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9. Choose and use

make do

certain a contribution a mistake good a sum an experiment

a journey a complaint a charge harm one’s best a favour

money a choice a discovery business one’s duty a test

sure an excuse use of lessons damage the room

a trip an inquiry room for work housework the washing-up

a speech an answer dinner lecturing one’s hair justice

9.1 Insert the necessary verb

1. If he _______ a mistake, he will have to_______ his lesson again.

2. It will only _______ you good.

3. Don’t worry, I will try to _______ my best to help you.

4. She would like to _______ a journey to Italy this summer.

5. Housewives usually ________ their washing-up on Saturdays.

6. He just________ an excuse and disappeared.

7. We are to _________ choices pretty often in our lives.

8. It will not _________ you any harm.

9. If a person likes his or her business, he or she will ________ it thoroughly.

10. The earthquake ________ a lot of damage to the location.

11. Joseph ________his test better than anybody else in the group.

Essential grammar


10. Translate the following sentences

1. Your attorney or accountant said you must have a business plan.

2. You were told that your president required a strategic plan for your new


3. Many people view that your president required a strategic plan for your new


4. One new entrepreneur learned that his target customers preferred

Impressionist paintings.

5. Thomas Edison said that he didn’t want to invent anything that would not be


Direct and indirect speech

11. Change direct speech into indirect

1. The secretary said to me:”The delegation from the Wayne State University

arrived yesterday.”

2.”Will you switch on the computer, please?” said Pat.

3. I said:”I shall turn on the light and read the book I brought with me.”

4.”Don't rush to the door when you hear the bell,” said my elder brother.

5. She asked me: “How long are you going to stay here?”

6.”Lock the door when you leave the office,” said the manager.

7. John asked me: “Have you received a telegram from your attorney?”

9. “Please don't smoke here,” said the professor.

10. “I am afraid of the exam,” said the girl.

11. “I am leaving for Australia in two days,” said Patience.

12. Change indirect speech into direct

1. He asked me why there were so few people in the street.

2. The colleagues told him not to worry and go home peacefully.

3. She said that she would like to sleep in the open air.

4. She asked if I was going to leave Moscow the next day.

5. He told me that he had bought the calculator the day before.

6. Ann says she has just had a telephone call from Europe.

7. My friend asked me to leave the key at the neighbours.

8. He said he could not get to sleep then.