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Неозначені займенники

  1. Вставте займенники: some, any, somebody, anybody, something, anything

A. 1. I have … friends at the University.

2. Is there … water in the tube?

3. Victor doesn’t know … about this problem.

4. The young man is very upset. There is …wrong with his car.

5. She has to go to the supermarket. There isn’t … in the fridge.

6. Give me … to read, please. – With pleasure.

7. “Is there … waiting for me?” – the director asked.

8. They need … paper to write.

9. I don’t need … glasses.

10. I have got … biscuits for tea.

B. 1. Chemists discovered … important elements not long ago.

2. We can see … large molecules in an electron microscope.

3. Is there … gas in these pipes?

4. Do you really think that … can use this computer in our absence?

5. I saw … I knew at the lecture on mathematics three days ago.

6. We have … interesting to read in the field of science in our library.

7. I can’t say … about their research of the radioactive elements.

8. The engineers of the Institute developed … new methods of work.

9. The measures implemented by the government raised … problems on the standard of living.

10. Can you say that … experiment is a test to gain new knowledge?

  1. Поставте речення в заперечну і питальні форми:

A. 1. I have got some interesting films in English.

2. There are some apples on the plate.

3. My friend have got some computer games.

4. Last week we translated some articles from this newspaper.

5. You have some mistakes in your exercises.

6. There are some coffee cups on the table.

7. There is some paper on the desk.

8. Some people always give advice.

9. My sister likes to see some films on TV.

10. I have got some new clothes yesterday.

B. 1. Some elements have different colours but their properties are the same.

2. There were some foreign delegations in our Academy.

3. There will be some interesting reports at the conference in spring.

4. There are some radioactive elements in our laboratory.

5. This student can submit his thesis in some days.

6. At the present time there are some sputniks which travel round the Sun.

7. Some new methods are very important for our plant.

8. Einstein’s work on relativity was a great surprise for some scientists in the world.

9. Some minicomputers are widely used in industrial control systems and research work.

10. Some of the computer principles are common to all categories of computers.

3. Вставте заперечні займенники: no, nothing, nobody, nowhere

  1. 1. I found … mistakes in your translation.

2. I have … time to help you today. Let’s meet tomorrow.

3. …. information has been received from him.

4. I saw … I knew at the lecture yesterday.

5. We read … about the use of computers.

6. … special happened yesterday.

7. I went … yesterday and stayed at home the whole day.

8. Where did you go? - …. .

9. We decided to buy cherries, so we bought … plums instead.

10. Am I right? - …, you are completely wrong.

B. 1. I see … electric bulbs on the laboratory table.

2. I heard… voices in the reading hall of the library.

3. I read … about nuclear research.

4. We had … mistakes in our computer program.

5. Is this young engineer familiar to you? – No, I know … among these people.

6. He sent his thesis … and continued working on this important problem.

7. The administration gave us … money to carry out this experiment.

8. Are there any French magazines on refrigeration in our library? - …, we don’t have any.

9. There is … solution in the laboratory flask. It is empty.

10. … chemical element is so vital to life as oxygen.

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