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The National State Tax Service University of Ukraine

The National State Tax Service University of Ukraine is located on 23 hectares of a park zone, in 25 km from the capital city of Kyiv in the picturesque town of Irpin.

Having passed the way: technical school - college - institute - academy - National academy - university - National university, our educational establishment with rich 80 year history has become avunique higher educational institution of the early third millennium.

The University is a base educational institution of the state tax service of Ukraine; it has branches in the cities of Zhytomyr, Vinnitsa, Simferopol, Storozhynets (Chernivtsi region), Kamenets - Podilsky (Khmelnitsky region).

Our University trains bachelors, specialists, masters. More than 10 thousand young men and girls from all regions of Ukraine are engaged in the day time and correspondence form of training at the faculties of tax militia, law, accounting-economics, finance, taxation, correspondence study and military training.

The invaluable capital of the University is the pedagogical staff: among 540 highly skilled teachers there are 5 academicians, 55 doctors and 154 candidates of sciences, over 191 professors and docents.

In the structure of the University Kyiv financial and economic college operates for training junior specialists.

Among 500 highly skilled teachers there are 6 academicians, 60 doctors and more than 200 candidates of sciences, 55 professors and 137 associate professors.

Due to modern education-methodical and material bases educational process at the University is carried out at the level of modern education requirements. During its existence the high school has trained almost 60 thousand highly skilled experts.

The Academic council which totals 55 skilled science officers and teachers coordinates the research work. The university has the postgraduate study, specialized councils on training candidates of sciences in the sphere of economy and jurisprudence.

Scientific conferences including international ones are carried out on a regular basis. Irpin international pedagogical readings have become traditional events. Members of the scientific students and cadets organization repeatedly became winners of All-Ukrainian and international conferences.

Teachers of the University take part in the pedagogical experiment on introducing credit - modular system of the educational process organization. In our high school there is the Coordination council whose functions include support and generalization of the results of realizing Bologna declaration regulations.

The important role in educational process is played by the library which book fund totals over 170 thousand copies.

The Information-publishing center carries out release of the "Tax academy" newspaper and the "Naukovy visnyk" collection of scientific works, it removes video materials about our high school life, accompanies the University website, issues books and manuals.

Activity of the Student's administration covers training, private students' life, leisure, participation in public life, scientific researches, and amateur creativity.

"Suzirja" Cultural-art center of the National STS University of Ukraine consists of 20 many genres creative collectives and studios, it is a holiday of music, poetry and dance. The creative collective is known not only in Ukraine, but in Poland, Cyprus, Germany, Spain, the USA, and Canada as well.

Sportsmen who study and are brought up in the high school are known all over the world. Among the students of the university there are 20 sports masters of international class who were participants and prize-winners of Olympic Games, university games, the world championships, Europe and Ukraine.

At the university all conditions not only for training, but also for residing and rest have been created. The apartment houses for the faculty, Information centre, the students' hostel have been constructed. The educational areas of tax militia and military training faculties are being extended.

The high school has its own medicosanitary department consisting of the polyclinic branch, the day time hospital and clinical laboratory.

Life at the National STS university is raging. You are welcome to visit us, and you'll feel by yourselves the participants of these impetuous and interesting events.

The post address: National STS university of Ukraine, K.Marx str., 31, Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 08201

Phone: (+3804497) 57571 Fax: (+3804497) 60294

E-mail: admin@asta.edu.ua

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