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11. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Джой только что закончила читать вашу статью.

2. Эта студентка перевела несколько английских статей на русский язык.

3. Какие новые фильмы вы видели на этой неделе?

4. Вы уже окончили университет?

5. Я не разговариваю с ним с тех пор, как мы поссорились (to quarrel).

6. Джимми еще не ответил на ваш вопрос.

7. Элис никогда не была на Гавайях.

8. Я разговаривала с Деборой по телефону совсем недавно.

12. Fill in the blanks with the correct adverbs and adverbial phrases: EVER, ALREADY, SEVERAL YEARS ago, YET, NEVER, NOW, LAST YEAR, JUST

1. Hurry up. The train has ___________ arrived. You may be late.

2. She has ____________been to England but she knows English quite well.

3. He hasn't finished reading the magazine____________. As soon as he finishes

reading it he will give it to you.

4. It happened to me______________.

5. They have __________ conducted the survey of the neighborhood’s residents.

6. Have you ____________heard this American song?

13. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Perfect or past indefinite

1. He (to study) French before he (to enter) the University.

2. The boy (to want) to play the principal part in the play because he (to

organize) their theatre.

3. James (not to know) who (to attack) him in the darkness.

4. The girl was glad that she (to find) a seat near the window.

5. Suddenly he (to remember) that he (not to ring) her up in the morning.

6. By the time the train (to reach) the city he (to make) friends with many


7. After his uncle (to leave) he (to rush) to the station to book a ticket.

14. Translate the following sentences and state the tense-form of the predicate

1. I hope that you will have finished the article by the end of the week.

2. I hope that you will finish the article.

3. We shall be writing the Summary the whole morning tomorrow.

4. We shall have written the Summary by the time the attorney comes.

5. You will learn this poem by heart.

6. You will have learned this poem by heart by the end of the lesson.

7. He will examine his students tomorrow.

8. By the end of the week I shall have spent my cash.

9. I think he will spend his cash on books.

15.Translate the following sentences

1. К тому времени как они придут, я уже вернусь домой.

2. К тому времени как поезд подойдет, мы уже приедем на станцию.

3. К какому времени вы закончите обсуждение этой статьи?

4. Я приготовлю обед к тому времени, когда ты придешь домой из


5. К концу года курсовые работы будут закончены.

6. Я буду хорошо говорить на английском языке к тому времени как

закончу университет.


16. Translate the following sentences and explain the use of tenses

1. The new exhibition has been visited by many foreign tourists.

2. This article on management information systems has been written by our


3. By the beginning of the lecture all the necessary diagrams will have been

brought by the laboratory assistant.

  1. Our reports will have been finished by the end of the semester.