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    1. Розкрийте дужки і виберіть потрібне дієслово, яке передає дію в майбутньому.

1. Let's meet at the cinema at 6. 30. All right, I (wait) for you there.

A — shall wait,

B — shall be waiting.

2. The child (sleep) when father (come) back from his work.

A — will sleep, B — will be sleeping;

A — comes, B — will come.

3. My sister (know) the result of her exam tomorrow.

A — will know,

B — will be knowing.

4. This time tomorrow they (sit) in the train on their way to St. Petersburg.

A — will sit,

B — will be sitting.

5. Don't phone Jack tomorrow — he (prepare) for his exam in English all day long. A — will prepare,

B — will be preparing.

6. What you (do) from 6 to 8 in the evening? I (write) a report at that time.

A — will do, B — will be doing;

A — shall write, B — shall be writing.

7. Don't be in a hurry. If you (arrive) at 7 o'clock, they (still/ finish) their work

A — arrive, В – will arrive;

A — will still finish; B — will still be finishing.

8. Harry (come) at 9 o'clock in the evening.

A — will come; B — will be coming.

9. Mrs. Smith (go) shopping the whole evening as soon as she (finish) her work. A — will be going, B — will go;

A — will finish, B — finishes.

10. If Dad (buy) a new car, we (drive) all day long.

A — will buy, B — buys;

A — shall drive, B — shall be driving.

3. Назвіть видо-часову форму дієслова-присудка в поданих реченнях:

A Present Simple;

B — Past Simple;

C Present Continuous;

D Past Continuous;

E Future Continuous.

1. What are you doing, Peter?

2. І am writing a letter.

3. And what were you doing ten minutes ago?

4. I was doing my lessons. And may be you want to know what I shall be doing in twenty minutes, Mike?

5. Yes, Peter, what will you be doing?

6. I shall be beating you if you don't stop asking me stupid questions.

7. “What are you reading, dear”, Mother asked her little daughter who was reading a book.

8. “I don't know”, answered the girl.

9. “You don't know? But you were reading aloud, so you must know”.

10. “I was reading aloud, Mother, but I wasn't listening”, the girl explained.

4. Назвіть видо-часову форму дієслова-присудка:

A Present Simple;

B Past Simple;

С Future Simple;

D Present Continuous;

E Past Continuous;

F Future Continuous;

G Present Perfect;

H Past Perfect;

I Future Perfect.

1. I study English at school.

2. I have studied English since 1995.

3. Yesterday I was studying new English words all day long.

4. I had studied them well before mother came from her office.

5.1 shall have to learn an English poem by heart for tomorrow.

6. I shall be learning this poem from six to seven o'clock tonight.

7. Where is mother? She is cooking supper in the kitchen.

8. Has she not cooked it yet?

9. No, she began cooking only five minutes ago.

10. But we hope she will have finished cooking before father comes. He is driving home now.

5. Заповніть пропуски в реченнях, вибравши із запропонованих варіантів потрібне за змістом допоміжне дієслово:

A have;

B has;

C had;

D shall have;

E will have.

1. І ... never been to Novgorod. I hope, I ... come to this ancient town by the beginning of my holidays.

2. It ... been snowing for a week when we came to the town.

3. Pete ... been translating the article since two o'clock.

4. Ann ... been painting the picture for some hours when I saw her.

  1. They ... been studying at the University since September.

  2. I ... been working for some hours when father returns.

  3. We ... been to the library today.

  4. 8. They ... passed all their credit-tests by the 20th of June.

9. When Helen came to the cinema yesterday her friends ... already been waiting for her for fifteen minutes.

10. When Mike entered the classroom he realized that he ... not only forgotten to take his textbook, but he ... left the notebooks as well.

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