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theor.phonetics 2.doc
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Lecture 9.


1. Syllable and its functions.

2. Types of syllables.

3. Syllable formation and syllable division.

4. Vocoids and contoids.

1.Syllable and its functions.

Though the basic phonological elements are phonemes, human intercommunication is actualized in syllables. It is generally known, that speech is a continuum. However, it can be broken into minimal pronounceable units into which sounds show a tendency to cluster or group themselves. These smallest phonetic groups are generally given the name of syllables. So, syllable is the unit of segmentation of the spoken chain.

The syllable as a unit is difficult to define, though native speakers of a language are usually able to state how many syllables there are in a particular word.

«Слог – это отрезок речи, заключенный между двумя мини растворами легких, характеризующийся увеличением звучности (громкости) и являющийся естественной единицей сегментации речевого потока. Слог произносится отдельным напором выдыхаемого воздуха (отдельной пульсацией), вызываемой движением межреберных мышц, и поэтому рассматривается как своего рода дуга произносительного напряжения». Ахманова О.С. «Словарь…»

Being the smallest pronounceable units, the syllables form language units of greater magnitude, that is morphemes, words, and phrases. Each of these units is characterized by a certain syllabic structure. Consequently we might say that a meaningful language unit has two aspects: syllable formation and syllable division, which form a dialectical unity.

According to J.Kenyon the syllable is one or more speech sounds, forming a single uninterrupted unit of utterance, which may be a word, or a commonly recognized subdivision of a word.

The syllable can be a single word: chair, a part of a word: English, a part of the grammatical form of a word: later.

The syllable can be analyzed from the acoustic and auditory, articulatory and functional points of view. The syllable can be viewed in connection with its graphic representation.

Acoustically the syllable is characterized by the force of utterance, or accent, pitch of the voice, sonority and length, that is by prosodic features.

Auditorily the syllable is the smallest unit of perception: the listener identifies the whole of the syllable and only after that the sounds contained.

The articulatory energy which constitutes the syllable results from the combined action of the power, vibrator, resonator and obstructer mechanisms.

Phonologically the syllable is regarded and defined in terms of its structural and functional properties. The syllable as a phonological unit performs three functions: constitutive, distinctive, identificatory. They are closely connected.

1.Costitutive function: Syllable constitutes words, phrases and sentences through the combination of their prosodic features: loudness – stress, pitch – tone, duration – length and tempo. Syllables may be stressed, unstressed, high, mid, low, falling, long, short. All these prosodic features constitute the stress pattern of words, tonal and rhythmic structure of an utterance, help to perform distinctive variations on the syllabic level.

2. Distinctive and Differentiatory function: There are rather many combinations in English distinguished fromeach other by means of the difference in the place of the syllabic boundary: a name –an aim, ice cream – I scream, we loan – we’ll own etc.

The distinctive differentiatory function of the syllabic boundary makes it possible to introduce the term “juncture”. Close juncture or conjuncture occurs between sounds within one syllable, e.g. a name, I scream : in the first example the close juncture is between [n] and [ei], in the second – between [s] and [k]. Open juncture, disjuncture, or internal open juncture occurs between two syllables. If we mark open juncture with [+] then in our examples it will occur between a + name, I + scream. American scientists H.A.Gleason,

I.S.Harris and K.Pike consider the open juncture a separate segmental phoneme. They include [+] into the inventory phonemes as a separate

differentiatory unit.

3. Identificatory Function: This function is conditioned by the

pronunciation of the speaker. The listener can understand the exact

meaning of the utterance only if he perceives the correct syllabic

boundary – “syllabodisjuncture”, e.g.: pea stalks – peace talks; my

train – might rain.

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