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Kotniuk. Non-finite forms of the verb.docx
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6.The Infinitive as Adverbial Modifier

The Infinitive can be used as an adverbial modifier of different types:

Adverbial Modifier of Purpose;

Adverbial Modifier of Subsequent Events;

Adverbial Modifier of Consequence (Result);

Adverbial Modifier of Attendant Circumstances;

Adverbial Modifier of Comparison;

Adverbial Modifier of Condition;

Adverbial Modifier of Exception;

Adverbial Modifier of Time;

Adverbial Modifier of Motivation.

6.1 The Infinitive as Adverbial Modifier of Purpose

1.The position of the infinitive used as an adverbial modifier of purpose varies. It usually stands after the predicate (a), though the position at the beginning of the sentence is also possible:

a)Laura has gone to town to do some shopping. I’m writing to enquire about activity holidays.

b)To get a good seat, you need to arrive early.

2.We can also use the conjunctions “in order” (more formal) or “so as” before the infinitive of purpose:

He got up early in order to have time to pack. I moved to a new flat so as to be near my work.

In order and “so as are normal before “stative” verbs like “be”, know” and “have”:

I watched him in order to know more about him. (It is more natural than I watched him to know more about him)

We normally use in order” and “so as before a negative infinitive: I’m going to leave now, so as not to be late.


1)The infinitive of purpose may also be introduced by the conjunctions “so as”, “as if”, “as though” and the preposition “except”, in which case it acquires the additional meanings of manner (so as), comparison (as if, as though) and exception (except):

He turned away so as to conceal his tears. He bent down as if to look at the flowers. In weeks of fog I would curl up in the cabin and read, hardly lifting my eyes except to eat.

2)The infinitive of purpose may be modified by limiting particles: I’m here just to see you off. He came down only to say good night to you.

3)The adverbial modifier of purpose is widely used in both formal and informal style.

Exercise 14. Complete the following sentences:

1.I read the story the second time (so as ). . . 2. He had to work hard (in order). . . 3. We must hurry ( so as not ). . . 4. After classes we stayed at the institute. . . 5. Has he come. . .? 6. . . . you should read more out loud. 7. I called on him yesterday. . . 8. We stopped . . . 9. . . we must begin preparing for the exams immediately.

6.2 The Infinitive as Adverbial Modifier of Subsequent Events

1.The infinitive can express the idea of “bad news” following “good news”:

Charles arrived for the concert to find it had been cancelled.

2.We often use “only” before the infinitive to express a disappointing sequel:

He hurried to the house only to find that it was empty. (= He hurried to the house and was disappointed when he found that it was empty.)

3.The infinitive can also be used in this function without any idea of misfortune:

He returned home to learn that his daughter had just become engaged.

But this use is mainly confined to such verbs as find, hear, learn, see, be told, etc., as otherwise there might be confusion between adverbial modifier of subsequent event and the adverbial modifier of purpose.


This use of the infinitive is rather literary: Laura came to find her house on fire. He grew up to be a handsome young man.

Exercise 15. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the pattern:

Pattern: a) I arrived home and found that the house had been burgled.

I arrived home to find that the house had been burgled.

b) He survived the crash but died in the desert.

He survived the crash only to die in the desert.

1.After driving all night we got to Amy’s place and discover that she was away. 2.He spent only four years getting a degree but learnt that there were no jobs for graduates. 3.He returned to the field and found the army in retreat. 4.Eliza rejoined her friends and discovered that Mr. Darcy had left. 5. I awoke one morning and found the house in an uproar. 6.I heard her voice but knew what she felt. 7.I arrived and found that the bird had flown. 8. He went home and saw his old friend George waiting for him. 9. I awoke and found Maud cooking dinner.

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