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16. Teaching methods. What are they? What teaching methods are the most effective?

Teaching is defined as the interaction of a teacher and children over a subject.

Teaching will become more effective when we consciously choose to employ teaching strategies, when we broaden our repertory of methods such as: training and coaching (developing basic and advanced skills by using clear objectives), lecturing and explaining (presenting information in ways that it can be easily processed and remembered); inquiry and discovery (teaching thinking skills, problem-solving, and creativity through inquiry and discovery); groups and teams (sharing information and exploring altitudes, opinions, and beliefs through group processes), experience and reflection (enabling students to reflect on learning that takes place in work settings, internships, travel, or outdoor activities).

17. The role of play in child development. What skills are formed in children in a creativity and art center?

Play is extremely important for children. During play, children are free to experiment, attempt and try out possibilities. Play offers children opportunities to master their environment. When children play, they are in command; they use their imagination and power of choice to determine the conditions of play. In an environment where children are allowed to discover independently, at their own pace and in their own unique way, they are more likely to become enthusiastic, inquisitive learns. The following describes the unique learning that takes place in the block, language, creativity, and dramatic play, math, and science centers.

Creativity and art center. It can be difficult to understand how the mass of lines and colours a child creates is part of the learning process. When children choose and gather paper, scissors, and crayons, they learn decision-making skills such as how to implement their ideas and how to follow through on a task. When children create with paint, they learn to mix colors and use their own ideas while exploring and discovering consequences.

18. The role of play in child development. What skills are formed in children in a language and dramatic play centers?

Play is extremely important for children. During play, children are free to experiment, attempt and try out possibilities. Play offers children opportunities to master their environment. When children play, they are in command; they use their imagination and power of choice to determine the conditions of play. In an environment where children are allowed to discover independently, at their own pace and in their own unique way, they are more likely to become enthusiastic, inquisitive learns. The following describes the unique learning that takes place in the block, language, creativity, and dramatic play, math, and science centers.

Language center. When children listen and talk about a story, they learn to love books, remember a sequence and recognize that there is a beginning, middle, and end to books and stories. When children sing as a group they learn how to participate with others, to hear and repeat rhythms, and extend their memory.

Dramatic play centers. When children put on dress-up clothes, they learn to express themselves and try out different roles. When children make “dinner” together they learn to cooperate, share, and make friends. A child who has a new sibling at home can express his or her feelings in a safe setting, and a child who is missing his or her Grandma can pretend to visit her.