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Росиия - английский язык Долгова .Грачева.doc
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Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was first mentioned in records dated back to the year 1147. The history of Moscow is connected with the history of Russia. It was Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy who led the Russian troops to a decisive victory over Tatar invaders in the battle of Kulikovo field in 1380.

During the Troubled Times Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders, but they were routed by the popular levy headed by Minin and Pozharsky.

In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. The city was set ablaze. The army had to retreat.

Nowadays Moscow is the largest city of Russia. Its population is more than nine million. Moscow is a political, administrative, economic, educational and cultural centre of the country. There are many places of interest in Moscow. It is known for its beauti­ful old churches and monasteries. The capital is also noted for its museums, art galleries and theatres. The Historical Museum, the Pushkin Museum of Pine Art, the Tretyakov State Picture Gallery are world famous. Moscow is pound of the Bolshoy, the Maly and the Art Theatres.

Our capital is an industrial centre with highly developed engineering, electric, light and chemical industries.

It's a scientific centre too. The Russian Academy of Sciences, the oldest university, many schools of higher learning, research institutes are located there.

Moscow is the country's largest sports centre. It often beco­mes a scene of international sports festivals.

mention ['men∫n] - упоминание

troop ['tru:p] - войско

levy ['levi] - войска, набранные рекруты

decisive [di'saisiv] - решающая, убедительная

be routed ['raut] - быть разгромленными

be set ablaze [ә'bleiz] - быть объятым пламенем

Задание 1. Прочтите текст о Москве. Переведите его.

Задание 2. Повторите слова и выражения, связанные с историей и достопримечательностями Москвы.

first mentioned; a decisive victory; was set ablaze; Napoleonic armу; had to retreat; churches and monasteries; the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art; the Russian Academy of Sciences; a scene.

Задание З. Подберите сказуемые в пассивном залоге, данные под чертой, подходящие по смыслу. Переведите предложения.

1. Moscow ... first ... in records in 1147.

2. Russian troops ... by Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy in the battle of Kulikovo field.

3. The Polish invaders ... by the levy headed by Minin and Pozharsky.

4. Moscow ... for its museums, art galleries and theatres.

5. The Russian Academy of Sciences ... in Moscow too.

were routed; is located; was mentioned; were led; is noted.

Задание 4. Прочтите текст, поймите его содержание, придумайте его название.

The oldest part of Moscow is the Kremlin. It stands in the heart of the city. The word "Kremlin" means "fortress” and it used to be a fortress. In 1156 a small settlement of Moscow was surrounded with a wooden wall, and became the Kremlin. The town and the Kremlin were burnt in 1237, but they were rebuilt. They were made of white stone. But in the 15th century, by order of Tsar Ivan III the Kremlin was surrounded with a new red-brick wall,.

The buildings inside the Kremlin wall were built between the 15th and the 17th centuries. They are the Bell Tower (16 с), and a famous group of churches. The Uspensky Cathedral is the largest one. It was built in 1479; there Russian tsars and empe­rors were crowned. In the Archangel Cathedral one can see tombs of Moscow princes and tsars. Blagoveshchensky Cathedral was built in 1484. It is noted for its frescoes by Andrei Rublyov and his pupils. Granovitaya Palata is another masterpiece inside the Kremlin wall. Moscow tsars held magnificent receptions in honour of foreign ambassadors there. The Tsar Cannon (16 с) and the Tsar Bell attract crowds of tourists too. They can look at the beau­tiful Cathedral of Basily the Blessed, the Lenin Mausoleum and the monument to Minin and Pozharsky outside the Kremlin in famous Red Square.

settlement ['setlmәnt] - поселение

to be burnt ['bә:nt] - сгореть

by order [' :dә] - по приказу

church ['t∫ә:t∫] - церковь

cathedral [kә'θi:drәl] - собор

to be crowned ['kraund] - быть коронованным

tomb ['tu:m] - могила

fresco ['freskou] - фреска

masterpiece ['ma:stәpi:s] - шедевр

magnificent [mæg'nifisnt] - великолепный

in honour [' nә] - в честь

ambassador [æm'bæsәdә] - посол

cannon ['kænәn] - пушка

mausoleum [,m :sә'li:әm] - мавзолей

Задание 5. Спросите своего собеседника, как он запомнил слова и выражения текста:

маленькое поселение - ; сгорел - ; по приказу - ; цари и императоры - ; были коронованы - ; могилы - ; приемы в честь - ; Царь-пушка - ; Собор Василия Блаженного - ; мавзолей Ленина -.

Задание 6. Вспомните порядок слов в специальном вопросе. Составьте вопросы, на которые данные предложения послужили ответами.

1. Where ...? Kremlin stands at the heart of the city.

2. When ...? A small settlement was surrounded with a wooden wall in 1156.

3. When ...? The Kremlin wall was made of red-brick in the 15th century.

4. Where ...? One can see tombs of Moscow princes and tsars in the Archangel Cathedral.

5. Which ...? Blagoveshchensky Cathedral is noted for its frescoes by Andrei Rublyov.

6. Where ...? Moscow tsars held receptions in honour of foreign ambassadors.

7. What ...? There are the Cathedral of Basily the Blessed, the Lenin Mausoleum and the monument to Minin and Pozharsky outside the Kremlin Wall.

Задание 7. Разыграйте следующие ситуации:

- Вы никогда не были в Москве и хотите больше узнать об этом городе. Ваш друг рассказывает Вам о своем последнем путешествии в Москву. Используйте следующие выражения:

- I'd like to learn more about ...

- What could you suggest to me ...?

- If I were you I'd …

- Вас попросили подготовить доклад об исторических местах Москвы.

Вы консультируетесь по телефону с сотрудником гос. архива г. Москвы. Какие вопросы Вы задаете ему? Не забудьте фразы вежливого обращения:

- Will you, please, ...

- Can you tell me ...

- Thank you so much for your help.

** Составьте конспект экскурсии по Кремлю для иностранных студентов в виде ключевых слов. Проговорите ее вслух.

Задание 8. *** Расскажите о Москве, используя информацию двух текстов.