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Н.В. Кагуй Грамматика английского языка1.doc
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  1. a ) is b) was c) will be

  2. a) are b) is c) was

  3. a) is b) had c) was

  4. a) had b) have c) has

  5. a) was b) were c) is

  6. a) had b) was c) has

  7. a) was b) were c) are

  8. a) are b) were c) was

  9. a) was b) were c) are

  10. a) is b) be c) was

    1. Оборот there is (are)



Где/ Когда?

Настоящее простое / неопределенное время

(Present Simple / Indefinite Tense)

Основная формулa there is + N (ед. ч.)

there are + N + s (мн. ч.)

Употреб-ляется для выражения наличия/

отсутствия какого-либо лица/ предмета в определен-ном месте в настоящем/ прошед-шем и будущем временах.

Cоответст-вует русскому «имеется, находится»

На русский язык пред-

ложения с этим обо-ротом пере-водятся, на-чиная с обстоя-тельства места

(с конца).



There is (There’s)* a book

There are (There’re)* books

on the table




a book /

books on the table?

There is not

(isn’t)* a book

There are not

(aren’t)* books




Перевод: e.g. There is one of the most famous libraries of the world in the British

Museum. There are about 6 million books there. В Британском Музее находится одна из самых известных библиотек мира. Она вмещает около 6 млн. книг.

Формальные признаки: always всегда often часто/ usually обычно every day / week / month / year каждый день / неделю / месяц / год и т.д. sometimes иногда

Прошедшее простое / неопределенное время

(Pаst Simple / Indefinite Tense)

Основная формулa there was + N (ед. ч.)

there were + N + s (мн. ч.)




was /


a book /

books on

the table.




a book /

books on

the table?


was not (wasn’t)

were not (weren’t)

a book /

books on

the table.

Перевод: e.g. There was a prison in the Tower of London many years ago.

В Тауэре Лондона много лет назад располагалась тюрьма.

e.g. There were puppet shows «Punch and Judy» at parties for children.

На детских праздниках показывали шоу «Панч и Джуди» с перчаточными куклами.

Формальные признаки: yesterday вчера in 1995 в 1995 last day / week / month прошлый день неделю/месяц и т.д. that day в тот день 2 years ago 2 года назад

Будущее простое / неопределенное время

(Future Simple / Indefinite Tense)

Основная формулa there will be + N (ед. / мн. ч.)



There will (There’ll)*


a book / books on

the table.

Will there


a book /

books on the table?


will not (won’t)*


a book / books on the table.

Перевод: e.g. There will be many tourists in Wales next year.

В Уэльсе будет много туристов на следующей год.

Формальные признаки: in 2021 (в 2021) / next day / week / month / year следующий день / неделю / месяц / год и т.д. / tomorrow завтра

N.B.! Будущее простое время не употребляется в придаточных предложениях условия и времени, содержащих оборот there is (are) после союзов:

If / Provided / Providing that / On condition that если

In case в случае если Unless если не When когда

Будущее простое время выражается глаголом to be в настоящем времени, который переводится на русский язык глаголом будущего времени:

e.g. The Smiths will be fond of the festival unless there is not so much fuss there.

Семье Смитов (Смитам) понравится праздник, если только там не будет лишней суеты.

*Краткие формы глагола характерны для разговорной речи

У пражнение 28. Составьте предложения с оборотом there is (are), используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

There is (not)

Was there

Will there be

a monument to admiral Nelson

in Scotland.

ancient private schools

in Great Britain.

the highest mountain of Great Britain

in the lake Loch Ness in Scotland.

There are (not)

Were there

Will there be

a legendary monster

on Trafalgar Square in London.

а lot of parks and gardens

in western part of London.

four countries

on the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Упражнение 29. Выберите правильную форму глаголов:

Traditional British folk music 1 many different forms including songs and ballads. There 2 many folk songs about the lives of ordinary people in past centuries, others told of famous love stories or celebrated nature, for example «The Ash Grove», «Auld Lang Syne».

«Auld Lang Syne»* is originally a Scottish song about friendship and remembering good times in the past. The title means «old long since». Traditionally people in Britain hold hands and sing it at midnight at a party at New Year’s Eve. It 3 a traditional song. Robert Burns wrote the version that people sing now. Many British know the beginning of the song:

Should auld acquaintance he forgot, and never brought to min’ (= mind)?

Should auld acquaintance he forgot, and auld land syne!

A lot of instrumental folk music 4 of Scottish and Irish origin and ranges from laments on the bagpipes to lovely nice tunes.

Bagpipes* are musical instruments played by blowing air into a bag held under the arm, and pressing it out through the pipes. They are associated with Scotland. The sound they make is unusual, but their music is suitable for dancing and for serious occasions. A person who plays the bagpipes is called a piper.

In Wales and Ireland a harp* sometimes may 5 used to accompany singing. Harp is a large upright musical instrument with many strings stretched across a frame that has three corners. T here are various types of harps. Throughout the centuries the harp continues to be an official symbol and is seen on the coinage, state seals and ship’s mast-heads. A picture of the harp is shown on the coat of arms of the country. Folk music played with the Irish national musical instrument 6 a lot of fans.

But there 7 songs accompanied by guitar or piano now. According to tradition it 8 a fiddle (violin) for playing most dance music. Irish folk bands usually 9 flutes, tin whistles, string instruments, pipes. In Britain folk festivals are held regularly near Banbury, at Warwick and Cambridge. Many towns still 10 a folk club for amateur singers and musicians, who meet regularly.


* См.: Раздел V Иллюстрированный глоссарий «Социокультурной портрет Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии»

F olk music народная музыка

«Auld Lang Syne» [,ɒ:ldlæŋ‘zain] «Доброе старое время»

А harp [ha:p] арфа

А guitar [,gi‘ta:] гитара

А piano [pj‘ænəυ] пианино

A lament [lə‘ment] похоронная песнь

Bagpipes волынка

A fiddle (violin [‘vailin]) скрипка

A flute [flυ: t] флейта

A whistle [wisl] свистулька

String instruments струнные инструменты

А pipe свирель, дудка, свисток

On coinage, state seals and ships mast-heads на монетах, государственных печатях и мачтах кораблей

An amateur любитель

  1. a ) will have b) has c) had

  2. a) be b) were c) are

  3. a) is b) was c) will be

  4. a) is b) will be c) were

  5. a) be b) will be c) are

  6. a) has b) will have c) have

  7. a) are b) is c) was

  8. a) is b) were c) was

  9. a) have b) has c) had

  10. a) had b) have c) will have