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11. Translate from Russian into English

1. Студенты вашей группы посещают все лекции?

2. Я знаю много английских слов.

3. Мы пойдем на дискотеку вечером?

4. Аня много помогает мне с переводом английских текстов.

5. Вы купили этот учебник вчера или позавчера?

5. Лекция продлится два академических часа.

6. Студенты обычно повторяют новые слова перед уроком.

7. Мой друг поступил в политехнический институт в прошлом году.

8. Два года назад мы и не слышали об этом.

9. Никогда не видела, чтобы он что-нибудь читал.

10. Я буду очень рада, если вы придете.

11. Занятия в университете всегда начинаются ровно в 8. 30 утра


12. Form Participle II of the following verbs and translate them

to smoke, to cut, to write, to prepare, to boom, to thrive, to translate, to watch, to target, to run, to execute, to begin, to buy, to find, to know, to purchase, to share, to complain.

13. Translate the following word combinations

required plan; excited student; sent letter; targeted destination; translated article; cut bread; begun story; hidden things; offered pencil; income projected; question asked; goal set.

14. Translate into English

купил, покупая, купленный; спросил, спрашивая, спрошенный; играл, играя, сыгранный; заказал, заказывая, заказанный; достиг, достигая, достигнутый; разработал, разрабатывая, разработанный; повысил, повышая, повышенный; оплатил, оплачивая, оплаченный; принимал, принимая, принятый.

15. State the function of PARTICIPLE I. Translate the sentences

1. A group of laughing people came up to us.

2. A group of people laughing loudly was walking along the street.

3. He stood talking to her in a soft voice.

4. Not understanding what they wanted he repeated his question.

5. Travelling all over the world the scientist saw many interesting things and

collected important material.

6. She stopped to look at the birds singing in the tree.

7. She stopped looking at the birds in the tree.

8. The old man telling something to the children lived in our house many years




16. Translate from English into Russian in a written form

1. We finished the test more rapidly than Mark.

2. We finished the test the most rapidly of all.

3. It takes me not more than 20 minutes to get to the University.

4. The students in Dr. Neil’s class complained the most bitterly about the grading


5. I wish we could see each other more frequently.

6. Many chemicals react more quickly in acid solutions.

7. The more you study during the semester, the less you have to study the week

before exams.

8. The more you practice speaking the better you will do it.

9. The food in my country is very different from that in the United States.

10. The interests on savings accounts at City Bank are higher than that of Income


11. Her qualifications are better than those of any other candidate.

12. The English spoken in Canada is similar to that in the United States.

13. The less one earns, the less one must pay in income taxes.

14. The more food the farmers grew, the better the citizenry ate and the wealthier

the country became.

read For fun

Listen to the text. Explain the meaning of the word paint.

One day a painter, looking out of the window, saw an old country man going by and thought the man would make a good subject for a picture. So he sent his servant to tell the man that her master would like to paint him. The old man hesitated and asked what the painter would pay him. She said he would pay him a pound. The old man still hesitated. “Come on”, she said. “It’s an easy way to earn a pound”. “Oh, I know that,” he answered. “I was only wondering how I should get the paint off afterwards”.

________________________________________________________LESSON 3


1. 1. Read the words paying attention to different pronunciation of letter a

[ o:] although almost equality always mall overall

[ :] vastly forecast pass half psalm staff bath rather

[ æ] asset asphalt aspen aspect asterisk

1.2. Mind the pronunciation of the following words with the italicized letters

[ou] roadmap, goal, loan, coat , toad, soap, moan

[u:] marshroute, soup, rouble / but trouble [trbl]

2. Read the text