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Контрольна робота Т,ГРС 2 курс.doc
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Paradise in the Pacific Ocean

I was in paradise when I lived in Vanuatu. Look at the map and you can find it in the Pacific Ocean. Look into my thoughts and you can see memories of those islands – of the wind in palm trees, the blue sea and sky, the hot white beaches and green mountains. I remember picnics on the beach and the fire-red sun going down over the sea in the evening. I remember people, too, kind people who always smiled and worked hard. I remember visiting schools, going on foot up and down mountains or by boat to other islands.

I was one of ten thousand lucky people who lived in Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu. Life there was warm, friendly and slow. We played sports slowly, sailed slowly to other islands, ate delicious seafood slowly in French restaurants and cooked meat very slowly on stones outside.

But there were problems too. But now I’m back in cold, grey Britain I don’t remember the bad things. I can taste the sweetness of the fruit. I can smell the freshness of the flowers. I can hear the wind in the trees. And when I remember the color and the sunlight, I’m in paradise again.

Після уважного прочитання тексту, визначте чи відповідає зміст тверджень, поданих нижче, змісту тексту. На бланку для відповідей поставте знак “+” поряд з номерами вірних тверджень і «-» біля хибних.

1. Vanuatu is in the Pacific Ocean.

2. There are no mountains in Vanuatu

3. The people were not pleasant.

4. The capital of Vanuatu is Port Vila.

5. Life in the capital of the island was very difficult.

6. Seafood in restaurants was disgusting.

7. Tourists cooked some food.

8. There were no problems in Vanuatu.

Завдання 9-13. Знайдіть відповідне тлумачення слів, у колонці, що навпроти .

9. revise

a. university teaching

10. fail an exam

b. complete a university course

11. lecture

c. not pass

12. graduate

d. do well in your studies

13. get good marks

c. make sure you know a subject

Завдання 14-17. Запитайте у свого друга наступне:

14. what means of transport he prefers;

15. how often he travels abroad;

16. what he thinks about tourism in Ukraine;

17. which street is the busiest in your town;

Завдання 18. Якими професійними навичками повинен володіти менеджер готелю ? Поставте наступні характеристики в порядку відповідно до їх важливості.

A good hotel manager:

□ likes people □ can think like a child

□ likes variety □ can entertain like a clown

□ is charming □ understands body language

□ has good financial skills □ pays attention to routine detail

□ needs good computer skills □ has a sense of humour

Завдання 19-25. Перекладіть на українську мову наступне:

Using the telephone

  • answer all calls quickly

  • answer with your name and/or your organization

  • ask how you can help

  • speak clearly

  • use appropriate language

  • smile while you are talking

  • repeat names, phone numbers and details so that everybody understands everything

Завдання 26-30. Знайдіть пояснення часової форми у колонці, що навпроти.

26. He drinks a litre of milk every day. a. permanent truth

27. Milk contains a lot of vitamins. b. action happening now

28. She is having a party at the moment. c. habitual action

29. His train leaves at 9:00am. d. scheduled actions (timetables)

30. Water boils at 100 0 C.

Варіант 11

Завдання 1. Прочитайте уважно текст і перекладіть його з допомогою словника.