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5)перед существительными, единственными в своем роде: the sun, the moon, the sky, the world, the earth, the East , the West, the North, the South и т.д.

6)с названиями океанов, морей, рек, проливов, озер (если нет сло-

ва lake): the Indian Ocean, the Volga, the Black Sea, the Dardanelles, the Baikal (но: lake Baikal).

7)с названиями горных цепей, пустынь, групп островов: the Urals, the Gobi, the Bermudas.

8)с названиями некоторых стран, регионов: the USA, the UK, the Ukraine, the Crimea.

9)с названиями театров, музеев, учреждений, организаций, политических партий, кораблей, отелей, газет, журналов: the Bolshoi Theatre, the British Museum, the State Bank, the UNO, the Labour Party, the Titanic, the Metropol, the Times.

10)с фамилиями во множественном числе, называющими всю се-

мью: the Warners, the Petrovs.

11)в целом ряде выражений: at the beginning, at the end, by the way, in the evening (morning , afternoon (но at night), nothing of the kind, to play the violin (piano, guitar), to tell the truth, the same, the following, the next (в знач. «следующий по счету», но next week), the last (в знач. «последний по счету», но last year), to go to the cinema (theatre), to listen to the radio, in the country (за городом), in the street, in the middle, in the corner и многих других.

Нулевой артикль (The Zero Article)

Когда артикль перед существительным отсутствует, принято говорить о нулевом артикле.

Нулевой артикль имеет место:

1)перед существительным, если оно употреблено с количественным числительным или притяжательным, указательным, вопросительным или неопределенным местоимением:

page 5, his father, this boy, whose pen, some books.

2)перед существительным во множественном числе, если в единственном числе такое существительное употребляется с неопределенным артиклем:

e.g. We are students. What lovely flowers!

3)перед неисчисляемым существительным, если оно употреблено

вобщем смысле:

e.g. Do you like tea or coffee ? Но: The coffee is hot.

4) перед собственными именами: e.g. Ann looked at Tom.


5)перед названиями учебных предметов: Mathematics, English, Botany.

6)перед названиями городов, стран и континентов: London, Belarus, Africa.

7)перед названиями улиц, площадей и парков: Green Street, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park.

8)перед названиями времен года, месяцев и дней недели: in spring, in May, on Monday.

9)в целом ряде выражений: at last, by bus, in English (Russian...), in time, for example, at home, at school, at work, by heart, by chance, on foot, to go home, to leave (finish) school, to go to school, to go to bed, to have breakfast (dinner, supper) и др.

Грамматические упражнения

7. Объясните наличие или отсутствие артиклей перед существительными в следующих предложениях.

1.Mike is looking for a job.

2.Could you close the window, please.

3.This morning I had an apple and a cake for breakfast.

4.What’s her job? She’s a teacher.

5.Is there life on Mars?

6.My favourite subject at school was History.

7.The Smiths live in Green Street.

8.The Thames flows through London.

8. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1.My granny lives in … village. She’s got … cow and two pigs. … cow’s name is Milka. I help my granny to look after … animals.

2.Who’s … boy standing near … window?

3.My brother is only eight. He goes to … school. He is in … second form. He is … hard-working clever boy and … excellent pupil.

4.I don’t think it’s easy to study …. foreign languages.

5.Where is … money? It’s on … table.

6.… earth goes round … sun.

7.What … lovely song !

8.At … night I had … terrible headache after I had drunk … lot of coffee in … evening.

9.Have you ever been to … Bolshoi Theatre?

10.Helen plays … piano really well.

9. Употребите артикли, где это необходимо.

Robert Burns was … son of … small farmer in Ayrshire [΄εqSiq]. He was born on … 25 th of … January in 1759. His … parents were poor and Burns could get very little regular education.


He worked hard as … ploughboy (пахарь). He was … great reader, and always had … ballad-book before him. He was fond of … songs of … Scotland and liked to sing them when he worked. After … death of his father Robert and his brother and sister took over … farm together. While working in … fields Burns composed many wonderful songs.

10. Употребите артикли с географическими названиями, где это необходимо.

1.… Sahara is a great desert in …North Africa extending from … Atlantic Ocean to … Nile.

2.… United Kingdom consists of … Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.

3.… Lake Baikal is the deepest one in the world.

4.Does … Dnieper flow in … Belarus?

5.The highest mountains in the world are … Himalayas.

6.… Cardiff is the capital of … Wales.

7.Are … British Isles large?

Грамматический комментарий

Настоящее простое время

(The Present Simple Tense)

Простое настоящее время (Present Simple) употребляется для выражения регулярного или повторяющегося действия. С Present Simple часто используются следующие наречия и обороты речи:

always, generally, sometimes, often, usually, normally, regularly, twice a year, from time to time, every week, every other month, rarely, seldom, never.

B Present Simple глагол употребляется в первой форме (начальная формаглаголабезчастицыto). В3-млицеединственногочислаглагол имеeт окончание -s (-es).

e.g. I go to work every day. She sometimes visits her relatives in the village.

Если глагол оканчивается на -o, -s, -ss, -sh, ch, -x, то в 3-м лице единственного числа к нему прибавляется окончание -es: go – goes, discuss – discusses, wash – washes.

Eсли глагол оканчивается на -y с предшествующей согласной, то в 3-м лице единственного числа -y изменяется на -i и прибавляется окончание -es :

study – studies, нo play – plays.

Окончание -s (-es) читается согласно следующим правилам:

[z] – после звонких согласных и гласных: decide – decides, go – goes;


[s] – после глухих сoгласных: help – helps;

[iz] – после шипящих и свистящих согласных: finish – finishes; Вопросительная форма в Present Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола do (does в 3-м лице единственного числа), который ставится перед подлежащим, причем следует помнить, что окончание -s (-es) в 3-м лице единственного числа исчезает при нали-

чии вспомогательного глагола does.

e.g. Do you go to work every day? Does she often visit her relatives in the village?

Краткий ответ в любом времени предполагает (после yes или no) повторение глагола, с которого начинается вопрос.

e.g. Do you work?

Yes, I do.

Does he work on your farm?

No, he doesn’t.

Is he a student?

Yes, he is.

Отрицательная форма Present Simple образуется припомощи вспомогательного глагола do (does) с частицей not.

e.g. I do not (don’t) meet him very often. He does not (doesn’t) write letters every week.

Причем, следует помнить, что окончание -s (-es) в 3-м лице единственного числа исчезает при наличии вспомогательного глагола does.

Глагол to be и модальные глаголы не требуют вспомогательного глагола:

e.g. Can he speak English well? He cannot speak English well. Are they agronomists? They are not agronomists.

Грамматические упражнения

11. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Simple.

1.Everybody in our family (to help) Mummy about the house. Dad (to walk) the dog, I (to water) the flowers, and my brothers (to clean) the rooms.

2.I (not to understand) that man because I (not to know) English.

3.Pat’s mother (to teach) students.

4.When it (to be) cold, we (to put on) warm clothes.

5.We (to have) lectures and tutorials every day.

6.Our family (to like) to watch TV in the evening.

12. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол.

а) do b) does c) is d) are e) have (has) f) can

1. .… you help your mother about the house?

2.When … your mother’s birthday?

3.… he like to spend week-ends in town or in the country?


4.Your parents aren’t farmers, … they?

5.Who … your teacher of English?

6.… you speak a foreign language?

7.Who … you discuss your problems with?

8.… she any English books at home?

13. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Она не любит писать письма.

2.Они часто навещают вас?

3.Мой друг работает в нашем колхозе.

4.Мы не ходим туда каждое утро.

5.Наш учитель говорит по-английски и по-французски.

Грамматический комментарий

Порядок слов в английском предложении

(Word Order)

Повествовательное предложение в английском языке имеет строгий порядок слов: подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение (косвенное: кому?, прямое: кого? что?, предложное), обстоятельство (места, времени):

e.g. I saw her in the library yesterday.

Обстоятельство времени может стоять перед подлежащим. e.g. Yesterday I saw her in the library.

Обстоятельства, выраженные наречиями always, often, sometimes, seldom и другими, обычно стоят перед смысловым глаголом.

e.g. I often see her in the library.

Ho: He is always happy (после глагола to be).

Вопросительное предложение имеет обратный порядок слов, т.е. перед подлежащим ставится вспомогательный глагол.

e.g. Do you often see her in the library? Can you help me?

14. Употребите в предложениях наречия, данные в скобках, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

1.Tom goes to work by car (always).

2.They are late (never).

3.Ann doesn’t drink tea (often).

4.Do you watch TV in the evenings (usually)?

5.I have dinner at home (seldom).

15. Составьте предложения.

1.Music, likes, very, classical, my mother, much.

2.Time, he, in, always, come, his, to, does, classes?


3.Week, Ann, her, to, writes, a letter, parents, every.

4.Breakfast, have, you, usually, do, fruit, or, for, vegetables?

5.You, what , don’t, I, understand, mean.

6.Works, large, a, California, he, for, company, in.

Тематический словарь

age [eɪdʒ] возраст

for ages – давно, целую вечность

My grandparents are old-age (по возрасту) pensioners. I haven’t seen you for ages.

aunt [a:nt] тетя

My aunt lives not far from Minsk.

to be married [΄mxrɪd] быть женатым

My elder brother is married.

to be single [sɪNgl] быть холостым

All the students in our group are single.

to be divorced [dɪvO:st] быть в разводе

My parents are divorced and I live with my mother.

cousin [kAzn] двоюродный брат (сестра ) Helen is my cousin. I have two more cousins.

to do well at school хорошо учиться в школе

Did you do well at school?

energetic [ˌenq΄dʒetɪk] энергичный

He is a very energetic man.

hostel [΄hOstql] общежитие

Many students from our university live in hostels.

husband [΄hAzbqnd] муж

Her husband is a tall man with fair hair.

to look after заботиться

She looks after her old parents.

to look like выглядеть

What does your mother look like ? mother-in-law [lO:] свекровь,теща

father-in-law свекор, тесть

Her father and mother-in-law are pensioners.


nationality [ˌnxʃq΄nxlɪtɪ] национальность

What is your nationality? – I’m Belarusian.

nephew [΄nevju:] племянник

Their nephew is a first-year student.

niece [ni:s] племянница

My sister has got a small daughter. She is my niece.

occupation [ˌOkj΄peɪSn] занятие, род деятельности

What is your brother’s occupation? – He is a businessman.

relatives [΄relqtɪvz] родственники

Close relatives (близкие родственники), distant relatives (дальние родственники).

I have many close and distant relatives.

sociable [΄squSqbl] общительный

My sister is very sociable and she has many friends.

surname [΄sq:neɪm] фамилия

His surname is Kovalyonok.

uncle ANkl] дядя

Your father’s brother is your uncle, isn’t he?

wife [waɪf] жена

A housewife (домохозяйка). They are husband and wife. His mother is a housewife.

16. Прочитайте текст и расскажите о семье Ольги.

About Myself аnd My Family

My name is Olga Klimuk. I am Belarusian. I was born on October 10,1992 in the village of Valevka, Novogrudok district, Grodno region.

I finished our village secondary school. I did well at school. My favourite subjects were botany and biology. My dream was to enter the Agrarian University in Grodno.

Now I am a first-year student of this university. I study with great interest. I’m going to be an agronomist.

I live in our university hostel. I’m quite sociable and have got many friends. We spend a lot of time together. I like to play basketball and other sport games with my friends. It helps me to keep fit. I’m also fond of reading books on history and botany.

My parents live in Valevka. Our family is not very large. I’ve got a father, a mother, an elder brother and a younger sister.


My father is fifty-three. He is a tall man with short black hair and grey eyes. He works on our collective farm as an agronomist. He is a very busy man because he has got a lot of work in spring, summer and autumn.

My mother is forty-nine. She is a very energetic woman. She is an economist on the same farm. She likes her work very much.

My brother is a programmer. He is twenty-six. He is married and has got a daughter. My brother’s wife is a teacher of botany at school.

My sister is a schoolgirl. She is in the tenth form. She is fond of mathematics and wants to be an economist like her mother.

I have also got many relatives: uncles, aunts and cousins. I often visit my family. We like to spend time together.

17.Найдите в тексте а) синонимы и б) антонимы следующих слов


а) in the country, an area, to leave school, to study well at school, I’ll be an agronomist, I like to read, much work;

б) to graduate, a younger brother, fair hair, long hair, a short man, he is single, seldom, little time.

18. Составьте предложения.

1. Fond, botany, reading, of, books, are, you, on?

2. My, like, friends, time, to, with, I, spend.

3. University, after, she, the, leaving, entered, school.

4. Village, often, grandparents, the, we, visit, in, our.

5. Going, elder, agronomist, become, is, to, brother, my, an.

19. Заполните анкету о себе.

First name _______________________

Surname _________________________

Date of birth ______________________

Place of birth _____________________

Nationality _______________________

Occupation _______________________

Address _________________________

20. Расскажите о себе и своей семье, используя следующие вопросы.

1.What is your name?

2.Are you Belarusian?

3.When and where were you born?

4.When did you finish school?

5.Did you do well at school?

6.What is your hobby?


7.What are you going to be?

8.Do you live with your parents?

9.Is your family large or small?

10.Have you got any brothers or sisters?

11.What does your father do?

12.What does he look like?

13.Your mother is an energetic woman, isn’t she?

14.How old is your sister (brother)?

15.Have you got any other close relatives?

16.Do you like to spend time with your family?

21. Переведите на английский язык.

Моему брату 31 год. Он женат. Он живет вместе с тестем и тещей. У него двое детей: сын и дочь. Я люблю играть с ними, потому что они очень забавные. Его жена Нина не работает. Она домохозяйка. Ее родители – пенсионеры. Нина заботится о детях и о своих родителях. Они живут очень дружно.

22. Прочитайте диалог по ролям. Расскажите, что вы узнали о семье Линды.

An Interview with Linda

I = Interviewer L = Linda

I Hello, Linda. Thank you for agreeing to do this interview, especially as I believe you’re studying for your exams at the moment.

L Yes, I am. But I’m happy to do the interview.

I Now, the questions. First of all, where do you come from? L Oxford, in England.

I And where do you live?

L At home with my mother. You see, my parents are divorced.

I Oh! I’m sorry about that. Erm … have you got any brothers or sisters?

L Yes, I have. I’ve got a brother. I Is he older than you?

L No, he’s younger. He’s twelve.

I And what’s he doing at the moment?

L Well, he’s either playing football or watching TV. That’s what he always does after school.

I And where does your father live?

L He lives in Scotland, near Edinburgh. I How often do you see him?

L Well, we see him quite often. We spend every school holiday with him.


I Now a final question, Linda. What do you do in your free time? L I listen to music, especially pop music.

I That’s great, Linda. I’ve got all the information I need. Thank you very much.

23. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.Who is the text about?

2.Where was he born?

3.Where did he study?

4.When did he become Doctor of Physics and Mathematics?

5.What are his fundamental works about?

6.When was Zhores Alferov awarded a Nobel Prize?

7.What other Belarusians famous worldwide do you know?


Alferov Zhores Ivanovich

Zhores Alferov, an outstanding Russian scientist, was born in Belarus, on March 15,1930 in Vitebsk. In 1952 he graduated from the Department of Electronics of the Electrotechnical Institute in Leningrad.

Alferov took a great interest in Physics while still at the institute. He worked at the Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technics as an engineer, as a researcher, as a head of department. Since 1987 Alferov has been Director of the Institute.

In 1961 he defended his doctoral dissertation and became Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. In 1979 he became a Full Member of the USSR (Russian) Academy of Sciences.

Alferov is the author of the fundamental works on Physics of semiconductors (полупроводники). He is also the author of 50 inventions, of three monographs and more than 350 scientific articles in national and international magazines.

Since 1989 he has been the Vice-President of the USSR (Russian) Academy of Sciences and the President of its St.Petersburg Scientific Centre. In 1995 Alferov was elected a member of the State Duma. He is married and has got a daughter and a son.

For his research Professor Zh.I.Alferov has been awarded a number of national and international prizes. In 2000 Zhores Alferov was awarded a Nobel Prize for his great contribution to Physics. Today there are few names in the history of Physics that are his equal (равный).


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