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12. Переведите.

  1. Когда вы обычно завтракаете? – Я завтракаю в 7 или в 7:30.

  2. У вашей мамы часто болит голова? – Нет, у нее бывают головные боли, только когда у нее слишком много работы.

  3. Не сиди дома. Сходи погуляй. – У меня нет времени. У меня очень много домашней работы.

  4. Почему вы ужинаете так поздно?

  5. Сколько лекций у него сегодня? – Если я не ошибаюсь, у него нет лекций.

  6. У нее есть английские книги дома? – Да, у нее несколько английских книг.

  7. У нас нет вопросов.

  8. Сколько у вас братьев и сестер? – У меня одна сестра.

  9. У меня нет компьютера дома.

  10. У него много друзей? – Нет, у него мало друзей.

  11. У вашего друга есть машина? – Да. – Какая у него машина? – Жигули.

  12. Какая у них квартира? – У них большая квартира в центре города.

  13. У нее сейчас очень мало денег.

  14. Какого цвета их новая машина? – Белая. – И сколько у них машин? – Две.

  15. Сколько у вашей сестры кошек? – У нее нет кошек. У нее две собаки.

13. Употребите глаголы be или have в утвердительной или отрицательной форме.


Helen 1)… fourteen. She2)… at a very nice school. She3)… interested in the lessons – there4)… only two teachers that she doesn’t like – and she5)… got lots of friends. The school6)… twenty km from Helen’s house, so she gets up early. She7)… a quick wash and then she8)… breakfast – cereal and fruit juice if she9)… hungry. There10)… a school bus but if it11)… very cold her mother takes her by car. In the evenings she12)… school work. She13)… much difficulty with it, so she usually finishes quickly.

Then she 14)… supper. At ten o’clock she15)… a bath and goes to bed.

On Saturdays and Sundays she gets up at 12.00, 16)… a quick lunch and goes straight to her computer games.

b) Верны или неверны эти высказывания? Если неверны – исправьте.

1. Helen isn’t interested in lessons because she doesn’t like teachers at school.

2. The school is not far from her house.

3. If she isn’t hungry, she doesn’t have breakfast.

4. She has some problems with school work.

5. At ten o’clock she has a shower and goes to bed.

6. At the weekends she has a lot of work to do.

14. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим пословицам. Поясните их значение.

1. Every cloud has a silver lining.

2. Every dog has his day.

3. Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.

4. Every man has a fool in his sleeve.

5. Every medal has its reverse.

6. Every family has a black sheep.

15. Найдите эквиваленты следующим идиомам. Раскройте их смысл.

1. to have a sweet tooth

2. to have eyes at the back of one’s head

3. to have eyes only for smb.

4. to have question out with smb.

5. to have nothing on smb.

6. to let smb. have it

10. There is (Are)

1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на особенности перевода оборота there is / there are.

  1. There are many museums in our city.

  2. There are many good students in our group.

  3. There is much work now.

  4. There are 5 mistakes in your dictation.

  5. There is a little cat in the street.

  6. Are there any cinemas in your home town?

  7. There is an interesting lecture on literature today.

  8. There is always much light in this room.

  9. There is always much work to do about the house

  10. Upstairs in the house there are 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and a study. Downstairs in the house there is a hall, a kitchen, a living room and the second bathroom. In the living room there is a sofa to the right of the door. Opposite the sofa there is a TV set. There is a stereo near the TV set. There is also a telephone table at the door. In my bedroom there is a bed, a wardrobe and a computer table. There is a big window in my room.

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