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2 Types of on.: direct and indirect.

Direct o. is contained in words which imitate sounds. Indirect on. (echo-writing) – a combination of sounds the aim of which is to make the sound of the utterance an echo of its sense. (And the silken, sad, uncertain, rustling of each purple curtain… (E.Poe).

The difference is: direct onomatopoeia s expressed in 1 word, indirect is revealed in the context.


  1. demonstrate acoustic picture of reality;

  2. advertising – mnemonic device;

  3. in comics – to represent noises.

Paronomasia – phonetic stylistic device which exists in cooccurence of paronyms. 2 words which are semantically incompatible due to proximity of phonetic image and positional closeness become contextually connected and charged with one another’s connotations. These imaginary sense correlations result in paronymic attraction (raven – never, politics – poultry, очей очарованье). Paronyms – words similar in sound but different in meaning (affect-effect).

Paonymic attraction (acc. to Minaeva) – 3 manifestations:

  1. pun – play upon words (The growing British empire – some called it Brutish empire…);

  2. malapropism – misuse of bookish, literary words to sound more knowledgeable (I’m quite analyzed (=paralyzed) for my part); L. Caroll (antipathies – the antipodes (a jocular word used to refer to Australia and New Zealand);

  3. folk etymology (false, children) – These gentlemen are legatees… - Sammy is a leg-at-ease (Stand at ease!).

It is not confined to imaginative prose writing and children’s literature. It can be used in the following spheres:

  1. in advertising (Armani mania. From sensible to sensational).

  2. in newspaper headlines (Good Cooks and Old Books);

  3. in scientific writing (a writer adopts and adapts new derivatives).

Paronymic attraction enables the writer to pass on some extra, purely aesthetic information to convey euphonic effect.

Graphical expressivity.


  1. emphatic punctuation;

  2. graphon;

  3. visual image.

Sound instrumenting is used in poetry. As for advertising, mass media and creative prose, sound is foregrounded mainly through the change of its accepted graphical representation. Graphical expressive means serve to convey in the written form those emotions which in the oral type of speech are expressed by intonation and stress.

All in all, graphical expressivity is achieved by emphatic use of punctuation and deliberate change of the spelling of the word.

The emphatic punctuation conveys the emotional coloring of the text, its pervading atmosphere. All types of punctuation can be used to reflect the emphatic intonation of the speaker, to convey emotional pauses, charged with certain meaning, to reveal the speaker’s attitude (exclamatory marks and interrogative marks convey that the text is highly emotional).

If an exclamatory mark is used in a sentence which, in its form, is not exclamatory, it denotes ironical attitude, or even irritation. (A truth, a faith, a generation of men goes – and is forgotten, and it does not matter!)

It may also convey doubt or astonishment. (Oh, does she think of me so often!)

Dashes, commas, suspension marks represent emotional pauses in the speech of the characters. (Please – not that!) These punctuation marks are also used in:

  • detachment;

  • retardation;

  • anacoluthon;

  • aposiopesis;

  • parcellation (I need to beg you for money. Daily).

They also reflect hesitation, embarrassment, lack of confidence, nervousness, unwillingness to speak, inability to recollect something.

Full stops create the effect of unity and integrity; show the dynamic development of events. They are associated with nominative sentences which create the camera-eye effect.

Inverted commas may reveal irony or an unusual meaning understood only by a limited group of people.

The absence of punctuation is significant in modernistic writing. (James Joyce – the uncontrolled flow of thoughts, images; Pablo Picasso – used dashes, stopped using even gaps).

Experimenting with punctuation is obvious in the virtual communication and virtual discourse, where punctuation is used to make emoticons (emotions+icons).

Graphon is graphical fixation of phonetic peculiarities of pronunciation with the violation of the accepted spelling in order to reflect authentic pronunciation. Can be temporary or permanent.

Temporary graphon is used to reflect pronunciation peculiarities caused by temporary factors: tender age, intoxicati on, ignorance of the discussed topic, overemotional state, etc. Permanent graphon – permanent factors – social, territorial, educational status and speech defects (stammer, lisping).

The function of graphon – individualizes the character’s speech, conveys the atmosphere of authentic live communication.

E.g. sellybrated – celebrated (W.Thackeray)

peepul – people (S. Lewis)

In written speech, graphon may take different forms:

  • change of spelling: doubling (N-no!), multiplication (Appeeee Noooooyeeeeer!), hypenhation (grinning like a c him-pan-zee), s p a c e d l e t t e r s;

  • change of type of print: italics (You are a baby, Robert), bold type, CAPITALISATION (Help. Help! HELP!)

New types of change of spelling can be found in marketing, advertising and internet discourse:

  1. combination of Russian and English letters (Заходите в GUESTИ, Sушка).

  2. letter-transposition (aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at…)

  3. letters are substituted by numbers and other graphical symbols ( online forum language – A=4|@, B=|3 or 8

Forum abbreviations = btw (by the way), imho, qt (cutie), ty (thank you).

Visual image, which implies the following points:

  1. division of the text into paragraph;

  2. division of the poem into stanzas;

  3. pattern poetry (эмблемный стих) – a poem the lines of which are arranged so as to represent a physical object, to suggest action, mood or feeling but usually shape and motion. The most common shapes are geometrical figures, wings and many more.

E.g. A caucus – race and long tale (L. Caroll).

G. Appolinaire – Зарезанная голубка и фонтан

Pruning poetry – the second and the third rhymes of each tercet stanza are formed by pruning the first consonant of the preceding rhyme (I GROW – ROW – OW).

Rhopalic verse – each new line is a foot longer that the previous one ( be – she – heart and me).

Acrostic – the initial letters make a readable word. Mesostich – middle letters make a word. Telestich – the final letters make a word.







Palindrome – word or sentence which reads the same both ways (civic, level, minim).

E.g. Madam, I’m Adam.

A man, a plan, a canal – panama!

Anagram – the letters of the word or phrase ape transposed to form a new word. Cognate anagrams – form a word or phrase which are related in meaning to the original. (American = main race, angered = enraged, dynamite = may end it, stipend = spend it).

Astronomer = moon-strarer

Adolf Hitler – Hated for ill

Old England – Golden Land

Eleven plus two = twelve plus one

Ambigram – graphical figure that spells out of word not only as presented, but also in the other direction or orientation.

Rotational ambgram – dollop, mirror ambigram – dub.

Pangrams – a sentence which contains all letters of the alphabet. Aim – to make the sentence as short as possible. ( The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dogs (33).

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