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The future continuous tense

Відмінювання дієслова to write (писати)

в Future Continuous Tense

(дія в процесі, буде відбуватися в певний момент в майбутньому)

I shall be writing

He will be writing

She will be writing

It will be writing

We shall be writing

You will be writing

They will be writing

I shall not be writing

He will not be writing

She will not be writing

It will not be writing

We shall not be writing

You will not be writing

They will not be writing

Shall I be writing?

Will he be writing?

Will she be writing?

Will it be writing?

Shall we be writing?

Will you be writing?

Will they be writing?

Exercise 74. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous Tense:

1. This time next month I (to sit) on a beach. 2. When you arrive I probably (to pick) fruit. 3. When we reach England it (to rain) probably. 4. I’ll call for her at 8. – No, don’t; she still (to have) breakfast then. 5. I (to wait) for you when you come out. 6. When you next see me I (to wear) my new dress. 7. I’ll give Jack your message. I can do it easily because I (to see) him tomorrow. We go to work on the same train. 8. I’ll come at 3 o’clock. – Good, I (to expect) you.

Exercise 75. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous Tense:

1. What do you think the children (to do) when we get home? – I expect they (to have) their supper. 2. The garden (to look) its best next month. 3. We’ve just got to the top in time. The sun (to rise) in a minute. 4. Don’t ring her up now, she (to put) the children to bed. Ring later. 5. That football club has lost some of its players. They (to look) out for new men. 6. When I get home my dog (to sit) at the door waiting for me. 7. The doctor is over sixty, but he doesn’t want to retire. I think he still (to work) when he is seventy. 8. She is retiring soon; she (not to teach) in this school much longer.

Exercise 76. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous Tense:

1. I (not to work) at my English at 12 o’clock tomorrow. 2. She (to make) a report at this time tomorrow. 3. You (to wait) for me at 3 p.m. tomorrow? 4. I (to read) this book when you ring me up. 5. He (to work) at the library the whole evening tomorrow? 6. I (to speak) over the phone when you come to me. 7. What you (to do) when he comes? 8. I (to play) the piano the whole evening tomorrow. 9. This time tomorrow we (to see) him off to the airport. 10. You still (to watch) TV when I come to your place?

Exercise 77. Translate into English:

1. Коли ми приїдемо до Лондона, вони будуть зустрічати нас на вокзалі. 2. У цей час наступного тижня ми будемо подорожувати. 3. Вона буде займатися англійською з 9 до 11? – Так. 4. Ми прийдемо о 5 годині. – Добре, я буду вас чекати. 5. Що будуть робити діти, коли ми приїдемо додому? – Вони будуть обідати. 6. Ви знаєте, що ви будете (збираєтесь) робити ввечері? 7. Ви все ще будете готуватися до іспитів, якщо я прийду о дев’ятій?

Exercise 78. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. He’ll be waiting for you at seven in the evening. 2. They will be having dinner at that time. 3. We’ll be discussing this question tomorrow morning. 4. They’ll be packing tomorrow. 5. I’ll be meeting my old friends in Kiev soon.