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How to work at a new word?

T here are two ways: at an isolated word

In a context

How to work at an isolated word:

  • when you deal with proper names, geographical names;

  • sometimes you can give some words to develop the language guessing abilities (the first word is given in a context, the rest – in isolation: a runner – in a context; a jumper – will be easily guessed);

  • when teaching the pupils to work with a dictionary.

Work at a new word in a context is more widely used: in a phrase, in a situation, in a story, in question-answer form, in a talk, in a story with elements of a talk. It leads to better assimilation of new words.

Stage II – drilling. Aim: to create/form the stereotypes of usage of a new word.

Stage III – situational (communicative practice). Aim – improvement of the vocabulary habits and developing of the pupils’ skills of using the vocabulary independently.

Lecture 9 Teaching Listening Comprehension


  1. Characteristics of LC as a means and as an aim of teaching.

  2. Psychological mechanisms of perception of speech by the ear. Difficulties of perception of the living speech in a foreign language.

  3. Chief stages of teaching LC and their interrelation. Exercises aimed at development of auding skills.

  4. Ways and techniques of comprehension of dialogue and monologue by ear. Using of the mechanical teaching aids in teaching listening comprehension.


The term “auding” means hearing and comprehension. To aud means to recognize and to comprehend the content of speech. Auding is a receptive kind of language activity. It is both an aim and a means of teaching.

LC as a means of teaching is used as :

  1. a way of introduction of the language material in oral form (in a talk, in speech patterns);

  2. a means of forming well-set acoustic images of language phenomena (words) together with their meanings, which is ensured by multiple perception of the same material by the ear;

  3. a means of acquiring pronunciation habits, because instruction only won’t help pupils to pronounce a sound strange to their mother-tongue if they don’t hear how it is pronounced by a teacher or by the speaker;

  4. a major means of teaching speaking. Psychologists and methodologists (beginning with H. Palmer) have admitted the necessity of auding coming before outstripping speaking;

  5. And skills in a an effective means of developing habits foreign language;

  6. a means of mastering the (teaching) technique of reading aloud, as the mechanisms of reading aloud comprises also acoustic images. The year controls correctness of reading a text aloud.

LC as the means of teaching permits multiple listening of one and the same speech material; while LC as a language activity constitutes a skill of comprehending speech by ear at single (presented but once) perception (presentation).


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