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английский учебник(1 подгруппа).doc
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  1. Learn the vocabulary:

to arise from - происходить от

imbalance - дисбаланс

holdings to liquid assets - запасы ликвидных активов

cash surplus - избыток, излишек наличности

shortage of cash - дефицит наличности

funds - средства

discount house - учетный дом

intermediary - посредник

to purchase - покупать

base rate - базовая ссудная ставка

to calculate - считать

  1. Answer these questions:

1. What are the reasons for the shortage of funds on the money market?

2. What is the role of the discount house?

3. Does the Bank of England influence commercial bank's base rates?

4. When can the market be in cash surplus?

5. When does the money market find itself short of funds?

6. What is an interest rate?

  1. Explain the meaning of the following terms in English:

Imbalance, shortage of cash, solvency, intermediary, exchange rate.

4. Fill in the blanks with prepositions

1. Current account enables people to keep their money ... a safe place.

2. Beside, it allows them to withdraw money ... any time.

3. Thirdly, it provides them ... a cheque book that they do not have to carry a lot of cash.

4. If the manager is satisfied ... the applicant he will approve the application, arrange ... the applicant to be given a cheque book and arrange for a monthly statement to be sent ... him or her.

5. You can pay ... cheque.

6. If you put your money ... a deposit account, it will earn interest ... you.

5. Translate into English using Future Tenses or Present Tenses with Future meaning

1. Оплата будет произведена путем открытия аккредитива.

2. Если образцы удовлетворят нашим требованиям, мы сделаем большой заказ.

3. Он собирается установить контакты с поставщиками.

4. Менеджер вот-вот подойдет.

5. Поезд прибудет в 5:30.

6. М-р Браун уезжает завтра.

7. Я попытаюсь сделать это.

8. Когда она приедет, то напечатает письмо.

9. Я собираюсь обсудить с Вами цену товара.

10. Как будет производиться оплата?

11. Когда он приезжает в Киев?

12. Я подготовлю письма.

13. Шеф подпишет письма после обеда.

14. Совещание закончится в три часа.

15. Мы собираемся подписать договор.

6. Find proper definitions:



1. Tax

2. Yield

3. Cash

4. Bond

5. Stock/share

6. A rating

7. Portfolio

8. Liquidity

a) the pattern of investments held by a bank

b) a government or local government security

c) the actual return from a particular investment

d) a unit of ownership in a company

e) a stock thought to be of highest quality

f) money collected by a government for its support

g) the speed with which an investment can be redeemed for cash

h) coins and bills

7. Put the verbs in brackets into a proper form according to the model

Model: They already (sign) the contract before the telex (come).

They had already signed the contract before the telex came.

  1. We already (buy) 3000 computers when the government (impose) an important quota on them.

  2. Our sales (reach) an amount of 13000 units a year before we (to set up) a joint venture with Apple Computers.

  3. When the plane (land) I already (to arrive) at the airport.

  4. I (to have breakfast) when the porter (enter) the room.

  5. Mr. Baker (not, telephone) yet when the boss (call) me.