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Variant 5.

Gold Markets

Unlike most other metals, gold appears 111 large quantities in fairly pure form in nature. This is why people became interested in this metal. The first discoveries were made in the first century BC. when gold was washed from river sand in Egypt.

Today gold is mostly extracted by mining. The most important gold-producing countries in the world are South Africa, the former Soviet Union, the USA, Australia. Other areas where gold is pro­duced are to be found in Canada, Brazil, Columbia, Ghana, the Philippines and more recently in China.

The world's gold markets differ from each other not only in their framework but also in their func­tions. An important distinction has to be drawn between primary and secondary markets. Primary markets are those that receive the newly mined gold, which they then distribute either directly or through secondary markets.

The main primary gold markets, which are often called wholesalers, are Zurich and London. The sec­ondary gold markets, which are retail dealers

are Frankfurt, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Panama, Singapore, Hong Kong, Kuwait and others.

Thanks to the cooperation between all these centres

gold is traded by telephone 24 hours a day by bank

dealers and brokers.

  1. Прочитайте текст. Виконайте його письмовий переклад.

  2. Випишить з тексту речення з присудком у пасивному стані (Passive Voice). Вкажить час присудків.

ІІІ.Випишить з тексту речення з модальним дієсловом ,або його еквівалентом. Визначте його часову форму.

ІV. Випишить речення з дієприкметником теперешнього часу ( The Participle І). Вкажить їх функцію у реченні.

  1. Випишить з тексту прикметники. Дайте їх усі ступені порівняння. Перекладіть прикметники.

VI. Випишить з тексту неправильні дієслова у функції присудка. Вкажить їх 3 основні форми.

  1. Випишить у тексті займенники, визначте їх розряд та перекладіть .

  2. Виділіть присудки у даних реченнях , визначте час та стан :

1. The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was nationali­zed in 1946, and it is the sole bank of issue in England and Wales.

2.The grocer can in turn use the money received from the carpenter and others to purchase a suit from the tailor.

3. The Bank of England, chartered in 1694, was nationali­zed in 1946, and it is the sole bank of issue in England and Wales.

4. In the modern world money has various uses.

5.You would want to define the exchange in terms of the relative value of the two items.

IX. Дайте відповіді на запитання:

l)Why did people become interested in the precious metal?

2) How is mostly gold extracted today?

3)What are the most important gold-producing countries in the world?

4) What are the main primary gold markets, which are often called wholesalers?

X. Випишить з тексту по 1 реченню з прийменниками. Визначте, до якої групи вони відносяться.
