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Is one of the most productive wb means in modern Eng.

Comp-n is the production of a new word by means of uniting 2 or more stems which occur in the lang-ge as free forms (bluebells, ice-cream). According to the type of comp-n & the linking element, there are follow types of compounds: neutral; morphological; syntactical.

(1) Comp-ds built without any morpheme as a link, are called neutral. The subtypes of neutral comp-ds according to the structure of immediate constituents:

a) neutral comp-ds proper consisting of 2 simple stems: sky –blue;film-star.

b) derived include at least 1 derived stem: looking-glass, music-lover, film-goer, mill-owner. derived comp-ds should be distinguished from comp-nd derivatives, formed by means of a suffix, which reffers to the combination of stems as a whole. Compound derivatives (сложно-произв.слова) are the result of 2 acts of WB comp-on & derivation. (golden-haired, broad-shouldered, honey-mooner, first-nighter).

c) contracted compounds which have a shortened stem in their structure, as “V-day” (victory), G-man (goverment), H-bag (hand-bag). d) comp-ds, in which at least 1 stem is compound (waterpaper(comp) –basket(simple)).

(2) Comp-ds with a specific morpheme as a link (comp-s with a linking element = morphological comp-ds): Anglo-Saxon, Franko-German, speedometer, statesman, tradespeople, handicraft, handiwork.

(3) Comp-ds formed from segments of speech by way of isolating speech syntagmas are sometimes called syntactic comp-ds, or compounds with the linking element(s) represented as a rule by the stems of form-words (brother-in-law, forget-me-not, good-in-nothing).

II. Comp-ds may be classified according to a part of speech they belong to & within each part of speech according to their structural pattern (structural types of compound-nouns):Comp-d nouns formed of an adjectival stem + a noun stem A+N: blackberry, gold fish; comp-d nouns formed of a noun-stem +a noun stem N+N: waterfall, backbone, homestead, calhurd.

III. Semantically comp-ds may be: idiomatic (non-motivated), non-idiomatic (motivated). The comp-ds whose m-gs can be derived from the m-ngs of their component stems, are called non-idiomatic, e.g. classroom, handcuff, handbag, smoking-car. The comp-ds whose m-ngs can’t be derived from the m-gs of their component stems are called idiomatic, e.g. lady-bird, man of war, mother-of-pearls. The critiria applied for distinguishing compounds from word combinations are: graphic (can be relied on when comp-ds are spelled either solidly or with a hyphen, but it fails when the comp-d is spelled as 2 separate words: blood(-)vessel); phonetic (is applied to comp-s which have either a high stress on the 1st component as in “hothead”, or a double stress “ `washing-ma`chine”, but it’s useless when a comp-nd has a level stress on both components, as in “ `arm-chair, `ice-cream”; grammatical (morphological, syntactic) If we apply morph-l & syntactical criteria, we’ll see that comp-ds consisting of stems, possess their structural integrity. The components of a comp-d are gram-lly invariable. No word can be inserted b/w the components, while the components of a word-group, being independant words, have the opposite features (tall-boy(высокий комод), tall boy (taller& cleverer,tallest)); semantic (One of the most reliable criterion. Comp-ds possess the higher degree of semantic cohesion (слияние) of its elements than word-groups. Comp-ds usually convey 1 concept. (a tall boy – 2 concepts, & a tallboy – 1 concept).

Q-14: Shortening

as a WB means occupies an intermediate position b/w major & minor types of WB in modern Eng.

Short. is very productive in colloquial speech & Am. Eng. Short. is a kind of subtraction from a full wd. It’s the reduction of a word to one of its parts. Short. is represented by clipping & abbreviation.

Clipped words are classified according to the position of a clipped part. Final clipping: which takes part when the final part of a word is clipped: ad (from advertisement), prep (preparation). Final clipped is the most productive class of clipping.Initial clipping: which takes place when the initial part of a word is clipped & the final is retained: drome (from aerodrome), chute (parachute), bus (omnibus), cello (violoncello), phone (telephone). Medial clipping: when the middle part of the word is clipped: maths (from mathematics), ma’am (madam). There are also words which have been clipped both at the beginning & at the end : e.g. flu (from influenza), fridge (refrigerator).

Clipping is closely connected & often combined with ellipsis. Ellipsis is the omission of a word or words in a phrase: e.g. daily from “daily newspaper”. Both ellipsis & clipping are employed in the formation of cat from “caterpillar tractor”, pub from “public house”, pop from “popular music”.

The term “abbreviation” is used for s shortened form a written word or phrase when only the initial letters are retained. The process of formation of such words is called abbreviation too.

There are 2 groups of abbrev: - Initial which have the alphabetical reading, i.e. they are pronounced as a series of letters; e.g. the USA (the United States of America), MP (member of Parliament), pm (Prime Minister), BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation);

- Initial which are read as ordinary Eng. Words. They are called acronyms: e.g. UNO (United National Organization), NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), laser4 (light amplification & stimulated emission radiation), AIDS (Acquire Immune-Deficiency Syndrome).

Q-15: Minor types of WB