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Verdict, in law, is the pronouncement of the jury upon matters of fact submitted to them far deliberation and determination. In civil cases, verdicts may be either general or special. A general verdict is one in which the jury pronounces generally upon all the issues, in favor of either the plaintiff or the defendant. A special verdict is one in which the jury reviews the facts, but leaves to the court any decisions on questions of law arising from those facts, As a rule, howeveri special verdicts are not applicable to criminal cases, and in most instances the jury renders a general verdict of "guilty" or "not guilty."

Generally, the jury's verdict must be unanimous. In a number of states, however, the condition of unanimity has been modified, and verdicts can consequently be rendered by a designated majority of the jury. All jury members must be present in court when the verdict is given.

In criminal cases a verdict of acquittal is conclusive upon the prosecution (the state), thus precluding double jeopardy, but the defendant may be tried again in the event the jury cannot reach a decision. The defendant must be present when the verdict is rendered.

Chapter IV. Fair Trial: the Jury 141

T ASK 6. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1) final verdict

а) вердикт о виновности

2) general verdict

b) вердикт о невиновности

3) special verdict

с) вердикт об оправданий

4) to attain/reach/return/

d) вердикт об осуждении

bring in a verdict

е) вынести вердикт

5) unanimous verdict

f) генеральный вердикт,

e) verdict of acquittal

вердикт по существу дела

7) verdict of conviction

g) окончательный вердикт

8) verdict of guilty

h) ошибочный вердикт

9) verdict of non-guilty

1} прийти к соглашению

10) wrong verdict

относительно вердикта

11) to agree to/upon a verdict

jj вердикт, вынесенный


к) специальный вердикт

(решение присяжными

частного вопроса)

TASK 7. Render the following text into English -paying special attention to the words and expressions given in bold type:

Вердиктом является решение коллегии присяжных заседа­телей по поставленным перед ней вопросам, включая основной вопрос о виновности подсудимого.

Присяжные выносят вердикт

• без постороннего влияния, удалившись в совещательную комнату;

« открытым голосованием, причем никто не вправе воздер­жаться от принятия решения;

• путем единогласного решения, или большинством го­ лосов;

• ответы даются яо каждому вопросу отдельно, Руководит совещанием присяжных старшина, который по­ следовательно ставит на обсуждение подлежащие разрешению вопросы, проводит голосование, ведет подсчет голосов.

TASK 8. Revise your knowledge of the work of juries. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences:

all through

1. A juror should keep an open

the trial 2. You become a potential juror after your name is selected

142 Just English. Английский для юристов

' from voters registration „____________. . 3. A crime

o f graver nature than a misdemeanour is a .4. To

somebody means to find a person not guilty in a trial.

5. Civil cases are usually disputed between or among _ ,

corporations or other organizations, 6. The of jury

doesn't need to be in civil cases. 7. The

keeps track of all documents and exhibits in trial being the judge's

assistant. 8, The job of a juror is to listen to and to

decide . 9, One who is engaged in a lawsuit is called a

.10. Process by which a lawyer questions a witness called

to testify by the other side is ___________ • 11- " ___"

is a phrase meaning "to speak the truth'1.12. A juror should not be

influenced by sympathy or .13. A juror should not

express his ___________ to other jurors before .

begin. 14. Formal accusation of having committed a criminal offence

is a , 15. To be a good juror you should use your

- and be 16. The third stage of a trial is

. 17. When a ________ has been reached the

judge the jury from the case. 18. A member of jury

panel must an promising to answer all questions

truthfully. 19. To be eligible, you must: be ,

, able to , and if you ever

t you must have your .

. 20, Compromise agreement by opposing parties, eliminating the need

for the judge to resolve the controversy is called .

21. Trier of facts is a or, in a non-jury trial — a ,

_2V People who don't meet certain : may be

. from jury service. 23. Lawyers for each side are allowed

t o when they consider something done improper

under the of evidence, 24. Attorney who represents the

defendant is a . 25. is any statement made

b y a witness under , in legal proceedings. 26. .

means that the lawyer doesn't have to state a

___ for asking the juror to be excused. 27. The party

bringing the suit is called a ___ . 28. The fifth step of a trial

is called , when the lawyers „____

the case from their of view. 29, The lawsuit is started by

filing a paper called a _______ . 30, The defendant's innocence

is unless he is proved . 30. It is up to judge to

decide whether each is valid or ' ,

31. Following the of evidence, the judge gives _

to the jurors on the laws that are to guide them in their _____ on

Chapter IV. Fair Trial: the Jury j 4 3

a __ • 32. A case is brought by the state or the city

against a person or persons accused of a crime. 33, In

cases people who have been may sue a "person or a

company they feel is responsible for , 34, If the defendant

has not guilty, the prosecution must prove his guilt to

overcome the „„____ . 35. The elected by

the jury should provide that is conducted in orderly

fashion, 36. is a request by a party to excuse a

specific juror for some reason. 37. The in trial decides

the law, i.e. makes decisions on legal . 38. Most often in civil

cases the party bringing the ____ is asking for money ,

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