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15. Пассивный (страдательный) залог.

Passive voice

1. Сравните образование и употребление видо-временных форм глаголов действительного и страдательного залогов. Переведите предложения.

The Active Voice The Passive voice

They usually close the shop at 8. The shop is usually closed at 8.

They closed the shop at 8 yesterday. The shop was closed at 8 yesterday

They will close the shop at 8. The shop will be closed at 8.

I wrote the letter. The letter was written by me.

We study many interesting Many interesting subjects are

subjects at the institute. studied by us at the institute.

We shall finish the work tomorrow. The work will be finished by us tomorrow.

2. Измените по лицам глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях.

  1. I am asked.

  2. I was given the opportunity to do this work.

  3. I shall be invited.

3. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.

  1. The postman has already brought the letters.

  2. I often send letters to my friend.

  3. The teacher gave us much homework yesterday.

  4. I saw that somebody had broken the vase.

  5. The teacher will answer you questions.

  6. They will have done the exercise by 5 o’clock.

  7. We have chosen a beautiful place for our picnic.

  8. The students of this group usually write tests successfully.

  9. Don’t go into that room. My mother is washing the floor there.

  10. When I came in they were discussing my project.

  11. They spent a lot of time on that work.

  12. I’m afraid I will forget his name.

  13. When I came to this city they were finishing the construction of a new bridge.

  14. You made some mistakes in your translation.

  15. They are speaking about “Titanic” now.

  16. My father always looks through morning newspapers.

  17. I will follow the doctor’s advice.

4. Определите по формальным признакам, в каких из данных предложений глагол употреблен в пассивном залоге. Переведите эти предложения.

  1. The engineer was asked to test a new device.

  2. The committee is considering several new proposals.

  3. The company has already ordered some new equipment.

  4. The president has been called this morning.

  5. The results of the last experiment were constantly referred to by the professor.

  6. The child is being looked for by his grandmother.

  7. He has never been there before.

  8. The light has just changed from green to red.

  9. The construction of the road was being completed when the commission arrived.

  10. He will be allowed to use the mobile equipment.

5. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках, в нужном времени (Indefinite или Continuous Passive).

  1. Tziolkovsky (to be elected) a member of the Academy of Sciences.

  2. Much attention (to be paid) to research work in our country.

  3. He (to be asked) now.

  4. A new bridge across the Oka (to be built) when I came to Gorki.

  5. At the Institute the students (to be taught) many different subjects.

  6. The children of Sparta (to be given) military education.

  7. In Athens special attention (to be paid) to reading, writing and literature.

  8. Next year a new school (to be built) near our house.

  9. Take the book home so that you (to be able) to read it in the evening.

  10. The new device (to be tested) for 2 hours before the engineer came and stopped the experiment.

  11. When I came to Baku in 1962 the 1-st Mertro line (to be built) there.

  12. I don’t know who (to be examined) now.

  13. The new apparatus (to be installed) at the plant.

  14. All the necessary information (to be stored) in the computer.

  15. He (to be interested) in history since his childhood.

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