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Variant 7.


Inflation is a rise in the average price of goods over time. Pure inflation is the special case in which all prices of goods and factors of production are rising at the same percentage rate.

Inflation does have bad effects and it is costly for the economy as a whole. To understand the costs of inflation we need to understand the effects of inflation. Some mon­etarists say that inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. And they attribute this excess de­mand for goods to an increase in the nominal money sup­ply.

The real money supply (M/P) is the nominal money supply M divided by the price level P. People demand mon­ey because of its purchasing power in terms of goods. The demand for money will be a demand for real money balanc­es. We use the symbol "L(Y,r)" to denote the quantity of real balances demanded when real increase is "Y" and the interest rate is "r". If the money market is in equilibrium, the supply of real balances M/P must equal the quantity of real balances demanded.

The quantity theory of money says that changes in the nominal money supply lead to equivalent changes in the price level (and money wages) but do not have effects on output and employment.

Equation 1 implies that the growth in real money de­mand must equal the growth in the real money supply, namely the excess of nominal money growth over the growth in prices. But inflation is the growth in prices. Thus, Infla­tion rate equals growth of mominal money supply minus growth of real demand (Equation 2).

The simple quantity theory says that when the growth of real money demand is zero the inflation rate equals the rate of nominal money growth. This is a useful first look at inflation.

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II. Випишить з тексту речення з присудком у пасивному стані (Passive Voice). Вкажить час присудків.

  1. Випишить з тексту речення з модальним дієсловом ,або його еквівалентом. Визначте його часову форму.

  2. Випишить речення з дієприкметником теперешнього часу ( The Participle І). Вкажить їх функцію у реченні.

  3. Випишить з тексту прикметники. Дайте їх усі ступені порівняння. Перекладіть прикметники.

  4. Випишить з тексту неправильні дієслова у функції присудка. Вкажить їх 3 основні форми.

  5. Випишить у тексті займенники, визначте їх розряд та перекладіть .

Виділіть присудки у даних реченнях , визначте час та стан :

1. Money takes up very little space and if we want we may put it in a bank.

2.The grocer can in turn use the money received from the carpenter and others to purchase a suit from the tailor.

3. The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was nationali­zed in 1946, and it is the sole bank of issue in England and Wales.

4. In the modern world money has various uses.

5.You would want to define the exchange in terms of the relative value of the two items.

IX. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

l)What is the pure inflation?

2) Why do people demand mon­ey?

3)What does the quantity theory of money say ?

X. Випишить з тексту по 1 реченню з прийменниками. Визначте, до якої групи вони відносяться. Перекладіть.