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Brief Summary of Chapter 2

Nonverbal communication is primarily an expression of semantic sphere of an individual. It is a direct channel of personal meanings and this explains the failure of numerous attempts to create a code dictionary, discrete alphabet of the language of nonverbal communication. The interpretation of nonverbal codes vary depending on the type of a conflict (horizontal, vertical), and it becomes more or less emotional, depending on whether the situation of confrontation is open or closed.

Conflict - a clash of opposing, incompatible tendencies in the mind of a single individual, interpersonal interactions and interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people associated with acute negative emotional experiences. Any organizational change, the contradictory situation, business and personal relationships between people often give rise to conflicts, which are accompanied by serious psychological subjective experiences.

The differentiation is caused by social status, communicative roles, gender, and sometimes by age. The time factor may be an indicator of social differentiation as well. Non-verbal codes interact with the verbal, but there is no single interpretation, since their meaning depends entirely on such factors as context, situation, the nature of the conflict, etc.

Chapter 3 Verbal manifestations of non-verbal means

While analyzing the literature we use the following structure:

Means of expression of non-verbal cues:

- presented in direct speech

- presented in the author's framing




Conflict (b):


- type of conflict (Cross-cultural, Intergroup conflict, Intragroup conflict, Interindividual conflict, Intraindividual Conflict, Social Conflict, Open-Closed)

- motivation

- behavior (description of the non-verbal means used in the chosen abstract)

- proxemic codes (analysis of the change of the distance during the conflict)

- analysis of the meaning of the non-verbal cues.


  1. Atonement (by Ian McEwan). Chapter 4, page 72.

«Leon had walked to the shallow end and stood facing her across the gently rocking sheet of oily blue water.

“How can I possibly do that?”

“I don’t care how you do it. Make an excuse.”

“Something’s happened between you.”

“No it hasn’t.”

“Is he bothering you?”

“For God’s sake!...

…He smiled, and since he had reached the gap first, he paused to hand her through, as though it were a drawing room doorway, and as she passed she felt him touch her lightly on her forearm.

She got up irritably and walked away, toward the swimming pool pavilion, an open structure supported by three fluted pillars. She stood, leaning against the central pillar, smoking and watching her brother. Two minutes before, they had been in league and now they were at odds—childhood revisited indeed»

Analysis: Non-verbal cues presented in the author's framing. The conflict is horizontal. Participants: brother and sister (Leon and Cecilia).

Type of conflict: interindividual conflict, closed.

The core of the conflict is clash of views.

Motivation: Leon invited a friend of Cecilia whom she doesn’t want to see. Prosodic code: “For God’s sake!” – increasing tone of the voice points at anger.

Proxemic codes: 1) Leon had walked to the shallow end; - the beginning of a conflict 2) She got up irritably and walked away; The distance between them during a conflict is getting larger, which points on irritation, the peak of a conflict. 3)… he paused to hand her through – the reduced distance indicates the solcation of a conflict.