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How to become a successful business woman


Doris Pritchard is a successful business woman, managing her own travel company. The company arranges trips to more interesting places than most. This year she has taken groups of tourists to the Amazon Rain Forest and to The Antarctic. What is really amazing about Doris Pritchard is that she is in her seventies and until five years ago she knew nothing at all about the travel business. In fact she had never even been abroad. When her husband died she decided to make a complete change and go to Africa. She couldn’t find a travel company to arrange it, so she did it herself. Friends asked her to help arrange their holidays and the business grew from there. She’s not planning on retiring just yet. Why would she retire? She’s having too much fun working.

Вкажіть, які із поданих нижче речень відповідають тестові. Заповніть пропуски словами True (вірно) або False (невірно).

2. Doris owns the company. _____

3. Their holidays are not the normal kind of holiday. _____

4. She has been in the business all her life _____.

5. Her first trip was to the Amazon. _____

6. She enjoys her work too much to stop doing it. _____

Завдання 7-18. Заповніть пропуски словами ROAD або WAY.

Де road - дорога, шлях, шосе, проїзна частина ; way сторона, напрям.

7. It’s the only short ____ to the square. 8. Where does this ____ lead ? 9. I know the ____ , it’s a good fast one. 10. It’s a long _____ from here. 11. The car skidded on the wet _____? 12. Which is the right _____ to the station ? 13. Follow this ____ . 14. Shall I see your part of the ____ ? 15. Go right to the end of the ____ and turn to the left. 16. You have mistaken the ____ . 17. The boy lost his ____ coming down the mountain. 18. Is this the ____ to the post-office ?

Завдання 19. Завершіть наступний діалог.

A: Do you have a double room for three nights ?

B: ……….

A: How much is it ?

B: ……….

A: Can I see it, please ?

B: ……….

Завдання 20-26. Поставте інфінітив, що в дужках, у форму Present Continuous.

20. We (to stay) at the Astoria Hotel. 21. I (to expect) a guest. Please, say that I’ll be back soon. 22. He (to leave) tonight. 23. What (to do) Peter ? - He (to fill in) the blank. 24. Don’t disturb us. My father (to sleep). 25. Where is John ? – He (to check) the luggage. 26. This way, please. The manager (to wait) for you.

Завдання 26-29. Знайдіть відповідне тлумачення слів, у колонці, що навпроти .

26. cruise

a. looking at famous places

27. desert

b. another country

28. sightseeing

c. staying on a boat

29. abroad

d. a hot, dry place

Варіант 8

Завдання 1-10. Прочитайте уважно текст і перекладіть його з допомогою словника.