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Росиия - английский язык Долгова .Грачева.doc
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Занятие V

Text 3


Russia is a democratic federate state of law with the republi­can form of governing. The names the Russian Federation and Russia are equivalents.

The Russian Federation consists of republics, territories, regions, cities of federal value, one autonomous region, autonomous districts which are equal subjects of the Russian Federation.

The state power in Russia is carried out by means of division into 3 branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The state power is exercised by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation, courts of the Russian Federation.

The President of the Russian Federation is the head of the state. The President determines the main directions of home and foreign state policy. The President must be a citizen of the Russian Fede­ration, at least 35 years old, and have lived in the Russian Federa­tion at least 10 years. The President is elected by the citizens of the Russian Federation for 4 years and is limited to 2 terms. The elections are conducted by means of universal equal and direct suf­frage by secret ballot. The President forms his Administration and has the power to appoint, with the State Duma's consent, the Chair­man of the Government.

The legislative branch is represented by the Federal Assembly (the Parliament of the Russian Federation) which consists of 2 cham­bers: the Council of Federation and the State Duma.

There are 2 representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation in the Council of Federation: one from representative and one from executive bodies. The State Duma is composed of 450 deputies and serves for a 4-year term. Each chamber is headed by the Speaker. A bill is to be introduced la the State Duma. A bill be­comes a law if it is approved by both chambers, signed and promul­gated by the President.

The executive branch is headed by the Chairman of the Govern­ment of the Russian Federation and is composed of vice-chairmen of the Government and federal ministers.

Justice in the Russian Federation is exercised only by courts. The judicial power is carried out by means of constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal legal proceedings. Judges are indepen­dent and follow only the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal law. They serve life terms.

Political variety and multi-party system are recognized in Russia.

Задание 1:

а) прослушайте текст;

б) запомните правильное произношение и значение следующих слов:

law [l :] - закон, право

autonomous [ :'t nәmәs] - автономный

branch [bra:nt∫] - ветвь

legislative ['led isleitiv] - законодательный

executive [ig'zekjutiv] - исполнительный

judicial [d u:'di∫l) - судебный

court [k :t] - суд

determine [di'tә:min] - определять

foreign ['f rin] - иностранный, внешний

suffrage ['s frid ] - право

ballot ['bælәt] - голосование

consent [kәn'sent) - согласие

promulgate ['pr mәlgeit] - объявлять

justice [d stis] - правосудие, справедливость

legal proceedings [prә'si:diηz] - судопроизводство

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте и прочитайте вслух предложения, перевод которых дан ниже:

1. Россия - демократическое федеративное правовое государство с республиканской формой правления.

2. Государственная власть в России осуществляется на основе разде­ления на три ветви: законодательную, исполнительную и судебную.

3. Президент определяет основные направления внутренней и внешней политики государства.

4. Выборы проводятся на основе всеобщего равного и прямого изби­рательного права при тайной голосовании.

5. Законопроект становится законом, если он одобрен обеими палатами, подписан и обнародован президентом.

6. Судебная власть осуществляется посредством конституционного, гражданского, административного и уголовного судопроизводства.

7. В России признаются политическое многообразие, многопартийность.

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст друг другу и проверьте адекватность перевода.

Задание 4. Подберите словам из левой колонки соответствующие объяс­нения из правой. Запищите ответ дробью.



1. legislative

2. executive

3. judicial

4. a tern

5. suffrage

6. to appoint

7. consent

8. a representative

9. to introduce

10. justice

11. civil

12. criminal

1. fair treatment

2. concerned with law-breakers

3. a person who speaks and acts for others

4. to formally present а пен law to be discussed and voted on

5. law-enforcing

6. concerning a disagreement between parties

7. period of time

8. law-making

9. an agreement

10. right to vote

11. to name to take office

12. law-interpreting

Задание 5. Согласитесь или опровергните следующие утверждения, используя предложенные образцы:

Yes, I agree.

That's right.

I think so.

I don't agree.

That's wrong.

I don't think so.

1. The President is the head of the state and the Government.

2. The Federal Assembly has 450 members.

3. The President must be a natural-born citizen of the Russian Fe­deration.

4. The executive branch is headed by the Chairman of the Government and composed of vice-chairmen and federal ministers.

5. There are 2 representatives from each subject of the R.F. in the State Duma.

6. The R.F. consists of republics, territories, regions, cities of federal value, autonomous regions, autonomous districts.

7. The Chairman determines main directions of home and foreign policy.

Задание 6. Составьте предложения, используя подстановочную таблицу, и переведите их. .




1. The elections

2. The State Duma

3. Judges

4. The President

5. The legislative branch

6. Justice

7. Each chamber

8. The President

is exercised only by

is beaded by

has the power

are conducted by

is composed of

must hare lived


is represented by

life terms.

in the Russian Federation at least 40 years.

means of universal equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

by the speaker.


to appoint, with the State Duma's consent, the Chairman of the Goverment of the R.F.

the Federal Assembly.

450 deputies.

Задание 7. Обучающая (ознакомительно-тренировочная) программа
