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УЧ. ПОСОБИЕ 5-8 УРОК - копия.doc
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4. Match each word in Column a with its meaning in column b.



  1. good-looking

  1. a mark on the skin which is left after a wound has healed

  1. beard

  1. strip of hair left to grow above the upper lip

  1. scar

  1. physically attractive

  1. ugly

  1. a growth of hair on the chin and lower cheeks of a man's face

  1. auburn

  1. unpleasant, especially in appearance

  1. height

  1. of a reddish-brown colour

  1. moustache

  1. the measurement of someone from head to foot

  1. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue with a suitable word from a box below.

occupation do mine

know morning

how what introduce

  • Good ________, Mr. Flake. Let me ________Benjamin Lark to you.

  • How ________ you do, Mr. Flake! I am happy to meet you.

  • ________ do you do, Mr. Lark! Pleased to know you. What is your ___________?

  • I am a biochemist. ________ are you?

  • Me too. I am glad to _________ you.

  • The pleasure is _________!

7. Translate into English.

Разрешите представиться. Меня зовут Тимур Гилязов. Я студент в КHИТУ. Я учусь на первом курсе. Мне нравится учиться здесь. У меня дружелюбный характер и я легко завожу друзей. Я темноволосый парень с карими глазами. Мои волосы короткие и прямые. Я надежный, пунктуальный и трудолюбивый. Друзья говорят, что со мной приятно иметь дело. Я стараюсь всегда быть в хорошем настроении. Мои родители трудолюбивые, оптимистичные и очень добрые. Моя мама бухгалтер, а папа ученый. Они всегда помогают мне. Мою маму зовут Лейсан. Она высокая и стройная, у нее длинные темно-русые волосы и серые глаза. Моего папу зовут Руслан. У него спортивная фигура, он высокий и мускулистый. У него волнистые черные волосы и он носит усы. Я очень увлекаюсь спортом. Раньше я ходит в спортзал каждый день, но сейчас учеба занимает много времени и я хожу туда только в выходные.

8.Answer the questions about yourself.

  1. Would you consider yourself as a quiet, calm person or an active person? Why?

  2. Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of other people? Why?

  3. What do you do when you get nervous?

  4. What do you do when you get angry?

  5. What do you do when you are happy?

  6. What do you do when you are sad?

11. There is a very good proverb about person’s character. Do the crossword and find it out. Say what you think about it.

1. doesn’t want to do anything.

2. tells a lot to everybody how good he is.

3. often offends other people.

4. studies a lot and really enjoys it.

5. knows a lot.

6. does everything without thinking about it.

7. is very energetic.

8. likes to get into dangerous situations.

9. doesn’t want to change anything.

10. says not very polite things to others.

11. is afraid of everything.

12. takes care of everybody.

13. always does what he is asked to do.

14. says very pleasant things to everybody.

15. likes to stay at home and doesn’t have a lot of friends.

16. everybody can rely on.

17. is always cheerful.

18. doesn’t behave properly.

19. enjoys his own company.

20. lives only for himself.

21. has a lot of friends.

22. likes when everything is perfect.

23. is ready to wait and listen to everybody.