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canteen [kxn΄ti:n] – буфет, столовая

I usually have breakfast in a canteen.

a hall of residence [΄rezIdqns] –– общежитие syn. a hostel

I live in a comfortable hall of residence in Pushkin Street.

rent [΄rent] – aрендовать, снимать

”For Rent” (cдается внаем) was written on the door of the house.

comprise [kqm΄prаIz] – включать, охватывать, содержать

This dictionary comprises 40,000 words.

staff [sta:f] – штат служащих, служебный персонал, кадры, личный состав

He is on the staff of a newspaper.

to be engaged in smth – заниматься чем-либо

I am engaged in a discussion.

to be at one’s disposal [dIs΄pquz(e)1] – быть в распоряжении коголибо

A lot of foreign journals are at my disposal.

to graduate (from) [΄grxdjueIt] – окончить (вуз) My sister has graduated from the University this year.

16. Переведите на русский язык.

Agrarian, history, museum, faculty, agronomy, department, protection, economics, practice, combine(v), lecture, classes, laboratory, condition, seminar, gymnasium (gym), stadium, computer, subject, mathematics (maths), chemistry, biology, physics, informatics, morphology, qualified, professors, staff, problem, process, agricultural, engineers, economists, ecological.

17. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.Where can you learn many interesting things about your University?

2.How are classes organized here?

3.Where do students live?

4.What faculties and departments are there at the University?

5.Do students have favourable conditions for their studies?

Our University

My name is Boris. I am a first-year student of the Agrarian University in the town of Grodno. The University is rather old (it was founded in 1951) and has already got its own history, customs and traditions. You will learn


many interesting things about our University if you visit the University Museum.

Some 7,000 young people get their education here. There are 7 faculties at the University: the Agronomical Faculty, the Biotechnological one, the Faculties of Plant Protection, Economics, the Engineering Technology Faculty, the Veterinary Medicine one and the Accounting Faculty. Besides, it has the Preparatory Department and the Correspondence one. As you can see, they practise here both a full-time education and education by correspondence.

Most of the students do not need to pay for their studies and even receive monthly state grants, though a certain number of young people enjoy a fee-paying education. The studies here are organized in 2 shifts. The University teaching combines lectures, practical classes and seminars. We have 3 or 4 classes every day. The students have rather favourable conditions for studies here: lecture-halls, some computer rooms, gyms, a stadium, canteens, 2 reading halls are at their disposal. The students of our University live in comfortable halls of residence or rent rooms in town.

Our University Curriculum comprises a lot of subjects. We study maths, history, foreign languages, chemistry, physics, biology, ecological problems, informatics being first-year students. Later we do many special subjects: morphology, breeding, economics, plant growing, dairying and many more. Their choice depends on the faculty and our future speciality. Highly-qualified tutors and professors work at the University. Most members of the academic staffs devote their time to research. Post-graduate students are engaged in research too.

Every year we write our ‘course papers’ on different problems in the agricultural process. Many full-time students become members of the Students’ Scientific Society.

After graduating from the University young people go to work to different parts of Belarus as agronomists, stock-breeding engineers, economists, veterinary surgeons and food technologists.


enjoy a fee-paying education – зд. получать платное образова-

ние; curriculum [kq΄rIkjulqm] – учебный план (университета); tutor [΄tju:tq] – преподаватель, ведущий практические занятия (в англ. уни-

верситетах); post-graduate [΄pqust΄grxdjuIt] students – аспиранты

18. Найдите в тексте полные предложения, прочитайте их и переведите.

1.… and many more.

2.… and our future speciality.

3.… work at the University.


4.… in research too.

5.… the Students’ Scientific Society.

6.… economists, veterinary surgeons and food technologists.

19. Составьте предложения, соединив две части.

1. The Agrarian University…

a) … Belarusian national economy

2. The students have good condi-

with farm experts.

tions for studies: …

b) … live in halls of residence or

3. The students of the University …

rent rooms in town.

4. Our University Curriculum com-

c) … a lot of subjects necessary for


our future work.

5. Full-time students have …

d) … educational and training prac-

6. The Agrarian University supplies …

tice on the experimental farms of


the University.


e) … lecture-halls, modern labs,


computer rooms, stadiums, a library,


gyms and reading halls are at their




f) … was founded in 1951.

20. Выразите свое мнение, используя фразы согласия / несогласия.

It’s true. / You are right.

It’s false. / It is not so.

1.Grodno Agrarian University is very old.

2.Some 5 thousand young people study here.

3.There are 7 faculties and 2 departments at the University.

4.Education is free of charge at the University.

5.The studies here are organized in 2 shifts.

6.All students live in halls of residence.

7.All students get grants here.

21. Спросите своего друга.

1.… about the subjects he (she) studies here;

2.… what the students are going to be after graduating from the University;

3.… what subject he (she) likes(or dislikes) to study and why;

4.… if he (she) is going to join the Students Scientific Society;

5.… if it is difficult for her (him) to be a University student;

6.… if he (she) is happy to be a student.

22.Расскажите (напишите) своему другу о вашем университете.

23.Прочитайте диалог и выберите из него информацию о сельскохозяйственной Академии в Горках.


A group of foreign students who are about to spend 5 years in the Belarusian Agricultural Academy have arrived in Gorki. They are having a talk with the Vice-Dean of the Foreign Students’ Faculty.


You have travelled many miles to come here. Well, it


shows how important you consider education.


And it just shows how right our choice is to come to


Belarus instead of going to other country. We’ve heard


much about your Academy, but there must be some-


thing we don’t know. Certainly you have many agri-


cultural departments which train highly skilled special-


ists for farming, haven’t you?


Exactly. Let me explain. The Academy trains farm


experts in ten specialities: agronomy, zootechnology,


economy and organization of agricultural production,


farm mechanization and other specialities.


Well, we have to decide which faculty will be better


for us. Do you have opportunities for teaching students


practical skills?


Oh, yes, you’ve asked me a serious question and I’ll


try to answer it. Much attention is paid to acquiring


practical skills by future specialists. The Academy has


excellent facilities for this: the Experimental Agricul-


tural Farm, the Machine Tractor Park, the Experimen-


tal Animal Breeding Farm, different laboratories with


modern equipment, the machine training ground and a


Biotechnology Laboratory.


Well, I don’t really understand if students have real op-


portunities for scientific research work.


Certainly. That’s what I was going to mention. The


students attend lectures and write their diploma papers


based on the results of their research work.


As far as I understand the Academy supplies all branch-


es of national economy with farm experts.


That’s right.

24. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы: Have you learnt anything new about Oxford? What is it?


Our journalist is an Oxford graduate. This is what she has told us. Oxford is a beautiful city on the river Thames about fifty miles from

London. Oxford is old and historical. It has existed since 912. The uni-


versity was established in 1249. Most of the 39 Oxford colleges are fine buildings of grey and yellow stone.

Oxford is known for its specific system of education. Great emphasis is laid on tutorials. Each student has a tutor who gives personal instructions to the students. Every week the tutor and the students meet to discuss the work they have done, to criticize it in detail and to set the next week’s work. The students of Oxford make up the most elite [ei΄li:t] elites in the world. Many great men studied there: Milton, Cromwell, Newton; members of the Royal family were educated here too.The university “family” has more than 9,000 members.

You can see the charm of Oxford in the green fields and parks which surround the city. You can see it in the lawns and gardens surrounding the colleges which are fine buildings of grey and yellow stone. You can see the charm of Oxford in the river Thames and its streams which pass near the city.

Do you know that the name Oxford means the part of the river Thames where the oxen (cattle) forded (crossed)?

25. Прочитайте следующую информацию и ответьте на вопрос после текста.

There are 44 universities in Britain.

The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from the 12th and 13th centuries.

University degree courses usually extend over 3 or 4 years, but in medicine, dentistry and veterinary service 5 or 6 years are needed.

About 45 % of Britain’s full-time university students take arts or social studies courses, 41 % science and technology, about 10 % study medicine, dentistry, vet. service and so on.

Admission to the University is by examination and selection.

Women are admitted on equal terms with men.

The word ‘University’, like the word ‘College’ meant originally a society of people with a common employment.

Questions: Are the things the same in your country? Discuss with the students in your group.

Отдыхай с пользой

26.Подберите к английским пословицам их русские эквиваленты.

1.No man is born wise or learned. 1. Грамоте учиться – всегда приго-


Live and learn.



It is never too late to learn.


Знание – не ремень, за плечами


Money spent on the brain is

не носить.

never spent in vain.


Век живи – век учись.


Knowledge is no burden.


Учиться никогда не поздно.




Всезнайки не родятся.


Урок 4


Фонетика: Гласные звуки [u:], [u]. Согласные звуки [f], [v].

Грамматика: Множественное число существительных. Прошедшее простое время. Указательные и возвратные местоимения.

Разговорная тема: «Еда».

Фонетические упражнения

1. Прочитайте слова с долгим гласным [u:] и кратким [u].





















2. Прочитайте следующие парыслов. Обратите внимание насмыслоразличительную функцию долготы звука в словах.

fool [fu:l] (глупый) food [fu:d] (пища) pool [pu:l] (лужа)

full [ful] (полный) foot [fut] (нога) pull [pul] (тянуть)

3. Прочитайте слова с согласными [f], [v].













4. Прочитайте следующие парыслов. Обратите внимание насмыслоразличительную функцию звуков [f] и [v] в словах.



fox [fOks] (лиса)

vox [vOks] (голос)

few [fju:] (несколько)

view [vju:] (вид)

fast [fa:st] (быстрый)

vast [va:st] (обширный)

5. Прочитайте следующие пары слов. Обратите внимание на одинаковое звучание, но разное значение данных слов.

fir [fə:] (ель) for [fO:] (за)

fowl [faul] (домашняя птица)

fur [fə:] (мех) four [fO:] (четыре)

foul [faul] (отвратительный)


flower [flauə] (цветок)

flour [flauə] (мука)

flue [flu:] (дымоход)

flew [flu:] (Past Simple от гл. to fly)


Суффиксы -hood, -ship образуют от существительных другие существительные с более общим значением.

brother (брат) – brotherhood (братство) man (мужчина) – manhood (мужество)

comrade (товарищ) – comradeship (товарищество)

6. Переведите следующие производные слова с суффиксами -hood, -ship.

a) sisterhood, womanhood, boyhood, girlhood, bachelorhood, babyhood, childhood;

b) ownership, authorship, professorship, teachership, relationship, scholarship, studentship.

7. Образуйте существительные с суффиксами -hood, -ship.

-hood: author, lady, monk, daughter, priest, neighbour;

-ship: sportsman, dictator, friend, president, chairman, general.

8. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя суффиксы -ship, -hood.

-ship: членство, товарищество, директорство, руководство, ученость, собственность.

-hood: мужество, братство, материнство, холостая жизнь, девичество, младенчество, детство, отрочество.

Грамматический комментарий

Множественное число существительных

(The Plural of Nouns)

1. Большинство существительных в английском языке имеют во множественномчислеокончание-s, котороепроизноситсякак[s] после глухих согласных и как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных.

e.g. week – weeks [wi:ks]

head – heads [hedz]

lip – lips[lIps]

boy – boys [bOIz]

2. Существительные, оканчивающиеся на o, s(s), x, ch, tch, sh, z, имеют во множественном числе окончание -es, которое произносится

как [iz]:

bush– bushes [΄buʃIz]

e.g. box– boxes [΄bOksIz]

Примечание: у некоторых существительных буквосочетание ch читается как [k]. К ним относятся существительные epoch (эпоха),


stomach (желудок), monarch (монарх). Вомножественном числе к ним прибавляется -s.

Прибавляя к существительным окончание -s(-es), следует помнить

правила орфографии:

e.g. wolf – wolves (кроме существительных gulf, belief, chief, roof, safe, handkerchief) country – countries, но day – days

3. Некоторые существительные образуют множественное число не

по правилам.


e.g. man – men

goose – geese

woman – women

mouse – mice

tooth – teeth

ox – oxen

foot – feet

child – children

4. Ряд существительных имеют одинаковую форму в единственном и множественном числе.

e.g. sheep (овца) – sheep (овцы) deer (олень) – deer (олени) fish (рыба) – fish (рыбы)

swine (свинья) – swine (свиньи)

species [΄spi:ʃi:z] – (вид, род, порода) – species (виды)

Грамматические упражнения

9. Поставьтеследующиесуществительныевомножественномчисле.

Branch, box, swine, deer, pie, journey, man, knife, sheep, wolf, hero, daughter, lie, truth, goose, child, bush, hen, zoo, roof, church, job, degree, safe, dictionary, stomach, loaf, valley, possibility, plant, tooth, mountain, dish, calf, cow.

10. Поставьте следующие существительные в единственном числе.

Glasses, people, shoes, ladies, teeth, keys, cargoes, children, boxes, tomatoes, bushes, feet, mice, trays, leaves, umbrellas, gentlemen, zeros, chiefs, chairs, brushes, women, coats, loaves, tigers, chickens, watches, calves, villages, flies, tongues, knees, eyes.

11. Заполнитепропускиданныминижесуществительнымивомножественном числе.

goose, sheep, deer, leaf, shelf, tooth, thief

1.The baby is getting several new … .

2.I need more … for my books.

3.The police are looking for three … .

4.The Burtons have 50 … and 200 … on their farm.

5.… are eating … off the trees.


12. Поставьте предложения во множественном числе.

1.She is a pretty girl of fourteen years old. 2. A goose is a bird. 3. A puppy is a little dog. 4. A bear is stronger than a wolf. 5. A cow gives milk.

6.There is a deer on the hill. 7. A fly is an insect. 8. The play is interesting.

9.Give me the key. 10. A sportsman breaks records.

13.Поставьте предложения в единственном числе.

1.My teeth ache. 2. There are interesting flies in Nick’s collection.

4.These families are happy. 5. The sheep are grazing. 6. Friends of mine are coming to stay at the week-end. 7. Tom’s parents are very nice people.

8.Whales are mammals but they live in the sea. 9. The oxen are in the yard.

10.What are the chances of success?

Грамматический комментарий

Прошедшее простое время

(The Past Simple Tense)

Прошедшее простое время (Past Simple) употребляется для выражения обычного, регулярно повторяющегося действия или для выражения ряда последовательных действий в прошлом.

С Past Simple часто используются следующие наречия и обороты речи: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week (month, year), a week (month, year) ago.

В Past Simple глаголы употребляются во второй форме. Правильные глаголы образуют вторую форму при помощи добавления окончания -ed к начальной форме глагола во всех лицах. Вторую форму неправильных глаголов нужно смотреть в сводной таблице неправильных глаголов. Формы наиболее употребительных неправильных глаголов необходимо заучивать наизусть.

e.g. I worked in the garden yesterday. I met him in the street last week.

Отрицательная форма Past Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола did с частицей not. Основной глагол употребляется в начальной форме.

e.g. He did not (didn’t) speak English.

Вопросительная форма Past Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола did, который ставится перед подлежащим. Основной глагол употребляется в начальной форме.

e.g. Did you like yesterday’s film.

Глагол to be в Past Simple имеет две формы was (ед. ч.), were (мн. ч). Вспомогательныйглаголdid дляпостроениявопросовиотрицаний в предложениях с глаголом to be в Past Simple не используется.

e.g. Were you at home yesterday?


Грамматические упражнения

14. Употребите в предложениях следующие глаголы в Past Simple.

hurt, teach, spend, sell, throw, fall, catch, buy, cost

e.g. I was hungry, so I bought something to eat in the shop.

1.Tom’s father ... him how to drive when he was 17.

2.Don ... down the stairs this morning and ... his leg.

3.We needed some money so we ... our car.

4.Ann ... a lot of money yesterday. She ... a dress which ... 50 $.

5.Jim ... the ball to Sue who ... it.

15. Вашдругтолькочтовернулсясканикул. Задайтеемунесколько вопросов.

e.g. where / go?

Where did you go?

food / good?

Was the food good?

1)how long / stay there?

2)stay in a hotel?

3)go alone?

4)how / travel?

5)the weather / fine?

16. Употребите предложения в Past Simple.

e.g. Tom usually gets up at 7. (yesterday) Yesterday he got up at 7.

1.Tom usually wakes up early. (yesterday morning)

2.Tom generally has a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. (yesterday)

3.Tom usually walks to work. (yesterday)

4.He is sometimes late for work. (2 days ago)

5.Tom is always busy at work. (yesterday)

6.He usually goes out in the evening. (last night)

17. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по образцу.

e.g. Why didn’t you phone me on Tuesday? (be away)

I didn’t phone you on Tuesday because I was away.

1.Why wasn’t Jane interested in the book? (not understand it).

2.Why didn’t you rush? (have enough time to reach the station).

3.Why didn’t you eat anything? (not be hungry).

4.Why didn’t Tom go to work yesterday? (not be very well).

5.Why didn’t Jimmy shave this morning? (not have time).

6.Why didn’t they come to the party? (be very busy)

18. Поставьте общие вопросы, используя слова в скобках.

e.g. Several years ago my family went on a camping holiday in France. (enjoy)

Did the family enjoy staying there?


Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык