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Kotniuk. Non-finite forms of the verb.docx
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Self-correction exercises on the gerund

1.Define the form of the gerund in the following sentences;



1.Hoppy was horrified at the thought of being fondled by this stranger, alone on a boat.

“being fondled” – the non-perfect correlation; the passive voice

2.She worked hard at being patient.

“being” – the non-perfect correlation, the active voice

3. After having shaken hands neither he nor I had anything to say.

“having shaken” – the perfect correlation; the active voice

4. I am very fond of being confided in by children.

“being confided” – the non-perfect correlation; the passive voice

5. I had a dim recollection of having seen her at the theatre.

“having seen”- the perfect correlation; the active voice

6. These happy events occurred without any recommendation having been made by Rainborough.

“having been made”- ”- the perfect correlation; the passive voice

2.Define the function of the gerund in the following sentences:

1.Cable began by asking Krigler if he was angry with his former employer.

By “asking” – the AM of manner

2.Smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer.

“smoking” – the subject

3.Harkin took a deep breath and began fishing through an open briefcase.

“fishing” – part of the CVPhP

4.And he did so without looking at the flag.

Without “looking” – the AM of attendant circumstances

5.They flew first class, to Miami, where they waited two hours before boarding a flight to Amsterdam.

Before “boarding”-the AM of time

6.He knew she would not make the mistake of leaving prints.

of “leaving” – the attribute

7.I didn’t encourage their smoking .

“smoking” – part of the complex object

8.Dr Rossi insisted on attending.

“attending” – the object

9. Andrew could not help reflecting what a charming fellow Ivory had turned out to be.

“reflecting”- the object

10. She began clipping the flowers and arranging them in a vase.

“clipping”,” arranging”- part of the CVPhP

11.The clerks, usually busy shuffling papers or exhibits or doing a dozen things unrelated to the trial, were completely still.

“shuffling”, “doing” - objects

12. Bessie had not finished dusting and tidying the room.

“dusting “, “tidying”- part of the CVPhP

13. He liked living with the other boys in the house.

“living” – the object

14. Avoiding difficulties is not my method.

Avoiding”- the subject

15. Her aim is mastering English in the shortest time possible.

“mastering “- part of the CNPpr (predicative)

16. She preferred staying at home on such a wet day.

“staying”- the object

17. She has been working in a bank since coming to the city.

Since “coming”- the AM of time

18. The rain poured down without ceasing.

without “ceasing”- the AM of manner

19. Nick bought pictures instead of buying me a present.

“buying” – the AM of substitution

20. It’s no use crying over spilt milk.

“crying over spilt milk” – the subject

21. The best cure is carrying out social reforms rapidly.

“carrying out” – the predicative

22.Tom started to run for fear of being late for the interview

For fear of “being” late for the interview – the AM of reason

23. Instead of stopping, the rain increased.

“stopping” – the AM of substitution

24. I’d like to stay at home and cook something tasty rather than eating out.

than “ eating out” - the AM of comparison

25. In addition to smoking, he also had many other dangerous habits

“smoking” - the AM of addition

26. There is no point in having music lessons, if you are not going to practise.

in “having” lessons – the attribute

27. I insist on being treated with a certain degree of consideration.

on ”being treated” - the object

28. She objected to our being invited to the party.

to “our being invited” – the complex object

29. Jolyon stood for a moment without speaking.

without “speaking” – the AM of attendant circumstances

30. I was awakened by hearing my own name spoken in a whisper.

by “hearing” – the AM of manner

31. By traveling slowly we reached the house in safety.

by “traveling” –the AM of manner

32. Despite wanting to go to the party, she didn’t accept the invitation.

despite “wanting” – the AM of concession

33. There is no reading here. It’s too dark.

no “reading” hear – the subject

34. You can’t call up the lift without pushing this button.

without “pushing” this button – the AM of condition

35. I improve my English by listening to the radio.

by “listening” to the radio. – the AM of manner

36. John went to work in spite of being ill.

in spite of “being” ill – the AM of concession

37. What prevented him from coming to the wedding?

from “coming” to the wedding – the object

38. Jane had the idea of starting her own business.

of “starting” .business – the attribute

39. There is nothing worse than owing.

than “owing” – the AM of comparison

40. Seeing is believing.

seeing – the subject;

believing - part of the CNP pr


AM – Adverbial Modifier

CNPpr – Compound Nominal Predicate proper

CVPhP – Compound Verbal Phasal Predicate

SVP – Simple Verbal Predicate

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