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1.My mother lived in Greece when she was a girl. (enjoy)

2.We all went to the opera last Saturday. (children / enjoy)

3.Mike Gabb was killed in a plane crash over Scotland. (you / know well)

4.The plane landed at 3.48. (be late)

5.I think he left by the 9.56 train. (catch)

6.When a child Alice was very plump. (eat a lot of sweets)

Грамматический комментарий

Bозвратные местоимения (Reflexive Pronouns)

Возвратные местоимения образуются путем прибавления к притяжательным местоимениям my, our, your и личным местоимениям him, her, it, them окончания -self в единственном числе и -selves во множественном числе.


1 лицо

2 лицо

3 лицо

Единственное число











Множественное число




Возвратные местоимения подчеркивают:

а) переход действия на само действующее лицо.

e.g. She fell down and hurt herself. Она упала и ушиблась.

После некоторых глаголов (to wash – умываться, to dress – оде-

ваться, to shave – бриться, to bathe – купаться, to hide – прятаться)

возвратные местоимения не употребляются.

b)совершение действия самим лицом без посторонней помощи.

Вэтих случаях возвратное местоимение соответствует русским сам, сама, сами. Место его в предложении не закреплено. Оно может стоять перед сказуемым, а также после него.

e.g. I myself saw the man. Я сам видел того человека.

She wants to go there herself. Она хочет пойти туда сама.

Грамматические упражнения

19. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на значение возвратных местоимений.

1.The task itself isn’t difficult.

2.My brother wanted to help us, but we decided to try and do it ourselves without his help.

3.But while we were enjoying ourselves eating and drinking, all of a sudden the island trembled and shook us terribly. (“Sindbad the Sailor”)

4.My little daughter gave me this handkerchief, she had bought it her-



20. Вместо пропусков употребите возвратные местоимения, где это необходимо.

1.John, be careful! Don’t hurt … with the hammer.

2.Children, help … to sweets and juice.

3.We didn’t know who that man was. He hadn’t introduced … .

4.All my friends enjoyed … at my birthday party.

5.When my sister was making a pudding she burnt … on the oven.

6.It’s convenient to have an automatic cooker. It turns … on and off.

7.My father always repairs his car … .

8.My grandparents grow their vegetables … .

9.We usually paint the house … .

10.Look at the kitten. It’s washing … .

21. Ответьте на вопросы, используя возвратные местоимения.

e.g. – Who repaired the bicycle for you?

Nobody. I repaired it myself.

1. Who cut your hair for you? Nobody. I cut … … .

2. Who told you Linda was getting married? Linda … … .

3. Does Mr Thomas have a secretary to type his letters? No, he … … . 4. Do you want me to post that letter for you? No, I’ll … … .

5. Can you clean the windows for me? Why don’t you … … .

22. Переведите предложения, употребляя возвратные местоимения, где это необходимо.

1.Пусть они сами решат эту проблему.

2.Пошел сильный дождь, и мы спрятались под деревом.

3.Дети забавлялись (amuse), играя в мяч.

4.Он был там и все видел сам.

5.Она оделась и вышла из комнаты.

Грамматический комментарий

Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative Pronouns)

Указательные местоимения this (этот, эта, это) и that (тот, та, то) имеют соответственно формы множественного числа these (эти) и those (те).

Указательные местоимения this и these употребляются при указании на какие-то предметы, лица или явления, близкие в пространстве или во времени.

Указательные местоимения that и those употребляются при указании на более удаленные в пространстве или во времени предметы, лица или явления.


e.g. This is a pencil and that is a blackboard.

Take these copy-books on the table, don’t take those on the shelf. This winter is rather cold.

Указательное местоимение such имеет только одну форму для единственного и множественного числа и в предложении употребляется преимущественно в качестве определения к существительному. e.g. Where did you find such a pretty picture? – Где Вы нашли такую

красивую картину?

I don’t like such weather. – Мне не нравится такая погода.

Such students are easy to teach. – Таких студентов легко обучать.

Грамматические упражнения

23. Употребите предложения в множественном числе.

1. My friend lives in that house. Such houses were built 50 years ago. 2. Is this your dictionary?

3. This young man is our student.

4. Who bought that magazine?

5. This is the main building of our University.

24. Переведите предложения.

1.Это наши лучшие лаборатории.

2.Это первый экзамен в его жизни.

3.Мне нравятся цветы в той вазе.

4.Унашихстудентовбылаучебно-производственнаяпрактикаэтим летом.

5.Эти коровы дают больше молока, чем те.

Тематический словарь


to eat out – есть вне дома

I like to eat out.

restaurant [΄restqrO:ŋ] – ресторан

French restaurants are famous for high quality cooking.

dish – блюдо cold dish

waiter [΄ weItq] – официант

Ask the waiter to bring you the bill. snack – легкая закуска

to have a snack – перекусить


snack-bar – закусочная

meal [mi:l] – еда, принятие пищи

In some restaurants you can buy cooked meals to take home.

Блюда cabbage soup [΄kxbIdʒ su:p] щи onion [΄Anjən] soup – луковый суп

roast [rəust] chicken – жареный цыпленок mashed [mx∫t] potatoes – картофельное пюре salad [΄sxləd] салат

steak in wine sauce [sO:s] бифштекс в винном соусе egg mayonnaise [,meIə΄neIz] яйцо под майонезом beef stew [stju:] тушеная говядина

caviar [΄kxvIa:] икра

French fried [fraId] potatoes – картофель фри

В ресторане / кафе

to get a reservation [,rezq΄veIʃqn] – предварительно заказать место

Have you got a reservation?

to reserve a table – заказать столик заранее

I’d like to reserve a table for two. menu [΄menju:] – меню

on the menu – в меню

to ask for the menu – попросить меню

to look at the menu – посмотреть меню

May I look at the menu?

(to) order O:dq] – заказ, заказать

Are you ready to order?

to take order – принять заказ

Can I take your order, sir?

to serve [sq:v] – подавать, обслуживать

What do they serve today?

сharge [tSа:dʒ] – цена hotel charges

to start with – начинать с

What would you like to start with?

starter – закуска; что-либо возбуждающее аппетит

As a starter I’d have a tomato juice.


for the first/main course [kO:s] – на первое for the second course – на второе

for dessert [dI΄zq:t] – на десерт

There’s ice-cream for dessert.

to ask for a bill – попросить счет

to give a tip – дать чаевые

Is it necessary to give a tip?

to decide on – выбрать что-нибудь

What have you decided on?

25. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Is eating out popular in this country?

2. Do you like foreign food?

3. Have you ever eaten Chinese or Italian or other foreign dishes? Did you like them?

26. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.Is eating out popular in Great Britain? Why?

2.What is a take-away restaurant?

Eating Out

Many housewives in Britain have nice kitchens in their apartments. But they have neither time nor desire to cook. They often buy ready-made food at the supermarkets or go to restaurants.

A very popular pastime is eating out in a restaurant. In most towns there is a wide variety of restaurants serving different types of food at different prices. Most British towns now have Chinese or Indian restaurants which serve quite cheap food. Italian restaurants are also popular and French restaurants are famous for high quality expensive cooking. Here are some example of restaurant names, and the kind of food they serve:

The Steak Bar – English dishes

Pizzaland – pizzas

The Bistro – International/

Bar-B-Quehamburgers, chicken,

English dishes


Mandarin – Chinese dishes

Wimpy Bar – hamburgers, chicken,

Indus Curry – Indian dishes


Isola Bella – Italian dishes

Chip Shop – fish and chips, pies,

Acropolis – Greek dishes

sausage and chips

When you have looked at the menu and chosen what you want to eat, the waiter will come and take your order. Normally, you tell him what you want, for the first two courses. He will take your order for dessert and coffee later.


When you finish eating, ask the waiter to bring you the bill. In most restaurants a service charge (10-15%) is added into the total sum that’s why it’s not necessary to give the waiter a tip.

Most towns have a number of restaurants as well as bars and cafes where you can get sandwiches and other snacks. There are also hamburger restaurants specializing in cheap meals, especially hamburgers.

In take-away restaurants you can buy cooked meals to take home. Fish and chips shops are very popular. You can have some meals there (fish, but sometimes chicken or sausage too) or take them away to be eaten somewhere outside. Now there are take-away Chinese and Indian restaurants in many towns. Special take-away restaurants serving fried chicken are also popular. Your order is packed in special containers, particularly because

you don’t have to pay V.A.T. on it.


V.A.T. – value added tax – налог на добавленную стоимость 27. Согласны ли Вы со следующими утверждениями?

1.Only some people in Britain can afford (позволить себе) to eat out in a restaurant.

2.The British are very conservative. You can’t find any other restaurants except British .

3.Fish and chips shops provide food in containers to be eaten at home or elsewhere.

4.Take-away food is as expensive as eating in a restaurant.

5.Don’t go to take-away restaurants unless you like chicken. That’s all you can get there.

28. Найдите в тексте продолжение следующих предложений. Прочитайте и переведите предложения.

1.They often buy …

2.In most towns there is …

3.French restaurants …

4.You tell the waiter …

5.When you finish eating …

6.You can buy … in take-away restaurants.

7.As well as restaurants …

8.You can have some meal …

29. Вставьте предлоги: to, of, for, out, on, at.

1.I asked … the menu.

2.I like to eat … .

3.What’s … the menu today?

4.The waiter will take your order … dessert.


5.I like to go … self-service places.

6.Let’s invite the Smiths …dinner.

7.I looked … the menu.

8.I’m very fond … Chinese food.

30. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.

1.A very popular pastime today is … in a restaurant.

2.If you want to dine at a restaurant you’d better … a table.

3.You ask the waiter to see the … .

4.First, you can have soup or a salad as a … . Then follows the main course i.e. … . Finally you can order … .

5.When you finish eating, ask the waiter to bring you the … .

6.If you are quite content with the service you may give the waiter some extra money. This is called a … .

7.You can also take food away from restaurants. It may be packed into special …

8.For many British people … is the center of social life.

9.You can buy many kinds of … in pubs.

31. Переведите следующие предложения. Запомните прилагательные, которые можно использовать с названиями блюд и напитков.

The cake looks wonderful.

Roast chicken sounds good.

The milk tastes sour.

The honey looks very nice.

The coffee feels cold.

The bread was stale.

The steak smells delicious.

It was four days old.

32. Скажите, какие из перечисленных ниже блюд и напитков Вы любите / не любите и почему.

e.g. a) I like roast chicken very much because it usually tastes very good, and smells lovely. b) I don’t like onion soup at all because onions usually taste and smell awful.

Egg mayonnaise, hot dogs, strawberries and cream, ice cream, smoked meat, coca cola, beer, mineral water, fruit juice, pepsi, home-made cake.

33. Прочитайте диалоги по ролям.

At a Restaurant


(reserving a table)

Good evening, sir.

Have you got a reservation?

No, I’m afraid not. Have you got a table for two?

Yes, sir. Over there by the window. Come this way, please. Would you like something to drink while examining the menu?


Yes, some sherry, please.

Here it is, sir.


(ordering a meal)

a)– Are you ready to order?

– Yes, I think so.

– What would you like to start with?

– I’d like a prawn cocktail, please.

– And for the main course?

– I think I’ll have a roast chicken.

– Would you like wine with your meal?

– I’ll have another beer, please.

– Will that be all?

– That’s all for a while, thank you. Can I have the bill, please?

– Here it is.

– Is service included?

– Yes, it is.

b)– Have you decided on anything, sir?

Yes, fish and chips for me, please.

How about the sweet?

No sweet, thanks. Just coffee.

34. Составьте диалоги по аналогии с данными ниже. Используйте слова в скобках.


Would you like something to drink while examining the menu?

Yes, some fruit juice, please. (whisky, soda water, mineral water, coca


Here it is, sir.


What would you like to start with?

I’d like a prawn cocktail, please.

And for the main course?

I think I’ll have chicken.

(sherry, Scotch whisky with ice, pepsi; mashed potatoes, steak in wine sauce, beef stew, mushrooms in cheese sauce)


How about something to eat?

I’ll have a piece of cheese cake.

Right. I’ll bring it over.

(strawberries and cream, lemon pie, fresh fruit salad)


35. Придумайте недостающие реплики.

1.Where shall we sit? There are many vacant seats.

Предложите сесть у окна.

2.Here is the menu card. Have a look at it. What do they serve today?

Назовите несколько блюд.

3.Shall we take any soup?

Вы не любите суп.

4.I don’t like soup either. What would you like for the second course?

Предложите бифштекс и овощной салат.

5.And what about dessert?

Вы с удовольствием съели бы клубнику со сливками.

6.Shall we drink anything?

Вам бы хотелось немного красного вина.

36. Что Вы скажeте, если Вы хотите:

1)угостить кого-нибудь домашним яблочным пирогом;

2)предложить чашечку кофе другу;

3)чтобы вам принесли чашечку крепкого чая;

4)чтобы ваши гости попробовали бифштекс в винном соусе;

5)посмотреть меню;

6)получить счет.

Отдыхай с пользой

37.Прочитайте и переведите следующие пословицы. Вспомните их русские эквиваленты.

1.Toо many cooks spoil the broth.

2.His eyes are bigger than his stomach.

3.Tastes differ.

4.Hunger is the best sauce.

5.As hungry as a wolf (a hunter).

6.Man shall not live by bread alone.

7.He who pays the piper, calls the tune.

38.Какие пословицы из упражнения 38 можно употребить в следующих диалогах?


Father: Isn’t it time to have dinner? Mother: Is everything ready, Ann?

Ann: Quite. Peter, will you help me to lay the table, please? (After the table is laid) How do you like the soup, father?

Father: Not bad. But don’t you think it is a bit oversalted?


Ann: Is it really? But why? Peter, did you salt it too? Peter: Well. I’m afraid, I did.

Mother: ....


Alice: What are you going to order, Mary?

Mary: I think I’ll take bacon and eggs and tomato juice.

Alice: I hate tomato juice. It’s quite tasteless. How can you drink it?

Mary: ....


Mother: Why are you looking so unhappy, Dick? Dick: I’m having a stomachache.

Mother: But why? What’s the matter?

Dick: You see, Lena had a birthday party and there were so many nice things on the table that I couldn’t help eating them all.

Mother: ....

Урок 5

Seasons and weather

Фонетика: Гласные звуки [x], [e ]. Согласный звук [s].

Грамматика: Будущее простое время. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

Разговорная тема: «Поры года».

Фонетические упражнения

1. Произнесите слова со звуком [e].











2. Произнеситеследующиепарыслов, обращаявниманиенасмыслоразличительную функцию звуков [e] и [x].



man (человек)

– men (люди)

pan (сковородка)

– pen (ручка)

bag (сумка)

– beg (умолять)

pat (похлопывать)

– pet (питомец)

bad (плохой)

– bed (кровать)


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