is carried out by the French C-realitias, makes explicit the value of Russian word. Citing as an example the following personal names:

OТ: Anna Francevna de Fuzhere


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

TТ: Anna Frantzevna de Fougeray*

*Le nom français du bijoutier évoque pour les Russes le mot foujer (du français ‘fougère’) qui signifie ‘flûte à la champagne’; le prénom patronimique de la femme trahit une origine allemande.

As you can see in the comments, the translator uses a French L-realia fougère, which demonstrates the implicit meaning of the speaking name. Cf.:

OТ: Margarita Nikolaevna

TТ: Margarita Nikolaïevna

*Nous donnons le prénom Marguerite sous sa forme russe, Margarita, lorsqu’il est associé au prénom patronymique ; nous le donnons en français dans les autres cas.


OТ: Dojdja na severe do Arhangel'ska i Sjumkina Vyselka […] vo Vladivostoke […] v vyzhzhenyh prostranstvah Ordubata, Dzhud'by i Karabulaka.

TТ: Arrivée, dans le Nord, jusqu’à Arkhangelsk et Sioumkine-le-Hameau […] à Vladivostok […]dans les espaces brûlés d’Ordoubat, de Djoulfa et de Karaboulak*.

*De tous ces noms de villes et de localités, seul « Sioumkine-le-Hameau » est forgé par


Obviously, for the elimination of stylistic lacunas translators are subjected to the realities of their cause, the explication in the metatext. In a number of examples of this is through the use of the French L- or C-realia (Marguerite, fougère) as a part of a broad c-realia in the metatext. Or interpreters duplicate L-realua-translation and give its extra-linguistic clarification.

5. Deviant lacunas or gaps caused by errors translator. Deviant lacunas (a term suggested by Fenenko N.A.) are the result of misinterpretation of a translator of a fragment in OT.

The meaning of "deviant" (from the French ‘deviant – wrong’), in our understanding, is similar to that presented in the paper by Debrene within the concept of cross-language deviatology [12].

This type of lacunas caused by complex allusive character of Bulgakov’s realia-content correctly decodes that interpreters can not always do. This applies in particular to the realias and stylistic neologisms or words, borrowings from other Slavic languages. Filling these lacunas in the TT and in the metatext are of great complexity, and permit an error in translation - the phenomenon is involuntary, unconscious by translators. They can not be eliminated in by the authors of translations.

Our study revealed lacuna-provoked metacommunication cases, due to the presence of information in it which does not correlate with cognitive context of the work, or is unnecessary to decode this particular realias, or distort realias. In other words, the metatext itself creates a lacuna. Metatext all our types - vocabulary, supplementing, explanatory, comparative, combined - may contain erroneous information, preventing elimination of the OT lacuna. Cf:

: […] davil ruchki gremevshego "maksima" […]

: […] appuyant sur la détente d’un ‘Maxime’*[…]

* Marque de fusil

In this vocabulary metatext there is a misinterpretation of the military realities of R- realia 'Maxime', indicating not really a gun but a machine gun. Cf. also:

OТ: Chetyre chervonca budu mladencu vydavat'

TТ: Je lui donnerai quatre tchervonetz*, au bébé


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

* Pièce de monnaie équivalant à dix roubles.

Trying to eliminate the interpreter ethnographic TT gap caused by the reality of gold piece, it turns the emergence of deviant gaps in vocabulary metatext. The fact that in Soviet Russia, and it is precisely in the text of this period of Russian history, there was no ten-coins. The value of R- Soviet realities (owl-Semitism) is found in the dictionary "monetary ticket denominations of ten rubles are in circulation in the USSR from 1922 to 1947" [1 *, p. 662]. -Ducat coins were in circulation in tsarist Russia, and had a golden design.

In some cases, the possibility of inaccuracies in the translation into realia of the TT, the error in their interpretation in the metatext, the recognition of the inability to "remove" lacunas with reality or part of its significative component are forced to admit the translators themselves. Cf.:

OТ: «M. S. P. O. Mjasnaja torgovlja»

TТ: BO-CO – BОucherie-COmmerce*

*Coeur de chien contient une série de jeux de mots que le traducteur s’est efforcé de transporter en français, ce qui a nécessairement cause plusieurs inexactitudes de traduction.

Cf. as well a deviant lacuna in comparative metatext:

OТ: […] kogda ja rabotal u Vani Sytina v "Russkom slove", dopivalis' do slonov. Jeto verno. A teper', stalo byt', do strausov.

TТ: quand je travaillais chez Vanya Sytine au Rousskoïe Slovo, on prenait bien cuites éléphantiques, ça, c’est vrai. Mais voilà que maintenant on en arrive aux autruches.*

*Il y a dans cette phrase un jeu de mots difficilement traduisible qui porte sur une expression imagée, utilisée fréquemment dans la langue familière pour designer le dernier degrée de l’ivresse (littéralement: “se soûler jusqu’à en voir des éléphants”).

Features of Bulgakov realia-content are caused by numerous difficulties of translation works of the writer and interpreter selection of different translation strategies. As an example, refer to the comparison of the text translation of the novel "The Master and Margarita", performed by the translator K. Linyi (TT1) and the text of the translation of the same novel, made by F. Flamand (TT2). K. Work Linyi close to the original in its internal dynamics, however, contains a number of errors associated with poor knowledge of the Russian language to them [13, p. 35]. Thus, in TT1 can identify inaccuracies in the transmission of linguistic and cultural realities that distort the author's meaning. Cf.:

OТ: Karskij raz! Zubrik dva! Fljaki gospodarskie!

TТ1: Une brochette à la Kars, une! Deux vodka Zoubrovka, deux! En flacons de maître!!

Last remark literally, "And in Master's bottles!" contains a manifest error. Obviously, the translator saw flick bottles, flasks (flyaki / jars), and under the ‚Hospodarskie‘ - Master's.

In the TT2, we see the following translation of this phrase:

TТ2: Une brochette à la Kars, une! Deux Zoubrovka, deux! Triples à la Gospodar!! *

In the metatextual comments we read - * Préparation culinaire polonaise, from where it becomes clear that "flyaki Hospodarske" - a Polish culinary dish.

Cf. also:


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

OТ: V korobke iz-pod Jejnema

TТ1: Dans une boîte de cigarеs

TТ2: Dans une boîte de bonbons Einem

K. Linyi doesn’t comment. From the metatext to the TT2: - * Nom d'un célèbre confiseur de Moscou avant la revolution (Last known in Moscow before the revolution confectioner), it is clear that the TT2 more accurately conveys information of OT.

F. Flamand does not allow such semantic errors in the transmission of the realities, which are contained in the translation of K. Linyi. However, despite the high degree of equivalence of OT and TT2, the French critics note a number of shortcomings in this translation. In response to the translation of F. Flamand French writer and literary critic P. Besson said: "Bulgakovedy will appreciate that each of the pieces of this collection is published in a new translation. Or, better to say, "in the latest translation of" [14].

About deviant lacunas in the metatext we can talk and when it contains detailed, but irrelevant to the reader information that distracts his attention and does not contribute to an understanding of the context of the work. Consequently, metatext in these cases does not prevent the formation of lacunas. Cf.:

OТ: Hrupkaja trel' iz "Pikovoj damy" smeshala v dujete svoj golos s golosom strastnoj


TТ: La fragile Lise de La Dame de pique, mêlant sa voix en duo à celle de l’ardente Pauline*…

*Opéra de Tchaïkovski (1890), d’après la nouvelle de Pouchkine du même nom (1833). Le duo dont il est question ouvre le deuxième tableau de l’acte I. Les paroles en sont empruntées à une élégie du poète Joukovski, « Le Soir » (1806).

This metatext, in spite of its detailed character, does not contain any information, comments the author's intentions or explaining the context in which the C-realia "Queen of Spades" is used in OT. Cf. also:

OТ: No ja ne Majn Rid i ne Bussenar.

TТ: Mais je ne suis pas Mayne Reid еt je ne suis pas Boussenard.*

*Louis-Henri Boussenard (1847-1910), écrivain français auteur de quantité de romans d’aventures, de voyages et de science-fiction, comme, par exemple, Les Secrets de monsieur Synthèse (1888), Capitaine Casse-Cou (1901), ou Les Aventures périlleuses de trois Français au pays des diamants (1884).

In this example, the translator thought it necessary to comment further on the ‘own’ realia Boussenard in supplementing comments, while ignoring the "foreign" realia Mayne Reid, standing in the same value chain with their "own".

Deviant lacunas that we identified are an interesting layer of translation, which is yet to be explored in order to avoid mistakes in translation in the future.

Our study revealed a regular relationship between the type of realia, the type of translation the metatext, which acts as a complex reception renomination of realias and type of lacunas, which it eliminates. This interdependence is the following.

Ethnographic lacunas caused by the presence in the TT ‘foreign’ L-realias are filled with using vocabulary comment. Combined its type paired with complementary and focused on the process of renomination of R-realia with the difference that the latter extends in an associative


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

and informative background of the realias of the fully or partially filling the ethnographic lacuna. Combined metatext contains a larger amount of information than the dictionary.

Social and cultural lacunas are the result of the use in OT of c-realias-author neologisms, and cultural realias of constant socio-political realias, real onomastics. They are eliminated by a complementary, sometimes comparative metatext, and combinations (complementary + comparative).

Associative lacunas as a result of the use of the works of M.A. Bulgakov realiasprecedent phenomena provoke a lacuna media. To fill the " lacunas " in the order of the TT used explanatory metatext and its variations combined.

The stylistic lacunas are filled by a comparative metatext.

Analysis of the translated texts of works of M.A. Bulgakov in French demonstrated that lacunas of different orders can be called by the same type of realia. Elimination of data lacunas can occur via several types of metatext that demonstrates the phenomenon of non-rigid boundaries between the type of lacunas and metatext as a way to eliminate it. This characteristic of the metatext as a means renomination of linguocultural realias - an indicator of its flexibility and opportunities in the process of achieving equivalence of experience from OT and TT.

When elimination of lacunas using an integrated metatext principle is also valid. Combined type of metatext is widely used for the elimination of "deep" lacunas in the text when it is the perception of foreign-language reader.

Metatext in the French translation of M.A. Bulgakov prose acts as a way of elimination of four types of lacunas: ethnographic, socio-cultural, associative, stylistic. These four types, as well as the fifth type - deviant lacunas, we combine into a single class of textual lacunas arising from the specificity of a literary text as a special product of the author's intention and poetics, as well as the specifics of metatextual communications as a result of creative activity of an interpreter.

These types of lacunas are formed in the transition from OT to TT individual realia-content of MA Bulgakov works. Ethnographic lacunas caused by the presence of L- realias in the TT called national-painted cultural object. Social and cultural lacunas are the result of the use of C - realias in OT, called the cultural-specific actions, the historical facts, the constant "foreign" culture. Associative lacunas caused by the realias-precedent phenomena, frequent in the work of M.A. Bulgakov.

The stylistic lacunas provoked peculiar language of the author of the work. Deviant lacunas in TT - result of misinterpretation of a translator of text or the result of an implicit latitude realia-content of the writer. All kinds of lacunas whole or in part, except deviant, are eliminated in the translation metatext. Deviant lacunas are created in the process of interpreting and translation are not detected by the author.

Analysis of ways to fill identified lacunas types using metatext has shown that it is carried


-by adapting, that is, submission to the metatext information on Russian R-realia rapprochement with the realia of the French R-realia (through rapprochement of "foreign" denotation with "own", which has similar features). In this case, we can talk about preventing the formation of lacunas in TT;

-through the Russian L- realia while partially preserving the C-lacuna at a reader. This method allows to preserve cultural identity fragment of OT, but provides only a partial understanding of its foreign-language readers through metatext, in which explicated some culturespecific meanings;

-through French L-realias, French C -realias and Russian L- realias (in the metatext) in order to fill the gaps occurred. Therefore, the translator makes explicit the cultural-specific information through their "own" C-realia - translation metatext.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Due to various reasons metatext itself can become a lacuna for foreign language readers. It may contain information that distorts the realia of the objective side of OT, to provide vast and redundant information directly are not directly related to the cognitive context of the work.

Such lacunas are classified by us as deviant and are explained by:

1)lack of competence of an interpreter, in his lack of cognitive baggage of relevant knowledge, allowing OT to fill the lacuna by a metatext, without creating a new, continuing the chain of "gaps";

2)excess cognitive luggage of the translator that leads to the creation of detailed information material about a particular realia as well as his unwillingness / inability to filter out some of the information irrelevant to the case in the use of realia in OT;

3)evaluation of undifferentiated information by the interpreter, i.e. evaluation of all the data as equally important.

Analysis of lacunas operating in the translation is important for translation studies, as a field of knowledge, aimed to achieve the adequacy and equivalence of OT and TT, as the main parameters of assessing the quality of the translation.

Bibliographic list

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Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 3 (10), 2015

13.Debrenn M. Francuzskij jazyk v rechevoj praktike russkih : mezh#jazykovaja deviatologija / M. Debrenn. – Novosibirsk : Izd-vo Novosib. gos. un-ta, 2006. – 386 s.

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Dictionaries used

1*. Slovar' russkogo jazyka : v 4 t. / gl. red. A. P. Evgen'eva. – 4-e izd., ster. – Moskva : Rus. jaz.; Poligrafresursy, 1999. – T. 4 : S-Ja. – 795 s.

UDC 821.111

Voronezh State University

of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Postgradute student, Lecturer of the Foreign

Languages Department Elena Sergeyevna Logvina

e-mail: helenalogvina@yandex.ru

E.S. Logvina


The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities of the realization of intertextuality in The Magus, the novel written by John Fowles, and specifics of its translation into Russian. The most frequent means of language manifestation of intertextuality in the novel and its translation into Russian are revealed. It is established that the dominant form of realization of intertextuality in this book is an allusion, then a proper noun which has become a precedent text and a quotation follow. The research shows that such a standard of textuality as intertextuality is of paramount importance in the novels written by postmodern authors. Intertextual inclusions present an obstacle to a translator. Translation transformations (lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical ones) are analyzed. Lexico-grammatical, stylistic and other types of transformations during the process of translation of a text into Russian are determined by the fact that there is a gulf between how people who belong to different linguocultures perceive one and the same fragment of reality.

Key words: intertextuality, standard of textuality, precedent text, precedent name, allusion, quotation, postmodernism, translation transformation.

The problem of intertextuality was dealt with by the following researchers: J. Kristeva, R. Barthes, Yu.N. Karaulov, M.M. Bakhtin, Yu.M. Lotman, R.-A. Beaugrande, W. Dressler, L.G. Babenko, M.Yu. Kolokolnikova, V.Ye. Chernyavskaya and others [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6]. Intertextuality (French intertextualite) is a term, introduced by the poststructuralist J. Kristeva in 1967, has become of vital importance in analyzing postmodern literature [5, p. 136]. Intertextuality is often defined as a connection between literary works belonging to different authors and considered as the first one and the subsequent one in terms of time [7, p. 51].


© Logvina E.S., 2015