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last chance [΄la:st ΄tʃa:ns] just one [΄dZAst ΄wAn] cold smile [΄kəuld ΄smaIl] old man [΄əuld ΄mxn]

[΄la:s ΄tʃa:ns] [΄dZAs ΄wAn] [΄kəul ΄smaIl] [΄əul ΄mxn]


Суффиксы -ion (-tion, -ation, -sion) образуют существительные от глаголов. При этом в некоторых случаях изменяется произношение, а иногда и написание слов.

to collect (собирать, коллекционировать) – collection (собрание, коллекция)

to produce (производить) – production (производство) to expect (ожидать) – expectation (ожидание)

to decide (решать) – decision (решение)

2. Form nouns from the verbs using the suffixes -ion, -tion, -ation, -sion. Translate the nouns into Russian.

Evaluate, explain, generalize, irrigate, reflex, reserve, restore, declare, connect, limit, restrict, continue, express, attract, decide, divide, construct, consult, cultivate, produce

Grammar Commentary

The Gerund (Герундий)

Герундий – одна из неличных форм глагола, которая образуется с помощью добавления суффикса -ing к инфинитиву.

to live – living to run – running

Поскольку формы герундия в русском языке нет, то он может переводиться существительным, инфинитивом, деепричастием, глаголом в личной форме и придаточным предложением.

e.g. Reading English books will improve your knowledge of the language. – Чтение английских книг улучшит ваше знание языка.

Does your son like skating? – Ваш сын любит кататься на коньках? He left the room without saying good-bye. – Он вышел из комнаты не


I remember hearing this song in my childhood. – Я помню, что слы-

шал эту песню в детстве.

The patient’s quick recovery depends on his following the doctor’s advice. – Быстрое выздоровление больного зависит от того, будет ли он следовать советам врача.


Герундий имеет одну простую и три сложных формы.






being written


having written

having been written

Сравните перевод активной и пассивной форм герундия:

I am looking forward to sending my children to the country.

Яс нетерпением жду, когда отправлю своих детей в деревню. I am looking forward to being sent to London on business.

Яс нетерпением жду, когда меня отправят в командировку в Лондон.

Формы герундия Simple обозначают одновременность действий, а формы герундия Perfect – предшествование.

Сравните: I am surprised at his missing his lessons so often.

Меня удивляет, что он так часто пропускает уроки.

I am surprised at your having missed so many lessons this term.

Яудивлен, что вы пропустили так много уроков в этом семестре.

Функции герундия в предложении

Герундий может выполнять в предложении следующие функции: 1) Subject (подлежащее)

Swimming is a good exercise. – Плавание – хорошее физическое упражнение.

2) Predicative (часть сказуемого)

My greatest pleasure is reading. – Мое самое большое удовольс-

твие – это чтение.

3) Object (дополнение)

Do you like dancing? – Вы любите танцевать? (прямое дополнение) It depends on your coming in time. – Это зависит от того, придете

ли вы вовремя. (предложное дополнение)

В этой функции герундий употребляется после предлогов в следующих выражениях:

to be responsible for – быть ответственным за to be engaged in – заниматься

to think of – думать о to be afraid of – бояться to be fond of – любить

to be proud of – гордиться to insist on – настаивать на

to object to – возражать против

4) Attribute (определение)

I see no other way of doing it. – Я не вижу другого способа сделать это. (определение)


Вэтой функции герундий употребляется после предлогов, чаще всего после предлога of, в следующих выражениях:

hope of – надежда means of – средство problem of – проблема way of – способ

chance of, opportunity of – удобный случай habit of – привычка

idea of – идея

reason for – причина, основание experience in – опыт

interest in – интерес

5) Adverbial modifier (обстоятельство)

On seeing his father, the boy ran up to him. – Увидев своего отца,

мальчик побежал к нему (обстоятельство).

Вэтой функции герундий употребляется после предлогов on по,

после, after после, before перед, in в то время как, при.

Герундий употребляется для выражения

• причины с предлогами for за, through из-за

e.g. Excuse me for being so late. – Извините, что я так опоздал.

• образа действия с предлогом by со значением путем, при помощи e.g. You will be able to translate the text by using this dictionary. – Ты сможешь перевести этот текст воспользовавшись этим словарем.

• сопутствующих обстоятельств с предлогами besides кроме, instead of вместо, without без

e.g. He left the room without waiting for a reply. – Он вышел из ком-

наты не ожидая ответа.

К наиболее употребляемым глаголам, после которых используется герундий, относятся:

to begin, to start – начинать to finish – заканчивать

to stop, to give up – прекращать, переставать to keep on, to go on – продолжать

to need, to require, to want – требовать, нуждаться to avoid – избегать

to enjoy – наслаждаться, получать удовольствие it is no use – бесполезно

to mind – возражать

I can’t help – я не могу не

can’t stand – не выношу, не могу терпеть to be worth – стоить

to be busy – быть занятым.


e.g. I can’t help telling you about it. – Я не могу не сказать Вам об этом.

These goods are worth buying. – Этот товар стоит купить. When I entered the room, he was busy translating an article. – Когда я

вошел в комнату, он был занят переводом статьи.

Какчастьсоставногоглагольногосказуемогопосленекоторыхглаголов употребляется как герундий, так и инфинитив:

e.g. I like bathing (to bathe) in a river.

Grammar Exercises

3. Translate into Russian. State the forms of the Gerund.

1. Choosing a present for my boy-friend was not easy for me. 2. He doesn’t like praising people too often. 3. He doesn’t like being praised in the presence of his friends. 4. He was afraid of missing the train. 5. You should give up smoking. 6. The secretary asked if I would mind waiting for a few minutes. 7. It’s no use ringing him right now. 8. For many years the banks denied having received deposits from criminal sources.

4. Open the brackets using the Gerund in any appropriate form.

1.Excuse me for (to give) you so much trouble. 2. He was proud of (to award) the prize. 3. I don’t remember (to ask) this question. 4. The matter is not worth (to consider). 5. He was punished for (to break) the window.

6.Do you mind (to examine) the first? 7. He couldn’t enter the room without (to invite). 8. I can’t help (to smile). 9. He hated (to remind) people of their duties.

5.Make sentences with the same meaning by using a gerund phrase as the subject.

e.g. It’s important to have good friends. Having good friends is important

1.It is interesting to learn about other cultures. 2. It is important to be polite to all people. 3. It is fun to travel by boat. 4. It is difficult to learn to drive a car. 5. It is very dangerous to climb the western slope of Everest.

6.It is hard work to be a veterinary surgeon. 7. It is more expensive to travel by air than to travel by bus.

6.Make up sentences according to the models using the Gerund after

certain phrases. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.I don’t mind seeing the film again. (to take part in the conference, to go to the cinema, to visit my grandparents)

2.I can’t help smiling. (to visit him, to tell you the truth, to phone



3.The book is (not) worth reading. (the film – to see, the article – to read, the city – to visit)

4.It’s no use doing it now. (to go there, to talk to her, to dream about it)

5.I insist on phoning him. (to talk to him, to discuss the matter, to read the article once again)

6.He is fond of swimming. (to skate, to read, to work in the garden)

7.Complete the following sentences using the Gerund. Translate them into Russian.

1.Do you prefer …? 2. Did you enjoy …? 3. I don’t mind … . 4. He’s busy … . 5. Do you mind … . 6. I remember … . 7. The translation (the article, the suggestion) needs … . 8. I can’t help … . 9. Is he engaged in …? 10. You are fond of …, aren’t you? 11. Who is responsible for …?

12.Are you tired of …?

8.Translate into English using the Gerund.



что приношу столько неприятностей.



что я снова прерываю Вас.


Благодарю Вас,

что Вы напомнили мне об этом.



что Вы присмотрели за моим ребенком.


Вы не против,

если я закрою окно?



встретиться завтра?


Вы любите



Он не мог

не придти.


to advance [qd΄va:ns] – продвигать(ся), делать успехи

Advanced experience (передовой опыт). Veterinarians should apply the achievements of science and advanced experience in their practical work.

animal husbandry [΄hAzbqndrI] – животноводство

syn. livestock [΄laIvstOk] breeding. Animal husbandry is one of the most important branches in agriculture.

to conserve [kqn΄sq:v] – сохранять, сберегать

syn. safeguard [΄sefga:d]. Veterinarians cure sick animals to conserve their lives.

contagious [kqn΄teIdZqs] – заразный, инфекционный, передающийся syn. infectious. A contagious disease. Microsporia is a contagious dis-


disease [dI΄zi:z] – болезнь

Animal diseases can cause great damage to the herds of cattle.


drug [drAg] – лекарство, медикамент

syn. medicine. Biological industry produces various drugs.

efficacy [΄efIkqsI] – эффективность, действенность

The efficacy of veterinary work also depends on international veterinary cooperation.

eradication [I,rxdI΄ken] – искоренение, уничтожение

One of the main tasks of veterinary service is the eradication of tuberculosis and brucellosis in livestock.

to extend [Iks΄tend] – расширять

International cooperation is extended in the field of veterinary medicine.

to fatten [΄fxtn] – откармливать (на убой)

Fattening of pigs. In the fattening of all classes of livestock man gets the best results by forcing the feeding (кормление).

hygiene [΄haIdZi:n] – гигиена

Much attention should be paid to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene.

to injure IndZq] – ранить, ушибить

An injured animal. Sick and injured animals are hospitalized.

mortality [mL΄txlItI] – смертность, падёж (скота) Mortality in livestock has been reduced.

occurrence [q΄kArqns] – случай

There were some occurrences of infectious diseases in livestock last year.

to prevent [prI΄vent] – предотвращать, предупреждать

To prevent and control diseases of livestock and poultry is the main task of veterinarians.

quarantine [΄kwOrqnti:n] – карантин

To put (to place) in quarantine. Some dogs have been put in quarantine on suspicion on rabies.

research [rI΄sq:tʃ] – исследование, изучение; (научно-) исследовательский

syn. investigation [In,vestI΄geI5n]. Research institutes. Many veterinarians are engaged in research work.

to spread (spread, spread) [spred] – распространять

Spreading of infectious diseases. Veterinary scientists and practitioners (практикующие врачи) do a lot to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.

to treat [tri:t] – лечить; обращаться, обходиться

To treat a disease; to treat people; to treat animals. It was rather difficult to treat the disease. They treated her as though she was a child.


vaccination [,vxksI΄nen] – вакцинация

Veterinarians are engaged in vaccination of animals against infectious diseases.

veterinary [΄vetqrInqrI] – ветеринарный

A veterinary surgeon [΄sq:dZqn] ветеринарный врач, syn. a veterinarian; veterinary medicine, veterinary service; a veterinary station, a veterinary clinic.

Read the names of diseases correctly. anemia [q΄ni:mIq] – анемия

anthrax xnθrxks] – сибирская язва

aphtha xq] (foot-and-mouth disease) – ящур beriberi [΄berI΄berI] – авитаминоз (бери-бери)

brucellosis [,bru:sI΄lqusIs] – бруцеллёз cancer [΄kxnsq] – рак

cirrhosis[sI΄rqusIs] – цирроз encephalitis [,enkefə΄laItIs] – энцефалит erysipelas [,erI΄sIpIlqs] – рожа glanders [΄glxndəz] – сап

hepatitis [hepə΄tatIs] – гепатит jaundice [΄dZO:ndIs] – желтуха

leishmaniasis [,li:ʃmq΄naIəsIs] – лейшманиоз висцеральный, калаазар

leukemia [lu:΄ki:mIə] – лейкемия mastitis [mxs΄taItIs] – мастит meningitis [,menIn΄dZatIs] – менингит plague [pleIg] – чума

rabies [΄reIbi:z] – бешенство

rinderpest [΄rIndqpest] – чума крупного рогатого скота ringworm [΄rINwq:m] – стригущий лишай

sarcoma [sa:΄kqumq] – саркома

swine fever [΄swaIn ΄fi:vq] – чума свиней tetanus [΄tetqnqs] – столбняк

trichinosis [,trIkI΄nqusIs] – трихинеллез tuberculosis [tju:,bq:kju΄lqusIs] – туберкулез tularemia [,tu:lx΄ri:mIq] – туляремия


9. Find in the list below words corresponding to the following definitions.

1.Illness or disorder caused by infection;

2.It is connected with prevention of animal diseases and treatment of sick animals;

3.Animals kept on a farm;

4.The natural outer covering of an animal body from which hair may


5.Swelling (опухоль) of the part of the female body that produces


6.To cure by medical means;

7.A disease which is transmitted through the milk of cows, goats and sheep;

8.An infection which can be transmitted through rodents (грызуны).

veterinary medicine, to treat, tuberculosis, skin, disease, plague, mastitis, livestock

10. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Veterinary Service

In spite of the swift progress in all branches of science and technology agriculture remains the main source of providing the population with food. It supplies the necessary raw materials for the food and light industries which produce large quantities of consumer goods and food products.

Intensification of animal husbandry – better feeding and selection, introduction of the achievements of science and advanced methods, and greater mechanization – ensures a constant increase in the output of animal products.

Specialization and concentration in animal husbandry is increasing, units for the fattening of cattle, pigs and poultry are set up and large industrialized farms for the production of pork, beef, eggs and milk have been established around cities.

The transfer of animal husbandry to the industrial basis sets a great task for the veterinary science.

The foremost task of veterinary scientists and experts is the organization and carrying out of complex investigations on the problems which are of great importance for the development of animal husbandry.

They also must help collective farms to apply the achievements of science and advanced experience in their practical work.

Veterinary service should pay particular attention to the organization of veterinary work on industrial livestock and poultry farms to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases.


At present due to the tremendous labour of thousands of veterinary scientists and practitioners the veterinary-sanitary status of cattle-breeding has been improved, mortality has reduced, occurrence of infectious and non-infectious diseases has lowered.

Biological industry produces various drugs and preparations promoting resistance of the animal body to harmful conditions of environment and accelerating growth of animals.

The foremost attention is paid to veterinary sanitation and hygiene because they are the foundation of human health, well-being of animals, good quality of animal production and high culture of cattle-breeding. Veterinary measures are carried out on the basis of Veterinary Rules (The Law of the Republic of Belarus “About Veterinary Work”).

There is a wide net of research veterinary institutes and colleges in the Republic of Belarus.Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine directs veterinary scientific activity in our republic. More than 1,000 veterinarians graduate from the Academy annually.

The veterinarian must know the rules and regulations designed to conserve animal life and to safeguard public health. The work in which he may be engaged is the following:

Consultation regarding problems of animal health and diseases.

Hospitalization of sick and injured animals.

Eradication of tuberculosis and brucellosis in livestock.

Vaccination of animals against anthrax, aphtha, rabies, tetanus and several infectious diseases of poultry.

Inspection of food supplies of animal origin to prevent the transmission of animal diseases to man.

International cooperation is significantly extended in the field of veterinary medicine. The international veterinary cooperation is a good basis for the rise of efficacy of veterinary work and improvement of means of eradicating animal diseases, reduction of loss in animal husbandry and growth of animal productivity.

11. Complete the sentences according to the text.

1.Agriculture supplies the necessary raw materials for … .

2.Large industrialized farms for the production of pork, beef, eggs and milk have been … .

3.There is a wide net of research … .

4.Veterinary scientists and experts must help collective farms to apply


5.The foremost attention is paid to the veterinary sanitation and hygiene because … .

6.The veterinarian must know the rules and regulations designed to … .

7.The international veterinary cooperation is important because … .


12. Say if the statements are true to the text or false. Correct the false ones.

1.Specialization and concentration in animal husbandry is increasing.

2.The main task of veterinary scientists is the organization and carrying out of investigations on the problems of plant diseases.

3.Light industry produces various drugs and preparations promoting resistance of the animal body to harmful conditions of environment.

4.Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine is the only institute training veterinary scientists and experts.

5.International cooperation in the field of veterinary medicine is increasing.

13. Answer the questions to the text.

1.Is agriculture the main source of providing the population with


2.What ensures a constant increase in the output of animal products?

3.Why does the transfer of animal husbandry to the industrial basis set a great task for the veterinary science?

4.What should veterinary service pay particular attention to?

5.What has already been done by thousands of veterinary scientists and practitioners?

6.Does Vitebsk Academy of Veterinary Medicine direct veterinary scientific activity in our republic?

7.What is the main law of veterinary service of the Republic of Be-


8.What does the work of veterinarians include?

14. Make up sentences.

1. Disease, of, tuberculosis, and, animals, chronic, a, is, men.

2. Made, best, in, the, pigs, maintenance, their, the, good, region.

3. Country, some, the, from, has, been, serious, free, many, diseases, years, animal, for.

4. Well, healthy, cows, grow, fed, calves, which, will, into, are. 5. Cause, brucellosis, to, farming, dairy, can, great, damage.

6. As, important, prevention, treatment, of, is, diseases, their, as. 15. Add more information to the statements.

1.Agriculture is the main source of providing the population with


2.The transfer of animal husbandry to the industrial basis sets a great task for the veterinary science.

3.At present occurrence of infectious and non-infectious diseases has lowered.


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