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Особові форми дієслова the present indefinite теперішній неозначений час

Вправа21. Заповніть пропуски формами дієслова to be ( am, is, are).

1. I … a schoolboy. 2. This man ... a farmer. 3. My friend ... in the garden. 4. We ... students. 5. My father ... a tractor driver. 6. The pupils... in the classroom. 7. She ... an engineer. 9. Our teacher ... young. 10. They ... in the park.

Вправа 22. Утворіть питальну і заперечну форми.

1. You are an engineer. 2. His little brother is a schoolboy. 3. Her parents are at home. 4. Our teacher is at the library. 5. The cars are in the street. 6. The theatre is in the centre of the town. 7. My cousin is at school. 8. They are good sportsmen. 9. His father is a worker. 19. The street is narrow.

Вправа 23. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. What is your father? 2. What is your mother? 3. What are your friends? Where are you now? 5. Where are your friends now? 6. Where am I now? 7. Where are your parents? 8. Where is your bag? 9. Where are your books? 10. Where is the blackboard? 11. In what street is your house? 12. What is the Dnieper? 13. Where is the Nile? 14. What is Washington? 15. Where is Paris?

Вправа 24. Вставте have або has..

1. We ...a good flat 2. My neighbour ... a car. 3. They ... a TV set. 4. I ... eight English books. 5. She ... a new dress. 6. You ... a good dictionary. 7. Our room ... two windows. 8. Many farmers ... motor cycles. 9. Our teacher ... two daughters. 10.I... a very special reason to go there.

Вправа 25. Утворіть питальну і заперечну форми.

1. Peter has a tape recorder. 2. You have many relatives there. 3. My sister has music lessons once a week. 4. The children have many toys. 5. We have coffee in the afternoon. 6. Her daughter has а piano. 7. The children have lunch at eleven. 8. Jane has a book. 9.І have a bath once a week. 10. I have his textbook on physics. 11. We have much snow this winter. 12. They have breakfast at half past seven. 13. His uncle has a garden. 14. I have enough paper to write three letters.

Вправа 26. Змініть речення, вживаючи форму множини.

Model: The boy goes to school.- The-boys go to school.

1. The girl learns English. 2. My friend gets up early. 3. The worker comes home at six. 4. My brother works at a factory. 5. His uncle lives in Poltava. 6. The bus runs quickly. 7. He knows all about engines. 8. She loves her parents. 9. His sister knows Span­ish. 10. The taxi goes through the town.

Вправа 27. Змініть речення, вживаючи форму однини.

Model: The pupils work hard.-The pupil works hard.

1. The engineers go to the plant. 2. The pupils do their home­work. 3. The trees grow well. 4. The boys go in for sports. 5. My friends study English. 6. The girls sing very well. 7. My friends call me Viс. 8. The pupils look straight into my face. 9. The old women talk about the weather. 10. The schoolgirls here wear striped skirts.

Вправа 28. Утворіть питальну і заперечну форми.

1. The children drink coffee in the evening. 2. Her sister dances very well. 3. Our grandmother grows potatoes. 4. The pupils remem­ber this rule. 5. Nick goes to bed at ten. 6. They listen to the radio in the morning. 7. You meet him every day. 8. It often snows in November. 9. You want to play chess with him. 10. His mother teaches geography at school. 11. My cousin wants to become a doctor.12. She takes a bus.

Вправа 29. Підкресліть форми теперішнього неозначеного часу. Прокоментуйте їх вживання.

1. Rivers flow towards the sea. 2. A student buys a lot of books at the beginning of each term. 3. Music makes me forget my problems. 4. Mr. Hill lectures Philosophy at the University. 5. Don't shout. We hear you well. 6. I see that you understand us. 7. The teacher asks us a lot of questions in class every day. 8. There are four seasons in the year. Each season lasts three months and brings changes in the weather. 9. This house belongs to Mr. Rich. 10. Every weekend she gets into her car, drives to her country house, and works in her garden. 11. The next bus leaves at exactly two o'clock. 12. The ship sails every Tuesday.

Вправа 30. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

What do you usually do from the time you get up until 9 a.m.? What are some of the things you usually do? 2. What do you usually have for breakfast? 3. What do you do from 9 a.m. to noon? 4. Do you ever sleep past noon? 5. What do you do from noon to 3 p.m.? 6. What do you do from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.? 7. What do you do from 6 p.m. until you go to bed? 8. Do you watch TV or listen to the radio in the evening? 9. How do you spend your weekends? Do you stay in town or do you go somewhere?

Вправа 31. Напишіть про свої звичні справи, використовуючи подані словосполучення і прислівники always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never.

E.g. I usually eat breakfast.

1. drink coffee in the morning 2. put sugar in my coffee 3. drink more than two cups of coffee in the morning 4. drink tea in the morning 5. drink orange juice in the morning 6. drink tomato juice in the morning 7. drink milk two times a day 8. have a sandwich for lunch 9. eat dinner at around six o'clock 10. get to class on time 11. walk to school 12. take a taxi to school 13. drive to school 14. ride a bike to school 15. study in the library 16. do my homework.

Вправа 32. Змініть підмет на поданий в дужках, внісши необхідні корективи в речення

1. Those children help their mother. (Megan) 2. I get up at seven every morning. (my father) 3. We like to go for a walk in the morning. (the old man) 4. They prefer coffee to tea. (Martin) 5. I spend a lot of money on books. (the teacher) 6. Some people do nothing during their holidays. (Eddie) 7. We finish the day's work at six o'clock. (the clerk) 8. Women like to look at the shop windows. (my sister) 9. Some people paint their houses every year. (my neighbours) 10. We sometimes forget people's names. (my Granny) 11. I usually sit at the back of the class. (Matilda) 12. We make mistakes sometimes. (a pupil) 13. Most of my friends play tennis. (my boyfriend) 14. I always wear a hat in (the) summer. (Grace) 15. Some people begin work very early in the morning. (a postman)

Вправа 33. Утворіть питальну і заперечну форми.

E.g. I have got a big dog- — Have you got a big dog? I haven't got a big dog. He has dinner at six o'clock. — Does he have dinner at six o'cloсk? He doesn't have dinner at six o'clock.

1. They have got a new video camera. 2. I have a lot of work to do today. 3. He usually has lunch at the office. 4. Pamela has a rest in Miami every summer. 5. Denis always has a good time with his friends. 6. My neighbours have got four children. 7.I have breakfast in the kitchen. 8. I often have a talk with my father in the evening. 9. My cousin has got a nice little shop. 10. This old man has got a lot of money. 11.In summer we usually have fine weather. 12. Linda has a wonderful garden.

Вправа 34. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Інформація править (to rule) світом. 2.Кожен вечір він виходить на прогулянку в парк. 3. Я люблю читати англійські журнали, а мій брат лю­бить розв’язувати кросворди. 4. Рослини добре ростуть в теплому кліматі. 5. Ніхто не знає, де він живе. 6. Цей професор розмовляє п’ятьма мовами. 7. Хтось має щось поїсти? 8. В Лондоні ча­сто йде дощ. 9. Містер Колбі володіє цією фірмою. 10. Коли у вас звичайно канікули? 11. Під час лекції у нас немає перерви. 12.Ваш син завжди обідає в університеті, чи не так? 13.Взимку в Росії часто йде сніг. 14. Любов творить чудеса. 15. — У вас є сусіди? — Ні, у мене приватний будинок. 16. - Ти мене розумієш, чи не так? – Так, я бачу, що ти правий. 17. Він працює зранку до ночі і отримує задоволення від своєї роботи. 18. – Він завжди запізнюється на заняття? — Так, він ніколи не приходить вчасно. 19. Вона ніколи з тобою не погоджується, чи не так? 20. Чому ти така сердита на мене?