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16. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Past Indefinite или Present Perfect.

  1. I (to be) never to this city.

  2. I (to be) in this city last year.

  3. You (to be) ever to England?

  4. You (to be) in England last year?

  5. We (to finish) already our design.

  6. I (to finish) my design last week.

  7. I (to see) the dean today.

  8. I (to see) the dean last night.

  9. When you (to finish) school?

  10. You (to read) this book?.

  11. When you (to read) this book?

  12. I (to see) just him, he must be somewhere here.

  13. We (to make) three reports this month.

  14. I (to make) the report a few days ago.

  15. He already (to graduate) from the Institute.

16. Исправьте ошибки, где это необходимо.

  1. Tom arrived last week.

  2. Have you seen Pam last week?

  3. I have finished my work.

  4. I have finished my work at 2 o’clock.

  5. When have you finished your work?

  6. George has left school three years ago.

  7. Where’s Ann? She’s gone to the cinema.

  8. Napoleon Bonaparte has died in 1821.

  9. Have you ever been to Britain?

  10. I haven’t seen you at the party on Saturday.

  11. The weather has been very bad last week.

17. Заполните пробелы глаголами в нужном времени: Present Perfect или Past Simple.

  1. My friend is a writer. She has written (write) many books.

  2. We didn’t have (not / have) a holiday last year.

  3. Did you see (you / see) Alan last week?

  4. I ... (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.

  5. What time ... (you /go) to bed last night?

  6. ... (you / ever / be) to the United States?

  7. My hair is clean. I ... (wash) it.

  8. I ... (wash) my hair before breakfast this morning.

  9. When I was a child, I ... (not / like) sport.

  10. Kathy loves travelling. She ... (visit) many countries.

  11. John works in a bookshop. He ... (work) there for three years.

  12. Last year we ... (go) to Finland for a holiday. We ... (stay) there for three weeks.

18. Переведите.

  1. Инженер только что ушел домой.

  2. Она дважды опоздала на этой неделе.

  3. Я не был в кино с сентября.

  4. Вы еще не видели этот новый фильм?

  5. Мне нравится эта песня, но я никогда не слышал её раньше.

  6. В последнее время я очень занят.

  7. Он работает в школе с тех пор, как окончил Университет.

  8. Вы уже видели этот фильм? – Да, я видел его в прошлый понедельник.

  9. Никто еще не пришел.

  10. Я не встречала его весны.

  11. Начинается дождь. Ты взяла зонтик?

  12. С тех пор, как мы приехали сюда, погода стоит ужасная.

  13. Когда ты видел ее в последний раз? – Я не видел ее с начала января. Говорят, она очень занята в последнее время.

  14. Почему ты еще не выпил лекарство?

14.3.2. Прошедшее совершенное время.

Past perfect tense

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

  1. The rain had begun before we arrived home.

  2. We saw the film after we had read the book.

  3. My brother went to Leningrad after he had passed his examinations.

  4. We had accepted their invitation before we learnt the news.

  5. We were sure that Ann had begun learning English.

  6. She had written the report by 6 o’clock.

  7. The meeting had been over by 7.30.

  8. He said that he had attended the meeting that day.

  9. I had booked the ticket before I got the letter.

  10. We knew that you had gone sightseeing.

  11. We thought that the city had made a great impression on you.

  12. He thanked me for what I had done for him.

  13. After I had heard the news, I hurried to see him.

  14. When we arrived, the meeting had already begun.

  15. He died after he had been ill for a long time.

  16. The secretary asked why we had come so early.

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