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Раздел 9. Страдательный залог - the passive voice

[BE + P II] - the formula of forming the Passive Voice РАБОТА В АУДИТОРИИ

Упражнение 1. Образуйте различные видовременные формы страдательного залога

  1. Past Indefinite Passive (to translate - to be translated) - to commit, to detect, to state, to announce, to confirm, to rob, to write

  2. Present Continuous Passive (to translate - to be translating) - to develop, to make, to trace, to search, to examine

  3. Present Perfect Passive (to translate - to have been translated) - to give, to found, to build, to send, to write, to arrest, to train


The crime

asked to consult the client


written in time

Mr. Brown


trained to become a lawyer

The barrister


committed several months ago

The government


ordered to gather in the hall

The exam


announced yesterday

The thesis


criticized by mass media


appointed by the Minister

The verdict

adopted by Parliament

The Bill

passed successfully


The report

prepared by 5 p.m.

The agreement

engaged in escorting the Queen

The speech

have been

given to the chief

The declaration

signed by the manager

The police

has been

pronounced by the speaker

The documents

filled in before crossing the state

The analysis

typed by our secretary


The conference

attended by foreign guests

The students

headed by judge Brown

The court session

will be

held in Oxford university next month

The evening party

signed by both parties

The agreement

given Sores fund grunt

Упражнение 3. Выберите правильную форму залога. 1. Ukraine (washes, is washed) by the Black sea. 2. The robbery (has been cleared up, has cleared up) by the experts of our Department. 3. The students of our institute (are trained, are training) to work in a court, a Bar, etc. 4. Donetsk Law Institute (founded, was founded) in 1993. 5. The problem of drug abuse (discusses, is being discussed) by mass media. 6. Various branches of law (are included, include) in the curriculum. 7. The Bill (passed, has been passed) without objection. 8. Children (were helped, helped) to cross the street. 9. That case (was examined, examined) by the court last week. 10. English (speaks, is spoken) in many countries.

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобка и образуйте соответствующую видов-ременную форму страдательного залога.

1. When I entered the room the question (to debate) by the group mates. 2. The investi­gative experiment (to finish) by 3 o'clock. 3. The independence of Ukraine (to pro-

claim) in 1991. 4. A person and property (to protect) by the laws. 5. Normally new bank notes (to issue) by the National Bank. 6. After the special training course one may (to give) the driver's license. 7. That Bill (to debate) in the Parliament for several weeks.

8. Each year London (to visit) by thousand tourists. 9. Many people (to kill) in road ac- cidents every year. 10. The officers (to inform) about the drug raid in addition.

Упражнение 5. Измените предложения, используя страдательный залог. 1. The court punished that man for larceny. 2. The government has made the session to set a moratorium on the bank accounts. 3. Hammurabi, a king of Babylonia, drew up the first legal codes in about 1758 B.C. 4. According to the Constitution citizens of Ukraine elect the President for'a five years period. 5. A state must protect the interests of people. 6. You may return the books into the library after the exam session. 7. A customs offi­cers will show you the list of duty free items. 8. The witness has told the court the truth.

9. The students' club was holding the bards' song festival for a week. 10. Properly done first aid can save the victim's life.

Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Подозреваемого допрашивали более двух часов. 2. Права и обязанности граж­дан определены соответствующими статьями конституции. 3. Группа экспертов завершила следственный эксперимент к обеду. 4. Обычно приговор зачитывается судьей. 5. Полномочия правящего монарха в Великобритании ограничены парла­ментом. 6. О времени экзамена мне сообщили еще вчера. 7. Спикер парламента избирается тайным голосованием. 8. Случаи коррупции должностных лиц широко освещаются в прессе. 9. Ограбление филиала Сбербанка было раскрыто по «све­жим следам» сотрудниками нашего отдела. 10. Много зарубежных гостей было приглашено в посольство США на праздник по случаю Дня Независимости.


Задание 1. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам. 1. This case will be heard tomorrow morning. 2. The search warrant was given to the In­spector Kelly. 3. British police are given wide powers to arrest the suspected in commit­ting a crime. 4. British police are administrated by the local authorities. 5. The Director of the National Bank is appointed by the President. 6. The soldiers were ordered to leave the territory of the range. 7. Three lots of pumps will be supplied by the beginning of April. 8. The scene of the crime has been being examined since morning. 9. Every year Kiev is visited by many tourists. 10. Public order is supported by the police forces.

Задание 2. Образуйте соответствующую видовременную форму страда­тельного залога глагола, представленного в скобках.

1. The analysis of the crime evidence (to carry out) by Mary Smith. 2. The Declaration (to fill in) by tourists on board the plain. 3. The conference (to hold) for three days. 4. The special measures (to undertake) to prevent the crime. 5. Different kinds of offences (to reflect) in criminal statistics. 6. There was an accident, but nobody (to hurt). 7. A new legislation (to send) to the standing committee for amendment. 8. English (to speak) by the largest part of the world population. 9. The doctor (to call) for helping. 10. The nu­meration of the buildings (to change) after the construction of a new house.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Закон может быть принят только большинством голосов в парламенте. 2. Обыч­но кандидатура министра предлагается премьер-министром, но утверждается пре­зидентом. 3. Отмывание денег рассматривается как тяжкое преступление. 4. Десят­ки офицеров полиции были задействованы во время футбольного матча. 5. Различ­ные виды права включены в программу подготовки юриста. 6. Декларация должна быть заполнена до пересечения границы и предъявлена на таможне. 7. Только что была объявлена посадка на наш самолет. 8. Профессора попросили еще раз объяс­нить теорему. 9. Автомобиль Брауна был угнан вчера ночью. 10. Рождество счита­ется одним из самых значительных христианских праздников.

Задание 4. Переведите текст со словарем.


The company is a body corporate, wows regulation is governed by one of the vari

ous Companies Act, reduced effectively to the Companies Acts 1948 and 1967. In popu­lar usage it is a company with a share capital. Companies may be created by royal charter, by a special act of Parliament, or may be registered with the Register of Companies under one of the various Companies Acts, particularly by the Act of 1948. Certain organizations must be registered under the Building Society Act 1878, 1894 and 1930, the Industrial and Provident Society Acts 1893-1895. There are not strictly companies but are often called such. In the case of companies dealt with under the 1948 Acts, the liability of members may be limited by shares, or by guarantees, or may be unlimited.

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