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Module 5 the system of education in great britain


BT1.Education in Great Britain

ST 1. Education is a big industry

ST 2. From the history of schooling in Great Britain

ST 3. Teacher training system in Great Britain

I. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть подані інтернаціональні слова:

















II. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні англійські слова. Порівняйте їх з українськими словами, які мають той же корінь.



комбінувати, поєднувати



інфантильний, дитячий



інструкція, навчання, освіта


[`pεust`sku:l ]




уніфікований, єдиний

III. Прочитайте подані слова та запам'ятайте їх значення.










IV. Прочитайте та перекладіть базовий текст №1 (ВТ 1).


  1. All over the world the mention of English education calls to mind "the public schools", which, in spite of their name, are private schools.

  2. Education at these schools is not free of charge.

  3. Apart from public schools, there is a system of state schools.

  4. The main stages of education are preschool, primary, secondary, further and higher ones.

  5. Nursery schools are pre-school institutions for children under five.

  6. Although they are called schools they don't give formal instruction.

  7. The primary stage is divided into infant schools (for children from 6 to 7) and junior schools (for children from 8 to 11).

  8. Primary schools give children elementary knowledge and skills.

  9. There is no uniform system of secondary education in England and Wales.

  10. The main types of state secondary schools are grammar, secondary modern, technical and comprehensive ones.

  11. The grammar school is a school of an academic type, which prepares pupils for higher education.

  12. Secondary modern schools do not teach classics, but give their pupils some kind of vocational training.

  13. Technical schools specialize in commerce or technical subjects.

  14. Comprehensive school combines a grammar school, a modern school and a technical school into one polytechnical school.

  15. Its pupils can study all subjects which are taught at these schools.

  16. All state schools are free of charge.

  17. Private or independent schools are generally divided into preparatory schools (ages 5-13) and public schools (ages 13-16).

  18. English schools are open five days a week.

  19. Further and higher education are parts of post-school education.

  20. Further education courses, in contrast with higher education courses do not lead to academic degrees.

V. Запам’ятайте словосполучення та складні прийменники:

to call to mind

викликати в пам’яті

in contrast with

на противагу

in spite of

незважаючи на

VI. Прочитайте англійські прикметники (А) та дієслова (В). Виберіть відповідний український еквівалент.















to lead

кликати, називати, викликати

to divide


to prepare


to give


to сall


VІI. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст №1(SТ1).


Education in Great Britain is a very big industry. Every year a million or so children are born in Great Britain and helping them to grow is the task of education. Its annual turnover is more than the nation spends on defense. There are some 35,000 schools, about 50 universities, nearly 800 establishments of further education and about 7,000 evening institutes. Well over 400,000 people work as school teachers. There are many exceptions and anomalies in the British system of education. Nearly 3,000 schools are independent and are very loosely affected by regulations of the state.

The statutory system itself has been described as "a national service", locally administered, and this means that what happens on the one side of the county boundary may be vastly different from what happens on the other. The universities are not directly controlled by the Department of Education - they get their government grants through University Grants Committee. Scotland and Northern Ireland have the educational laws different from those in England and Wales.

VІIІ. Знайдіть у тексті еквіваленти наступних слів і виразів:

Допомагати зростати, річний оборот коштів, майже не керується державою, установлена система, може сильно відрізнятися, не керуються безпосередньо департаментом освіти.

ІX. Перекладіть англійською мовою запропоновані речення.

  1. Освіта у Великобританії – це велика індустрія.

  2. Допомагати дітям зростати – основне завдання вчителів.

  3. У британській системі освіти є багато аномалій.

  4. Освітні закони у Шотландії і Північній Ірландії відрізняються від законів в Англії та Уельсі.

X. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст 2 (ST 2), звертаючи увагу на спеціальну лексику уроку.


Before the introduction of comprehensive schools children at the age of 11 had to pass the 11 plus examination. The examination consisted of an Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.), an English Test and an Arithmetic test. An Intelligence Test included a large number of short questions and it mainly measured the inborn abilities of a child and not what he had learned at school.

The clever children who passed the exam would then be sent to the grammar schools which provided education of an academic type and a large number of grammar school children would go on to universities; the other children would then go to the secondary modem schools which gave a general education with a practical bias.

Selection at such an early age as 11 was strongly criticized by many educationalists and teachers. Now the 11 plus is forced out and children can enter comprehensive schools which are open to all children whatever their intellectual abilities may be.

In comprehensive schools teaching is done in mixed ability classes. It means that children of all abilities are put in one class so you'll have less able children, more able children and average children all in one class. The 11 plus has been abolished in almost all areas of Great Britain.


measure the inborn abilities – визначати вроджені здібності;

a general education with a practical bias – загальна освіта з практичним нахилом; whatever their intellectual abilities may be – якими б не були їхні інтелектуальні здібності.

XI. Знайдіть у додатковому тексті №2 (SТ 2) відповіді на наступні запитання.

  1. At what age did children have to pass the 11 plus examination? What kind of exam was it?

  2. What did the 11 plus consist of?

  3. What kind of education did grammar schools provide?

  4. What can you say about the secondary modern schools?

  5. Does the 11 plus take place now?

  6. Why was the 11 plus forced out?

XII. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст № З (SТЗ).


There are three main ways in which people become teachers in England:

  • at a university, where they first take a degree in some subjects and then a Postgraduate Diploma in Education in the faculty of education;

  • at college of education where they take either a degree course leading to the Bachelor of Education, or a shorter less academic course leading to the Teacher's Certificate. Both courses combine the study of the subject to be taught with teacher training;

  • at a college of higher education, where they take the Diploma in Higher Education, and then a teacher training course leading either to the Bachelor of Education (BEd) or the Teacher's Certificate.

Teachers with a degree are called graduate teachers and those with a Teacher's Certificate - certified teachers or non-graduates. Colleges of education were called teachers' training colleges until 1964. They train teachers for posts in primary schools and for the less specialized posts in secondary schools, other posts being occupied by university-trained teachers. Until the beginning of the 1970s there were many colleges of education, situated all over the country.

The present trend for colleges of education is to merge with further education colleges in order to create colleges of higher education. These colleges provide a wide range of higher education courses. The scheme of study work is based upon compulsory and optional subjects.

Teacher training whether at college of education, college of higher education or in the education department of a university includes lectures on educational theory and history, psychology, classes and seminars on teaching methods, teaching practice at school.

XІIІ. Знайдіть у тексті еквіваленти наступних слів і виразів:

Головні шляхи; отримати ступінь з деяких предметів; курс навчання, що веде до отримання ступеня бакалавра в освіті; свідоцтво вчителя; вчителі, які навчалися в університеті; сучасна тенденція; зливатися з коледжами; для того, щоб ...; надавати широке розмаїття (коло) курсів; базуватися на... ; обов'язкові предмети та предмети за вибором.

XIV. Анотуйте англійською та українською мовами основний зміст додаткових текстів. Користуйтесь запропонованим варіантом як ключем.

Supplementary text (DTI) provides

information on the British educational system which includes schools, universities and establishments of further education.

It is mentioned that many schools are very loosely affected by regulations of the state.

Додатковий текст № 1 (ДТ1) містить

інформацію про систему освіти Великобританії, яка включає школи, університети і профтехосвітні заклади.

Відзначається, що робота багатьох

шкіл не регламентована єдиними


Supplementary text 2 (DT2) deals with the 11 plus exam. Selection at

such an early age was strongly

criticized and the 11 plus has been

abolished almost in all areas of Great


Додатковий текст № 2 розглядає іспит 11 плюс. Відбір учнів у такому ранньому віці було піддано нищівній критиці, і цей іспит був відмінений майже скрізь у Великобританії.

Supplementary text 3 (DT 3) is about

teacher training system in Great

Britain. One can become a teacher at

a university, at a college of education or a college of higher education.

У додатковому тексті (ДТЗ) розповідається про систему підготовки вчителів у Великобританії. У Великобританії можна стати вчителем після університету, освітнього коледжу або коледжу вищої освіти.