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some, any, no, every and their derivatives:

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with some, any, or no:

1. There are … pictures in the book. 2. Are there … new students in your group? 3. Are there … old houses in our the walls? – No, there are … 5. Are there … sweets in your bag? – Yes, there are … 6. Have you got … English books at home? – Yes, I have … 7. There are … beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them. 8. It is winter. There are … leaves on the trees.

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with something, anything, nothing, or everything:

1. … is all right, the patient is much better today. 2. Is there … interesting in the programme of the concert? 3. I could see …: it was quite dark. 4. Give me … to drink. 5. I didn’t take any money with me, so I couldn’t buy … 6. My new eyeglasses are very good, I can see … now. 7. I saw … near the wood that looked like a tent.

Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with something, anything, nothing, or everything:

1. Give me … to read, please. – With pleasure. 2. I don’t know … about your town. Tell me … about it. 3. Please give me … warm: it is cold here. 4. I understand … now. Thank you for your explanation. 5. There is … white in the box. What is it? 6. Is there … that you want to tell me? 7. Where is the book? – It is on the table. – No, there is … there.

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with somebody, anybody, nobody, or everybody:

1. Has … in this group got a dictionary? 2. … left a magazine in our classroom yesterday. 3. The question was so difficult that … could answer. 4. … knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it. 5. … knows that water is necessary for life. 6. I am afraid I won’t be able to find … in the office now: it is too late. 7. You must find … who can help you. 8. I saw … in the train yesterday who looked like you. 9. There is … in the next room. I don’t know him. 10. Please tell us the story. … knows it. 11. Is there … in my group who lives in the dormitory? 12. … can answer this questions. It is very easy.

Exercise 11. Fill in the blanks with some, any, no, or their derivatives:

1. Here are … books by English writers. Take … book you like. 2. The are … boys in the garden because they are at school. 3. I can see … on the snow, but I don’t know what it is. 4. Did he say … about it? – No, he said … 5. What should I do now, Mom? I have done my homework. – You can do … you like. 6. There was … in the street because it was very late. 7. … wants to see him. 8. Can I have … milk? – Yes, you can have … 9. Will you have … tea? 10. Put … sugar in her tea: she does not like sweet tea. 11. He is busy. He has … time to go to the cinema with us. 12. If … is ready, we will begin our experiment. 13. What is the matter with you? Has … offended you?

Exercise 12. Translate into English, using some and any:

1. У деяких студентів першого курсу завтра нема занять з англійської мови. 2. Бажаєте чаю? – Ні, дякую. 3. Він дав нам гроші. 4. Вранці ми пили каву. 5. Він не дав мені жодних листівок. 6. Будь-який студент може відповісти на це запитання. 7. Не думаю, що у мене вдома є газети. 8. Приходьте в любий час.

Exercise 13. Translate into English:

1. У їдальні є хто-небудь? 2. У садку нікого нема. 3. У нашій кімнаті є хто-небудь? 4. Там є хтось. 5. Там нікого нема. 6. Мій друг бажає мені щось сказати. 7. Якщо ви забажаєте що-небудь поїсти, йдіть у вагон-ресторан. 8. Розкажіть нам усе про вашу подорож. 9. Дайте мені, будь-ласка, що-небудь поїсти. 10. Ганна живе десь у цьому районі. 11. У місті багато скверів. Скрізь дерева та квіти. 12. Я нікого не знаю в цьому місті. 13. Ми чули цю пісню усюди. 14. Він десь у садку.