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Росиия - английский язык Долгова .Грачева.doc
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Занятие II

Задание 8. Закончите предложения, используя слова из текста.

1. The Russian State came into existence ... .

2. Kiev became a large political centre ... .

3. The tragic period of our history was connected ... .

4. The Tatars ruled Russia ....

5. At the end of the 15th century Moscow ... .

6. Ivan III defeated the Tatars ....

7. Peter I contributed greatly ... .

8. Russia had to face with ... .

Задание 9. Выразите удивление по поводу изложенных фактов, используя вопросительную форму Past Simple.

1. Volgograd came into existence in the 15th century.

2. In the course of time Kiev became a large cultural centre in Europe.

3. Peter the Great ruled for 100 years.

4. Ivan the IIId defeated Tatars finally.

5. Moscow developed into the main city in the 15th century.

6. St. Petersburg was founded in 1702.

7. The development of Russia began with the governing of Nicolay I.

8. The long-suffering Russia faced with many wars.

Задание 10. Спросите своего собеседника, где и когда совершилось действие.

1. The turning point in the development of Russia began with the governing of Peter I. (when ... ?)

2. In the course of time Kiev became a large political centre in Western Europe, (where ... ?)

3. At the end of the 15th century Moscow developed Into the main city in the Russian Empire, (when ... ? where ... ?)

4. Since 1703 St. Petersburg became the capital of the Russian State, (when ... ?)

5. During its history Russia always stayed independent and unsub­dued, (when ... ?)

Задание 11. Докажите следующие утверждения:

Prove that Russia is an ancient state;

- that Kiev was known as “Mother of Russian Cities”;

- that the tragic period of the history of Russia was connected with the yoke;

- that the development of Russia began with the Russian Tsar Peter the Great;

- that Russia always was independent.

Задание 12. Объясните своему собеседнику причину событий или действий.

1. Why is Russia an ancient state?

2. Why was Kiev called “Mother of the Russian Cities”?

3. Why is the tragic period of Russia connected with the Mongol-Tatar Toke?

4. Why did Моеcow become the capital of Russia?

5. Why did the turning point in the development of Russia begin with the Russian Tsar Peter the Great?

6. Why did St. Petersburg become the capital of the Russian State?

Задание 13. Прочитайте текст (продолжение), поймите его содержание и выполните задания после текста.

New words:

amber ['æmbә] - янтарь

to belong to - принадлежать

to join - присоединяться

to claim - требовать (амер.: заявлять)


Part II

Rurik brought an armу with him and he governed Novgorod. Two of his companions, Askold and Dir, went farther down the amber road and became rulers of Kiev, the greatest of all Russian cities. But a little later Rurik's relative Oleg killed Askold and Dir and be­came ruler of Kiev himself.

For almost 700 years nearly all the Russian rulers belonged to the family of Rurik, and it was in his time that the Russian lands were first called Rus (Russia).

The Russian people became Christians just under 1,000 years ago, when Vladimir, Prince of Kiev, decided to join the Eastern Church of Constantinople. The Eastern Church called itself the Orthodox Church which means the "right teaching" Church, because it claimed to keep much closer to the teaching of the Apostles than the Roman Catholic Church did.

Retell the text using the plan (2 parts).

1. Before Nestor's time, of the Russian State.

2. The Varagians.

3. The Ruriks.

4. The Russian People became Christians.

5. The role of the monk Nestor in the history of Russia.

Задание 14. Расскажите студентам из Великобритании об истории

России. Используйте информацию, полученную из дополни­тельных текстов для чтения. Начните свой рассказ так:

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